Wall Of Perceptions In Our Life

(MENAFN- Kashmir Observer)
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By Faria Bhat

Perception, defined as what we think or believe about someone or something, profoundly shapes our world. Often acquired through external influences, these perceptions mould our mindsets and frame our opinions. While perceptions can guide us, they also restrict us, creating barriers that limit our experiences and understanding. This“Wall of Perceptions” is evident in various aspects of life, including our views on people, communities, food, clothing, careers, and interests.


Human beings are inherently susceptible to forming prejudices. These biases, often based on limited or skewed information, influence how we interact with others. For instance, when meeting new people, we might unconsciously judge them based on preconceived notions about their background. This form of prejudice prevents genuine connections and understanding. We miss out on rich, diverse relationships by clinging to stereotypes and failing to see individuals for who they truly are.

In many cases, communities also suffer from the Wall of Perceptions. We tend to categorise people based on their community, leading to generalisations that can foster division rather than unity. Such perceptions hinder social cohesion and perpetuate discrimination, making it difficult to appreciate the unique contributions of different groups.

Career choices are another domain where perceptions hold considerable sway. Young people are often influenced by societal expectations, parental pressure, or myths about certain professions when choosing a career path.
These youngsters have preconceived notions which often deter them from pursuing fields they are genuinely passionate about, leading to unfulfilled potential and dissatisfaction.

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For example, many might avoid pursuing careers in the arts or humanities because they perceive these fields lack financial stability or societal value compared to careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

This can lead to a homogenised workforce and lack representation in various fields.

Another aspect that often gets overlooked is how we perceive mental health. The stigma surrounding mental health in society often makes it difficult for people to seek the support they truly need. Myths surrounding mental health can create harmful negative perceptions; people may be taught to fear people who have mental health disorders or to think that these people are in some way failing. These perceptions can lead to the isolation of individuals with such disorders, worsening their conditions.

If we can change or at least challenge these perceptions, then we can be hopeful of creating an environment that is largely supportive and has less stigma. This will mean people can have an open presence and kind reactions to people who have a mental health disorder, creating a healthier society.

Perceptions can influence our basic choices in life. For example, our choices in clothing are often sometimes influenced by societal perceptions. Certain colours, styles, or brands are associated with specific stereotypes or social statuses. This can limit our self-expression and adherence to personal preferences. For example, we might avoid wearing a particular colour because it is deemed unfashionable or inappropriate by societal standards.

Perception also greatly influences how we experience food, a significant part of our culture and everyday lives. Many people decide not to taste new foods based on their initial thoughts on the taste and their presumptions about ingredients. Part of what ties us to our food choices is a fear of the unknown and our comfort with familiarity. Hence, sticking to our“safe” food choices limits our ability to explore the world through our culinary experiences.

Lastly, our interests and hobbies are not immune to the Wall of Perceptions. We might avoid certain activities because they do not align with societal norms or because we fear judgment. For instance, a man interested in knitting might hesitate to pursue it due to the stereotype that it is feminine. Challenging these perceptions allows us to explore various activities that bring us joy and fulfilment.

In conclusion, perceptions create barriers to what is feasible in the world. By being aware of our preconceived notions, we can chip away at the Wall of Perceptions and help make the world more inclusive and diverse. Going on this journey of openness and acceptance will improve our personal experience and increase the chance of a more accepting, understanding world.

  • The author can be reached at [email protected]


Kashmir Observer

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