(MENAFN- Live Mint) Saif Ali Khan Attacked: The auto-rickshaw driver who rushed an injured Saif Ali Khan to the Lilavati hospital in the dead of the night met the bollywood actor at his Bandra residence on Tuesday.“I was invited today, which felt really good,” said Bhajan Singh Rana to news reporters after the meeting.
According to an update shared by IANS, Bhajan Singh Rana met Saif Ali Khan after he was discharged from the hospital on January 21.
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Saif Ali Khan was discharged from the Lilavati hospital on Tuesday, five days after he was attacked by an intruder on January 16. The 'Devara' actor was seen walking back into his Bandra apartment.
Autorickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana told IANS that the Pataudi family had asked him to meet them at 3.30 pm on Tuesday. He said that he reached the household“about 4-5 minutes” late.
Rana further said that Saif Ali Khan's mother Sharmila Tagore and his children were in the apartment.
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'I told him to get well soon' “I was treated with respect... I was invited today, which felt really good. There was nothing special, it was just a normal meeting. I told him, 'Just get well soon, I had prayed for you earlier, and I will continue to pray...” Rana told reporters after meeting Saif Ali Khan .
Bhajan Singh Rana, who usually drives at night, described what happened and how he stepped in to help.
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Speaking to ANI, the driver shared that he saw a woman trying to hire an auto-rickshaw at 2 am on Thursday. Soon after he approached the scene, he saw the 'Hum Tum' actor covered in "blood," coming out of the gate, accompanied by a few others.
The actor was "bleeding" from his "neck and back", the driver said.
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"I drive my vehicle at night. It was around 2-3 am when I saw a woman trying to hire an auto, but nobody stopped. I also heard calls for a rickshaw from inside the gate. I took a U-turn and stopped my vehicle near the gate. A man covered in blood came out, along with 2-4 others. They put him in the auto and decided to go to the Lilavati hospital . I dropped them there, and later I came to know that he was Saif Ali Khan. I saw him bleeding from his neck and back," Rana told ANI.
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