Tuesday, 02 January 2024 12:17 GMT

Azerbaijan's Growing International Influence: Hub For Global Gatherings

(MENAFN- AzerNews)

Nazrin Abdul Read more

Azerbaijan's burgeoning international image hascemented its status as a premier destination for global gatherings organizations, mindful of the country's robustcapabilities and global position, increasingly choose Azerbaijan asthe stage for their significant events.

Over time, Azerbaijan has hosted a plethora ofinternational forums, conferences, and competitions, spanningpolitical, economic, humanitarian, and sporting realms,underscoring its unique allure as a global event hub.

This year marks a pinnacle in Azerbaijan's hostingprowess as it prepares to welcome the largest international eventyet-the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFramework Convention on Climate Change (COP29).

Renowned as a steadfast partner in contemporaryinternational relations, Azerbaijan stands tall as the preeminentstate in the South Caucasus, serving as the economic, political,and humanitarian nucleus of the region. With a rich tapestry ofexperience in organizing world-class events, it is necessary tohighlight 2 prestigious events hosted by Azerbaijan recently: thechairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement in 2019-2021 and the 7thSummit of the Organization of Turkic States.

Summit of Religious Leaders and MinisterialMeeting of the Non-Aligned Movement

Baku has also served as the venue for high-leveldiplomatic gatherings, including the Summit of Religious Leadersand the ministerial meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement. Theseevents have provided opportunities for leaders from diversereligious and political backgrounds to come together and exploreavenues for promoting peace, tolerance, and cooperation on theglobal stage.

Since 2019, Azerbaijan has assumed the presidency ofthe Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), a tenure initially set for threeyears through the unanimous decision of member countries trust in Azerbaijan's leadership, our presidency wasextended for an additional year, acknowledging our efforts inexpanding the organization's activities and global influence.

Under Azerbaijan's stewardship, the Non-AlignedMovement has flourished, becoming the world's largest internationalorganization after the UN General Assembly. President IlhamAliyev's leadership has bolstered Azerbaijan's standing and role onthe global stage, garnering significant achievements for theMovement.

President Aliyev's proactive approach as NAM chairmanhas garnered widespread support both within the Movement and fromother nations. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19pandemic during Azerbaijan's chairmanship, the country adeptlyadjusted its agenda to address the new reality.

Azerbaijan has demonstrated its adeptness inmultilateral diplomacy, firmly committed to its principles. From2019 to the outset of this year, Azerbaijan fervently championedthe tenets of multilateralism within the Non-Aligned Movement,comprising 120 countries. As the second-largest organization afterthe UN, the Non-Aligned Movement upholds pivotal values such assovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-interference ininternal affairs.

Azerbaijan played an active role in bolstering thismovement by establishing women's and youth organizations, therebyenhancing its institutional framework and fostering a cohesivenetwork. These initiatives, spearheaded by Azerbaijan, underscoreits dedication to advancing the cause of multilateralism.

Initiated by President Aliyev, the Non-AlignedMovement assumed a leadership role in the global fight against thepandemic, rallying the international community to combat thethreat. In May 2020, Azerbaijan hosted an online summit dedicatedto COVID-19, where President Aliyev proposed a special session ofthe UN General Assembly focusing on pandemic response. Thisproposal received backing from over 150 countries, leading to asuccessful session in December 2020 attended by more than seventyheads of state and government-a pivotal moment in global pandemicresponse efforts.

Azerbaijan's commitment to humanitarian aid has beenremarkable, providing support to over 80 countries, predominantlyNAM members. This reflects our nation's dedication to human values,underscored by a $10 million voluntary contribution to the WorldHealth Organization.

Chairing the Non-Aligned Movement and hosting suchprestigious events underscores Azerbaijan's commitment tomultilateralism and global solidarity. It exemplifies our country'spivotal role in shaping international discourse and fosteringcooperation in an increasingly interconnected world.

The 7th Summit of the Turkic Council(TDT)

Expanding ties with Turkic-speaking nations stands asa cornerstone of Azerbaijan's foreign policy agenda. Our nation'ssteadfast commitment to bolstering this union remains a focalpoint, underscoring our dedication to fostering meaningfulrelationships across new frontiers.

