2024 Third Quarter Turnover: 131.1 Million Euros

(MENAFN- GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) 2024 third quarter turnover:
131.1 million euros

Q3 2024 turnover up +4% (and +8% at constant exchange rates)

  • energy Sales: up +25% to 97.6 million euros. Strong growth thanks to production from new power plants and higher average unit selling prices (prices from early generation phase and contractual tariff indexations). The increase in production would have been greater without the current curtailment1 in Brazil, which is in line with forecasts
  • Services: -30% to 33.5 million euros (after eliminations). Temporarily unfavourable base effect in the Development, Construction and Procurement segment, partly offset by further growth in the Operation and Maintenance segment

Operational capacity indicators as of September 30, 2024

  • Capacity in operation and under construction: +15% to 3.08 gigawatts (of which 2.48 gigawatts in operation and 0.61 gigawatt under construction)
  • Capacity operated for third-party clients: +55% to 6.7 gigawatts

2024 perspectives

  • Before the impact of the curtailment in Brazil in the second half, the 2024 EBITDA target is around 255 million euros, including around 230 million euros from Energy Sales
  • During the third quarter of 2024, production curtailment in Brazil is in line with initial estimates. Since the beginning of October, lower curtailment peaks have been observed, then on October 16th, a new transmission line has been commissioned allowing to reinforce the network. If the curtailment scenario established in August continues, if despite the actions underway, Voltalia is not financially compensated in 2024, and if the average EUR/BRL exchange rate for the second half of the year is around 6, EBITDA for 2024 would be reduced by around 40 million euros, as previously announced
  • Amicable and contentious actions are being taken with the authorities to obtain financial compensation and reduce curtailment duration. Voltalia is confident in reaching a favourable outcome to these actions in the short and medium term, given the first results obtained in October
  • Confirmation of the 2024 target of around 3.3 gigawatts of capacity in operation and under construction, including around 2.5 gigawatts in operation

2027 ambitions reaffirmed

  • Capacity in operation and under construction above 5 gigawatts, including approximately 4.2 gigawatts in operation
  • Capacity operated for third-party customers above 8 gigawatts
  • Normalised EBITDA2 of around 475 million euros, including around 430 million euros from Energy Sales
  • More than 4 million tonnes of CO2 avoided
  • 100% of capacity under construction with a stakeholder engagement plan
  • 50% of solar capacity in operation located on co-used or upgraded soil
  • 35% reduction in the carbon intensity of solar power plants owned in 2030 compared with 2022

Voltalia (Euronext Paris, code ISIN: FR0011995588), an international player in renewable energies, publishes its turnover figures for the third quarter of 2024.

Sébastien Clerc, Chief Executive Officer of Voltalia, comments:

“This quarter is the fourth consecutive one with a double-digit growth in Energy Sales, reflecting the robustness and momentum of this business despite the temporarily negative situation on the Brazilian electricity grid. We are continuing to communicate effectively with the grid operator and the Brazilian authorities, with the aim of speeding up the payment of financial compensation and returning production curtailment volumes to normal. In addition, after a temporary downturn in third-party Services this quarter, the construction contracts announced since the beginning of the year and the uninterrupted growth in the Operation and Maintenance segment over the past 24 months will boost our turnover over the coming quarters."

Turnover for the third quarter (Q3) 2024 and for the first nine months (9M) 2024

In million euros3 Q3 2024 Q3 2023 Var. at current exchange rates Var. at constant exchange rates 9M 2024 9M 2023 Var. at current exchange rates Var. at constant exchange rates
Energy sales 97.6 77.9 +25% +32% 266.5 212.1 +26% +28%
Services before eliminations 96.7 136.0 -29% -28% 307.1 406.8 -25% -24%
Eliminations -63.1 -87.9 -28% -27% -193.4 -298.2 -35% -35%
Services after eliminations 33.5 48.1 -30% -30% 113.7 108.6 +5% +5%
Turnover 131.1 126.0 +4% +8% 380.1 320.7 +19% +20%


Turnover for the first nine months of 2024 totals 380.1 million euros, up by +19% and +20% at constant exchange rates. It benefits from the combined effect of +26% growth in Energy Sales, representing 70% of turnover, and +5% growth in Services for third-party customers, representing 30% of turnover. Geographically, Europe generates 58% of the turnover, Latin America 36% and Africa the remaining 6%.

