(MENAFN- Live Mint) Bill Gates has opened up about his divorce from Melinda Gates, describing it as his greatest regret.“That was the mistake I most regret,” the Microsoft co-founder, 69, said in a recent interview. Despite the heartache, Gates shared that he feels“more cheerful now.”
While Bill Gates acknowledged other personal failures, he placed his divorce at the top of the list.“There are others but none that matter,” he said. However, he expressed optimism about the future, noting his improved outlook.“I'm more cheerful now,” he The Times of London.
The couple, who married in 1994, announced their separation in May 2021 after 27 years of marriage. They share three children: Jennifer, 28, Rory, 25, and Phoebe, 22.
Lessons from a long partnership
Reflecting on his time with Melinda , 60, Gates noted the depth and shared experiences that come with such a long union.“There is a certain wonderfulness to spending your entire adult life with one person because of the memories and depth of things you have done and having kids together,” he said.
When the two first met in 1987 at Microsoft, Gates was already successful but not yet the global tech icon he became during their marriage.“She saw me through a lot,” he remarked, adding that their years together included raising their children and working jointly on their philanthropic foundation.
Parenting and family dynamics
While Gates aspired to emulate his parents' 45-year marriage, he admitted he fell short in some aspects.“I encouraged Melinda to be a little calmer than my mother was, but we were both quite driven,” he explained. He also acknowledged that Melinda shouldered much of the parenting responsibilities.“I spent more time with the kids than my dad did, but the ratio was still 10:1, with Melinda doing most things for the kids.”
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