On October 15, 2019, Baku hosted the 7th Summit of theTurkic Council (TDT), a significant event that affirmedUzbekistan's membership in the organization. By the unanimousdecision of the countries of the Non-Aligned Movement, Azerbaijanassumed the chairmanship for the years 2019-2022, and again byunanimous decision, our chairmanship was extended for another year the Summit, a Business Forum was convened, setting thestage for robust discussions on economic collaboration. With theconclusion of the Summit, the chairmanship of the organizationtransitioned to the Republic of Azerbaijan, underscoring thecountry's commitment to advancing Turkic cooperation until the nextSummit.

Two years later, on November 12, 2021, Istanbulwelcomed the 8th Summit of the TDT, marking the transfer ofchairmanship from Azerbaijan to Turkiye. During this Summit, the"Turkic World Vision 2040" document was ratified, emphasizing theparticipation of TDT member states in the transformation of theliberated Karabakh region into a "green energy" zone-a testament tothe organization's forward-looking vision and collaborativespirit.

Distinguished leaders including President Ilham Aliyevof Azerbaijan, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, FirstPresident Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, President ShavkatMirziyoyev of Uzbekistan, President Sooronbay Jeenbekov of theKyrgyz Republic, and Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungaryconvened in Baku for the Summit, reaffirming their commitment toTurkic solidarity and cooperation.

Founded on the Nakhchivan Agreement signed on October3, 2009, the Turkic Council stands as an internationalintergovernmental organization dedicated to fostering comprehensivecooperation among Turkic-speaking countries. Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkey serve as its founding members,championing mutual interests and solidarity within the Turkicworld.

Azerbaijan's presidency of the UN SecurityCouncil

It's worth noting that Azerbaijan assumed thepresidency of the UN Security Council in May 2012 and October 2013 these two periods, the Security Council convened 30 plenaryand individual meetings, alongside 29 closed sessions. Notably, itadopted 7 resolutions, 3 chairman's statements, and issued 13 pressstatements.

During its tenure as a non-permanent member of theSecurity Council, Azerbaijan convened a high-level meeting onOctober 28, 2013, focusing on expanding cooperation between the UNand the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Additionally,Azerbaijan proposed furthering relations between the UN and theCooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States.

In September 2017, during the 72nd session of the UNGeneral Assembly in New York, President Ilham Aliyev addressed theassembly, providing detailed insights into Armenia's aggressivepolicies and their ramifications. President Aliyev underscored theimportance of international decisions and resolutions in resolvingthe conflict, emphasizing the significance of the four UN Councilresolutions. He highlighted the lack of international pressure onthe aggressor as a key impediment to the conflict's resolution andelaborated on Azerbaijan's achievements over the past 25 years,including its international economic endeavors.

Under Azerbaijan's presidency, the UN Security Councilorganized a visit to Africa from October 3 to 9. On October 8, inAddis Ababa, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea and Azerbaijan co-chairedthe 7th annual joint meeting of the Peace and Security Council ofthe African Union and the UN Security Council. Discussions centeredon various regional issues, including the situation in the GreatLakes region, Sudan-South Sudan relations, Somalia, the CentralAfrican Republic, and the Sahel region, culminating in the adoptionof a joint communiqué.

On October 30, the Council adopted a report reflectingits activities over the past year, encompassing meetings,discussions, and decisions undertaken during Azerbaijan'spresidency.

As chair of the UN Security Council, Azerbaijandemonstrated unwavering commitment to international peace andsecurity, making substantial contributions to the advancement ofinternational law and justice. Azerbaijan fostered closecooperation with other Security Council members, the UNSecretariat, international institutions, non-governmentalorganizations, and the media, solidifying its reputation as areliable and resolute partner in global affairs.

In recent years, Baku, the vibrant capital ofAzerbaijan, has emerged as a dynamic hub for hosting a wide arrayof prestigious international events. From thrilling Formula 1 racesto the cultural spectacle of the Eurovision Song Contest and theEuropean and Islamic Solidarity Games, Baku has played host to adiverse range of gatherings that showcase its rich culturalheritage, organizational prowess, and commitment to fosteringglobal dialogue and cooperation.

Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix

One of the crown jewels in Baku's event calendar isthe Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix. Since its inception in 2016,this high-octane race has attracted racing enthusiasts from aroundthe globe to witness the adrenaline-fueled spectacle on the streetsof Baku. With its challenging circuit and stunning backdrop ofBaku's modern skyline juxtaposed with historic landmarks, the GrandPrix has become a must-attend event for motorsport aficionados.

Eurovision Song Contest

Another highlight of Baku's cultural landscape is theEurovision Song Contest. In 2012, Baku captivated audiencesworldwide as it played host to this iconic music competition. TheEurovision Song Contest not only showcased Azerbaijan's vibrantmusic scene but also provided a platform for artists from acrossEurope to come together in celebration of diversity andcreativity.

European and Islamic SolidarityGames

Baku further solidified its reputation as a globalsporting destination by hosting the 1st European Games in 2015 andthe 4th Islamic Solidarity Games in 2017. These multi-sport eventsbrought together athletes from Europe and the Islamic world,fostering camaraderie and mutual respect through the spirit ofsportsmanship. Baku's state-of-the-art sporting facilities and warmhospitality left a lasting impression on participants andspectators alike.

Baku International Forums

In addition to its sporting and cultural events, Bakuhas become a nexus for intellectual exchange and diplomaticdialogue through its hosting of international forums. The 6th BakuInternational Humanitarian Forum, The 6th edition of the WorldForum on Intercultural Dialogue, Global Baku Forum, and GlobalMedia Forum have provided platforms for thought leaders,policymakers, and media professionals to engage in constructivediscussions on pressing global issues. These forums haveunderscored Baku's role as a bridge between East and West,facilitating cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

Throughout its history, Azerbaijan has served as a melting potof cultures, a testament to its strategic position bridging Eastand West. Our rich multicultural heritage, shaped by centuries ofdiverse influences, has fostered enduring values of tolerance,mutual respect, and partnership within Azerbaijani society.

The most recent of these events was the VI World InterculturalDialogue Forum, themed“Dialogue for Peace and Global Security,”held in Baku in May of this year. This significant event, part ofthe Baku Process, aimed to promote intercultural dialogue on aglobal scale.

The forum provided a platform for individuals fromdiverse ethnic, cultural, religious, and linguistic backgrounds toengage in open and respectful discussions, fostering mutualunderstanding. Launched by President Ilham Aliyev in 2008 andsupported by leading international organizations, the Baku Processhas convened over 10,000 participants from 180 countries in morethan 250 events, sparking new intercultural initiatives in theregion.

With goals centered on promoting peace, enhancingglobal security, and fostering cooperation, the forum sought toformulate policies, documents, and agreements capable ofinfluencing world governments on pressing issues.

Now, as the spotlight turns to COP29, Azerbaijan is poised toset new benchmarks in event organization. The city of Baku isgearing up to host not only COP29 but also the 19th Meeting of theParties to the Kyoto Protocol and the 6th Session of the Meeting ofthe Parties to the Paris Agreement, promising two weeks of vibrantglobal dialogue and collaboration. Anticipating approximately 70-80thousand foreign guests, Baku is ready to pulsate with the energyof the world.

As Baku prepares to host the 29th session of theConference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on ClimateChange (COP29) alongside other significant internationalgatherings, the city's reputation as a premier destination forhosting world-class events continues to grow. With its blend ofmodern infrastructure, cultural richness, and unwaveringhospitality, Baku stands ready to welcome the world once again,affirming its status as a global beacon of progress and unity.

This monumental event is not just a testament toAzerbaijan's organizational acumen but also a significant boost toits international standing. It reaffirms Azerbaijan's commitment touniversal human values and its integral role in the globalcommunity, showcasing the nation's unwavering dedication toadvancing the collective well-being of humanity. As the worldconverges in Baku, Azerbaijan's star shines brighter on theinternational stage, illuminating its status as a beacon ofprogress and unity in an interconnected world.


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