Turnover for the third quarter of 2024 amounts to 131.1 million euros, up +4%, and +8% at constant exchange rates, with a +25% increase in Energy Sales and a -30% decrease in Services to third-party customers.


Q3 2024 Q3 2023 Var. Q3 long term average 9M 2024 9M 2023 Var.
Production (in GWh) 1,206 1,166 +3% 3,291 2,997 +10%
Production curtailment (GWh) 510 160
Capacity in operation (in MW) 2,475 2,046 +21%
Capacity in operation and under construction (in MW) 3,084 2,688 +15%
Wind load factor in Brazil 34% 45% -11pts 58% 30% 55% -25pts
Wind load factor in Brazil without curtailment 58% 45% +13pts 58%
Solar load factor in Brazil 20% 24% -4pts 29% 22% 33% -11pts
Solar load factor in Brazil without curtailment 32% 24% +8pts 29%
Wind load factor in France 17% 15% +2pts 15% 22% 25% -3pts
Solar load factor in France 19% 22% -3pts 22% 16% 17% -1pt
Solar load factor in Egypt and Jordan 30% 28% +2pts 26% 27% 22% +5pts
Solar load factor in the United Kingdom 20% 20% stable 21% 17% 16% +1pt

Turnover for the first nine months of 2024 from Energy Sales amounts to 266.5 million euros, up +26% at current exchange rates and +28% at constant exchange rates, compared with the same period in 2023. The average EUR/BRL exchange rate is 5.69, compared with 5.42 for the same period in 2023.

Production for the first nine months of 2024 reaches 3.3 TWh, increasing despite the curtailment effect in Brazil: +10% compared with the same period in 2023, reflecting the rapid geographical diversification carried out since 2019. Production benefits from the commissioning of new power plants, mainly in France, Portugal, Albania and Brazil, resulting in a +21% increase in the capacity in operation between the end of September 2023 and the end of September 2024.

Turnover for the third-quarter of 2024 from Energy Sales reaches 97.6 million euros, up +25% at current exchange rates and +32% at constant exchange rates, compared with the third quarter of 2023. This is the fourth consecutive quarter with a double-digit growth. In addition to the volume effect, the turnover is driven by the price effect. In the third quarter, as since the start of the year, the average unit selling prices of electricity benefits from the high prices of early generation4, mainly in Albania, and from the annual indexation of electricity prices in the vast majority of long-term electricity sales contracts.

Production in the third quarter rises by +3% to 1,206 GWh despite a very sharp, but temporary, curtailment in Brazil and the sale of power plants in France and Brazil at the end of 2023, which affects the comparable basis5:

  • In Brazil, production is down -13% due to the high level of curtailment announced in August6. The curtailment reduces quarterly production by 510 GWh, or 39% of Brazilian production, approximately the level anticipated in August. Wind and solar resources are well up on the third quarter of 2023, a year below the long-term average, unlike the third quarter of 2024. Finally, the new plants (Canudos and SSM3-6) are fully contributing and more than offset the production of the plants sold in 2023.
  • In France, production is down by -5%. The commissioning of solar power plants (Logelbach and Montclar) and wind power plant (Rives charentaises) only partly offset the disposal of power plants at the end of 2023. Wind resources are up and solar resources are down compared with the third quarter of 2023.
  • In the rest of the world, production doubles (+96%), mainly thanks to the contributions of the large power plants of Karavasta (Albania) and Garrido (Portugal), commissioned in 2023.
  • Helexia's production continues to grow very rapidly (+86%) in Europe (France, Hungary, Romania and Spain) and in Brazil. Helexia's Brazilian capacity has never been curtailed.


