France's Tough-Talking Minister Confuses Policy On Issues Of Armenia And New Caledonia

(MENAFN- AzerNews)
Confuses Policy On Issues Of Armenia And New Caledonia Image' Width='400' Height='400'/>
Elnur Enveroglu Read more

Politics is a deep and somewhat logical field of scientificactivity, however, some points are forgotten here, and even thegolden rules are grossly violated. In this regard, the Frenchgovernment either pretends to be ignorant or considers itself amaster in world politics.

Official Paris has been overtly defending Armenia, which hadbeen occupying Azerbaijani lands for many years, and is even armingit under the threat of a new war in the South Caucasus. IfAzerbaijan is directly a regional state and if it is trying to takesteps towards resolving the conflict with Armenia, France'sinfluence to deviate Armenia from this direction is realinterference and even incitement to war.

The Azerbaijani government has repeatedly warned France aboutthis and made statements that the relations with Armenia and evenofficial Paris will be in an extremely critical situation. However,it seems that the French government cannot draw the rightconclusions from the messages given.

Minister of the Interior Gérald Moussa Darmanin has made anincomprehensible statement calling Azerbaijan's support to NewCaledonia's sovereignty an "interference".

This means that protecting the rights of the indigenouspopulation of New Caledonia, the Kanaks, is interference in theinternal affairs of France, while blatant support for the formerArmenian separatists in the Garabagh region of Azerbaijan is theprotection of Armenians.

It is a very interesting logic of the head of the FrenchMinistry of Internal Affairs, he should have read the internationallaw textbooks again, then he would understand the difference andwould not say such nonsense.

Azerbaijan, as an active member of the Non-Aligned Movement,which led this movement from 2019 to 2024, defends the rights ofthe Kanaks, who have observer status in this movement and arerecognized by the French authorities themselves, as politicalparties fighting for independence using political methods.

As regards the separatists in Garabagh, who waged armed fightagainst the legitimate authorities of Azerbaijan, they were illegalarmed groups that, with the support of the Armenian army of aneighbouring state, occupied almost 20% of the territory ofAzerbaijan, expelling more than 700 thousand indigenousAzerbaijanis from these territories.

This is what the French authorities miss in their agenda of"protecting the rights of nations".

Armenia was never subjected to any pressure from the colonialregime. Following the collapse of the Soviet empire, Armeniainitiated its policy of occupation in the territories of Azerbaijanwith the support of external forces. Nevertheless, it did not lastlonger, but it became a main concern for France, especially afterthe complete elimination of the separatist elements in Azerbaijan'sGarabagh. This is a fact, and it will remain unchanged even ifFrance struggles to accept it.



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