(MENAFN- Live Mint) bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor told the Mumbai Police on Wednesday that the intruder who attacked her husband Saif Ali Khan early Thursday was "aggressive". Police recorded Kapoor's statement after Khan was stabbed by an intruder at his Banda house in the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday.
Khan sustained multiple injuries, including near his spine and underwent emergency surgery. He is likely to be discharged from hospital by Monday.
Also Read | Saif Ali Khan News LIVE: Attacker seen buying headphones in CCTV footage
Police recorded Kareena Kapoo statement following the attack at the Bollywood star couple's apartment in Bandra. An official told news agency PTI that Kareena, in her statement, said the intruder got very aggressive during the scuffle with Saif, stabbing him multiple times.
The intruder, however, did not touch the jewellery kept in the open, Kareena Kapoor said. Police are yet to record Saif Ali Khan's statement.
Also Read | Saif Ali Khan news: Kareena Kapoor gives statement to police; no arrest so far
After the incident, Kareena's sister, actress Karishma Kapoor, took her to her residence in Khar, the official said. The police have formed more than 30 teams to trace the attacker, who remains at large more than 48 hours after the incident.
Was thief inspired by crime web series?
According to News 18, police suspect that the way the“thief” was seen changing clothes in CCTV footage suggests that he was inspired by any crime web series.
In a CCTV footage, a man, who allegedly attacked Saif Ali Khan, was seen in changed clothes near Bandra Railway Station. He was walking with folded hands. His Fastrack bag reportedly revealed his identity.
Mumbai, Jan 16 (ANI): A viral picture of the accused who attacked actor Saif Ali Khan at his home, in Mumbai on Thursday. (ANI Photo) Also Read | Saif Ali Khan attack news: Underworld link behind incident? Minister says...
After attacking Saif Ali Khan, the accused was in the Bandra area for nearly five hours and the CCTV footage that has surfaced was recorded at 7:00 AM, News 28 reported.
Meanwhile, another CCTV footage showed the attacker purchasing headphones after stabbing the actor at his Bandra home early Thursday.
Saif's attacker is still on the run. The Mumbai Police said the accused is likely to have boarded an express train or local train and moved to someplace close to the city.
Police sources told News 18 that the thief is not looking like a professional burglar. Police reportedly failed to find any criminal record of the thief and were been able to even trace any of his family members or friends, 48 hours after the incident.
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