Turnover for the first nine months of 2024 from third-party Services, totals 113.7 million euros, up +5% at current and constant exchange rates. The Development, Construction and Equipment Procurement segment grows by +2% to 94.1 million euros, and the Operation and Maintenance segment by +18% to 19.5 million euros. Services for own account (eliminated on consolidation) amounts to 193.4 million euros, down -35% compared with the first nine months of 2023, which had seen a record level of activity, boosted by the numerous constructions of our own power plants.

Turnover for the third quarter of 2024 from third-party Services (after eliminations) comes to 33.5 million euros, down -30% at current and constant exchange rates, mainly because the progress of projects under construction does not offset the peak in activity in August 2023. This quarterly lag does not affect growth in the Development, Construction and Equipment Procurement segment over the full year, as construction milestones are expected in the final quarter. Services for own account (eliminated on consolidation) falls by -28% to 63.1 million euros.

  • The Development, Construction and Equipment Procurement segment, for third-party falls by - 39% to 26.1 million euros, reflecting an unfavourable base effect, this segment having benefited in the third quarter of 2023 from the achievement of major milestones, in particular on the construction of an Irish project for Power Capital;
  • The Operation and Maintenance segment for third-party rises by +42% to 7.4 million euros, benefiting from new contracts mainly in France, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Brazil. This further increase enables Voltalia to post, over the last eight quarters, an uninterrupted growth in the Operation and Maintenance segment for third-party customers, confirming the business' long-term dynamic. Capacity operated on behalf of third-party customers amounts to 6.7 GW, a strong increase of +55% compared with the end of September 2023.


An innovative agrivoltaic demonstrator goes into service in France 7

Voltalia aims to increase its environmental and social impact by increasing to 50% by 2027 the proportion of its solar power plants on co-used or upgraded land. The development of agrivoltaics, combining agricultural production and energy, is contributing to this objective, and the commissioning of the Poisy demonstrator, a 250 kW pilot project, is helping to achieve it. It aims to explore the integration of solar panels with cattle farming. This project, carried out in collaboration with scientific institutes, measures the impact of the installations on animal welfare and agricultural production.

New solar rooftops commissioned by Helexia in Romania 8

Solar rooftops have been installed on 16 Auchan Retail shops and 12 Leroy Merlin shops, with a capacity of 12.8 MW spread over 63,000 m2. These installations will produce more than 14 GWh per year, covering 20 to 30% of the shops' energy consumption and avoiding more than 8,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

In France, acquisition of solar rooftops on agricultural buildings 9

Helexia has acquired 202 solar rooftops, with a total capacity of 28 MW, located on agricultural buildings. They are all in the operational phase and benefit from 20-year electricity sales contracts. Together, Voltalia and its subsidiaries Helexia and Terravene (which specialises in the purchase of agricultural land) are rolling out a joint offering to farmers: 1,2,3 Soleil. This offer provides practical solutions to the issues of sustaining and developing farms and the challenges of generational renewal, while enabling the production of renewable electricity.


Before the impact of the curtailment in Brazil, the EBITDA target for 2024 is around 255 million euros, including around 230 million euros from Energy Sales.

As communicated in August10, this amount could be reduced by around 40 million euros if: the curtailment scenario communicated by the network operator is confirmed; the 2024 accounts do not record any financial compensation otherwise claimed to the network operator; and if the EUR/BRL exchange rate average is around 6 in the second half of the year.

During the third quarter of 2024, the curtailment of the Brazilian production reached 510 GWh, in line with the scenario established in August.

