Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz Presidents Attended Unveiling Ceremony Of Monument To Chingiz Aitmatov In Baku

(MENAFN- AzerNews) President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev andPresident of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zhaparov have attended anunveiling ceremony of a monument to prominent Kyrgyz writer ChingizAitmatov in Baku, Azernews reports.

Speaking at the event, President Ilham Aliyev said:

- Dear Sadyr Nurgozhoevich.

Dear guests, dear friends.

It is a significant day in the history of brotherly relationsbetween Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan today. We are unveiling amonument to the great son of the Kyrgyz people, Chingiz Aitmatov. Iam sure that it will serve as yet another symbol of our friendship,our brotherhood and our unity.

Chingiz Aitmatov is a world-famous writer, a prominent son ofthe Kyrgyz people who, throughout his life, represented his nationboth within the Soviet Union and on a global scale withdignity.

People in Azerbaijan loved his works and respected him as aperson for his active civic position, national spirit andattachment to his roots. I remember that he visited Azerbaijanshortly before his demise and I had the opportunity to meet and hada lengthy conversation with him on many issues. On that day, Ipresented to him a high order of the Azerbaijani state, the“Dostlug” order, as a sign of respect and in recognition of hismerits in strengthening our relations. He has always been on theside of justice. It is no coincidence that he earned tremendousrespect both in the former USSR and globally not only as a writer,but also as a public figure. The memory of him, of course, lives inthe hearts of the Kyrgyz people and all brotherly nations.

While on a state visit to Kyrgyzstan, I visited his grave andpaid tribute of the Azerbaijani people to his memory.

It is significant that the monument is to be unveiled as part ofthe state visit of the President of Kyrgyzstan. Today, we held veryfruitful and important negotiations on many issues, includinghumanitarian cooperation. As you may know, Baku is hosting the Daysof Culture of Kyrgyzstan these days, and it is quite symbolic thatit is within the framework of such official events and the statevisit that we are participating in this ceremony today in one ofthe central streets of Baku, Azadlig Street.

I would like to congratulate the Azerbaijani and Kyrgyz peopleson this significant occasion. The monument to Chingiz Aitmatov inBaku will symbolize our unity, our friendship and our brotherhood I would also like to note that I am sure that the entire Turkicworld is proud of its worthy representative and the only thing weall regret about, of course, is that he passed away too early. Andnothing foreshadowed that. As I have already mentioned, I met himin Baku shortly before his passing, just a few months before, andhe was full of energy as always and looked good. He told me abouthis plans. It was 2008, but I remember it as if it wereyesterday.

Once again, I congratulate all of us and say the words welcomeagain – Welcome, distinguished Mr. President. I am sure that thefriendship and brotherhood between Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan,between our peoples will be eternal. Thank you.


President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Zhaparov said.

- Dear Ilham Heydarovich.

Dear friends. Today we are gathered in the beautiful city ofBaku to mark an important event – the unveiling of a monument tothe outstanding Kyrgyz writer and son of all Turkic people whoilluminated our world with his talent and deep understanding ofhuman soul.

On behalf of Kyrgyzstan, I would like to express gratitude tothe President of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev, for hisreverent attitude to our country and Chingiz Aitmatov. Thismonument is an expression of respect and recognition of ChingizAitmatov's creative heritage.

Dear Ilham Heydarovich, dear friends. I am glad that theAzerbaijani side pays great attention to the cultural ties betweenour countries. This is extremely important from the point of viewof bringing our peoples closer together. The commemoration ofChingiz Aitmatov is a landmark event in our relations. We know thatChingiz Aitmatov was a great friend of Azerbaijan, and I would liketo specifically highlight his friendship with the National Leaderof the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev. Their relations wereunique and strong. Both personalities left an indelible mark inhistory. Heydar Aliyev highly valued him as a writer andintellectual. He used to say that Chingiz Aitmatov, who gaveremarkable works to the treasury of world literature, was the prideof both Kyrgyzstan and the entire Turkic world.

Dear Ilham Heydarovich, we also appreciate your personalcontribution to the high-level organization of Chingiz Aitmatov'sbirthday anniversary in brotherly Azerbaijan. According to yourdecree, Chingiz Aitmatov was the first to be awarded the high orderof“Dostlug” on February 25, 2008. Chingiz Torekulovich wasn't justa writer, he was a true genius of word whose works penetrate to theinner depths of the soul, making us think about the meaning oflife, love and human destiny. His works, such as“Jamila” and“White Ship” are not only amazing due to their beauty and wisdom,but also cause delight and admiration with the great creativetalent. The establishment of this monument in Baku is a symbol ofstrong bonds between the brotherly peoples of Kyrgyzstan andAzerbaijan. It is a confirmation that the works of Chingiz Aitmatovunite us all in a common aspiration to beauty, wisdom and harmony is important for the younger generation to know and understandthe history of relations between our countries, the role ofhistoric personalities and leaders who predetermined the currentlevel of cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republicof Azerbaijan.

In the context of bilateral relations, I would like to note thatthe first visit of the President of Azerbaijan to Kyrgyzstan wasmade by Heydar Aliyev in 1995 to celebrate the 1000th anniversaryof the Manas epic. At that time, he said sacred words:“We feel andunderstand each other with our hearts”. With this short but verytouching and sincere phrase, he meant that Kyrgyzstan andAzerbaijan are truly brotherly nations. The monument we areunveiling today will become a place where everyone will be able tocome in contact with the great writer, honor his memory and beinspired by his work. Let it be a reminder of the greatness of thehuman spirit and the power of word.

Please allow me to express my deep gratitude to all those whoinvested their energy, talent and resources in the creation of thismonument. May it become a symbol of our unity and eternalattachment to the values that Chingiz Aitmatov so beautifullyreflected in his works.

Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to theAzerbaijani side and wish the brotherly Azerbaijani people peace,happiness and prosperity. Thank you for your attention.


The heads of state unveiled the monument to ChingizAitmatov.

The bronze monument of Chinghiz Aitmatov stands nearly 3 meterstall and weighs approximately 6 tons. An accompanying informationplaque, written in both Azerbaijani and English, is installed infront of the monument.


Later, the heads of state met and conversed with prominentcultural and artistic figures from Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan.

Then, they posed for photographs.



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