In October, the Brazilian grid operator implemented a number of measures that could have a positive impact on Voltalia, including:

  • Curtailment redistribution between substations in the north-east of the country, resulting in reduced curtailment at some Voltalia power plants during the first three weeks of October;
  • A new transmission line capable of carrying up to 800 MW began operating on October 16. Located in the north-east of the country, it will allow to fluidify the transmission of electricity from this region to the region of high demand (south-east).

The levels of curtailment and exchange rates observed since August and the various changes observed in October confirm the potential impact of around 40 million euros on 2024 EBITDA.

Discussions with the Brazilian grid operator and the local authorities are continuing, both directly and as part of a collective of electricity producers, to obtain financial compensation and reduce the duration of production curtailment. At the same time, legal actions are being taken, again by groups of electricity producers. Voltalia is confident in reaching a favourable outcome in the short and medium term.

Finally, Voltalia confirms its 2024 target of approximately 3.3 GW of capacity in operation and under construction, of which approximately 2.5 GW in operation.


Voltalia confirms its operational and financial targets for 2027:

  • Capacity in operation and under construction exceeding 5 GW, with approximately 4.2 GW in operation.
  • Capacity operated on behalf of third-party customers above 8 GW.
  • Normalised EBITDA11 of around 475 million euros, including around 430 million euros from Energy Sales.


As a Mission-driven company, Voltalia confirms its mission objectives:

  • In 2027: CO2 avoided of more than 4 million tonnes.
  • By 2027: 100% of owned capacity under construction with a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) aligned with IFC (World Bank Group) standards.
  • By 2027: 50% of solar capacity in operation located on co-used or upgraded soil, i.e. land combining solar with another human activity (such as buildings, car parks, agriculture and grazing) or located on land with low biodiversity, agricultural or economic potential (such as deserts, industrial wastelands, and abandoned quarries).
  • By 2030: -35% carbon intensity in kgCO2/MW (Scope 3) of solar power plants owned compared with 2022, by prioritising the acquisition of low-carbon solar panels.

Next meeting: Q4 2024 turnover , January 29, 2025 (after close of trading)


This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements are not historical facts. These statements include projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, statements regarding plans, objectives, intentions and expectations with respect to future financial results, events, operations, services, product development and potential, and statements regarding future performance. These forward-looking statements may often be identified by the words "expect", "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "estimate" or "plan", as well as by other similar words. Although Voltalia's management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond Voltalia's control, that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among others, the uncertainties inherent in the evolution of the selling price of electricity produced by Voltalia, the evolution of the regulatory environment in which Voltalia operates as well as the competitiveness of renewable energies and other factors that may affect the production capacity or profitability of Voltalia's production sites as well as those developed or identified in Voltalia's public filings with the Autorité des marchés financiers including those listed in section 2. 2 "Risk Factors" of Voltalia's 2023 Universal Registration Document filed with the Autorité des marchés financiers on April 12, 2024. Voltalia undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking information or statements, except as required by law.

Capacity in operation as of September 30, 2024

In MW Wind Solar Biomass Hydro Hybrid Q3 2024 Q3 2023
Albania 140 140 0
Belgium 21 21 17
Brazil 773 719 12 1,504 1,379
Egypt 32 32 32
France 93 248 5 346 286
French Guiana 13 7 5 24 49 44
Greece 17 17 17
Hungary 22 22 12
Italy 18 18 16
Jordan 57 57 57
Netherlands 60 60 0
Portugal 80 80 74
Romania 13 13 2
Spain 27 27 21
United Kingdom 57 32 89 89
Total 866 1,524 7 10 68 2,475 2,046

Capacity under construction as of September 30, 2024

Name of the project Capacity Technology Country
Bolobedu 148 Solar South Africa
Cafesoca 8 Hydro Brazil
Clifton 45 Solar United Kingdom
East gate 34 Solar United Kingdom
Helexia 2 Solar Belgium
Helexia 97 Solar Brazil
Helexia 30 Solar France
Helexia 3 Solar Hungary
Helexia 1 Solar Italy
Helexia 3 Solar Poland
Helexia 3 Solar Portugal
Helexia 1 Solar Spain
Higher Stockbridge 45 Solar United Kingdom
Lercara Friddi 3 Solar Italy
Paddock 50 Solar United Kingdom
Sarimay Solar 126 Solar Uzbekistan
Sinnamary 10 Biomass French Guiana
Sinnamary 1 Storage French Guiana
Total (in MW) 609

Electricity production as of September 30, 2024

In GWh Wind Solar Biomass Hydro Hybrid September 30th, 2024 September 30th, 2023
Albania 218 218 0
Brazil 1,501 655 38 2,194 2,326
Egypt 59 59 59
France 128 72 6 205 201
French Guiana 12 25 0 37 38
Greece 24 24 20
Helexia Brazil 86 86 13
Helexia Europe 245 245 161
Jordan 105 105 101
Portugal 68 68 25
United Kingdom 50 50 53
Grand Total 1,629 1,593 25 6 38 3,291 2,997

Quarterly electricity production (Q3) 2024

In GWh Wind Solar Biomass Hydro Hybrid Q3 2024 Q3 2023
Albania 82 82 0
Brazil 583 199 14 796 911
Egypt 20 20 21
France 33 30 3 65 67
French Guiana 6 7 0 12 15
Greece 9 9 8
Helexia Brazil 41 41 8
Helexia Europe 98 98 67
Jordan 40 40 37
Portugal 23 23 13
United Kingdom 20 20 20
Grand Total 616 567 7 3 14 1,206 1,166

About Voltalia ( )
Voltalia is an international player in renewable energies. The Group produces and sells electricity from its wind, solar, hydro, biomass and storage facilities. It has 3.1 GW of capacity in operation and under construction, and a portfolio of projects under development with a total capacity of 17.2 GW.
Voltalia is also a service provider, supporting its renewable energy customers at every stage of their projects, from design to operation and maintenance.
A pioneer in the business market, Voltalia offers a comprehensive range of services to businesses, from the supply of green electricity to energy efficiency services and the local production of its own electricity.

With more than 2,000 employees in 20 countries on 3 continents, Voltalia has the capacity to act globally on behalf of its customers.

Voltalia is listed on the Euronext regulated market in Paris (FR0011995588 - VLTSA) and is included in the Enternext Tech 40 and CAC Mid&Small indices. The company is also included, amongst others, in the MSCI ESG ratings and the Sustainalytics ratings.
Email: ...
T. +33 (0)1 81 70 37 00
Press Relations Seitosei.Actifin - Jennifer Jullia
T. +33 (0)1 56 88 11 19

1 August 19, 2024 press release. For a transmission system operator, load shedding consists in limiting the transmission, for a given period, of all or part of a power plant's electricity generation potential, in order to maintain the stability of the transmission system.
2 "Normalised EBITDA" of 2027 calculated with an average annual EUR/BRL exchange rate of 5.5 and wind, solar and hydro production corresponding to the long-term average.
3 Among the changes in presentation mentioned in the 2023 Universal Registration Document (Note 2.1), income from the 2023 financial year of €4.3 million that had been included in the consolidated turnover figure has been reclassified within 'Other current operating income and expenses' in the income statement for the comparable period (damages and interest received).
4 Electricity sales from plants commissioned before the start of the long-term electricity sales contract. By speeding up certain projects, Voltalia can benefit from high sales prices in the initial contracts.
5 Announced in December 2023 and listed in the January 2, 2024 press release.
6 August 19, 2024 press release.
7 September 19, 2024, press release.
8 October 3, 2024 press release.
9 October 15, 2024 press release.
10 August 19, 2024, press release.
11“Normalised EBITDA” estimated at December 31, 2027 calculated with an average annual EUR/BRL exchange rate of 5.5 and wind, solar and hydro production corresponding to the long-term average.


  • 2024 third quarter turnover: 131.1 million euros


GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq

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