President Ilham Aliyev's Absolute Victory Seals On Full Sovereignty Of Azerbaijan's Territories

(MENAFN- AzerNews)
President Ilham AliyevSovereignty
Of Azerbaijan's Territories Image' Height='500'/>
Qabil Ashirov Read more

Azerbaijan continues its successful foreign policy in theinternational arena. As a result of its unique independent foreignpolicy among the republics that left the Soviet Union, it achievedwhat other republics could not do.

It should be noted that Azerbaijan was the first republic afterthe Baltic republics to withdraw the Russian army from itsterritory. It should be especially noted that Azerbaijan is theonly republic among the former Soviet republics that does not havebases of other countries on its territory. More importantly, amongthe other Soviet states, Azerbaijan relies neither on NATO nor CSTOto protect its sovereignty. Azerbaijan relies on its strong army,its population in unity and its farsighted President.

As is known, when the Soviet Union collapsed, some republicstried to implement an independent policy, and these republics facedseparatism. One of those republics was Azerbaijan. However, thanksto the late President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and his policyfollower Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan was able to restore itsterritorial integrity in a short period of time. As a result ofBaku's unique foreign policy, the evil intentions of the forcessupporting separatism were foiled and Azerbaijan regained itsterritorial integrity.

With the 44-day war in 2020 and the anti-terrorist operation in2023, all separatist elements in the country were eliminated, eight villages of Azerbaijan were still under the Armenianoccupation. As is known, some of these villages are enclaves andsome are not. Armenians resorted to different measures not toreturn these villages. But Baku was determined in this regard. Evenan inch of the country's land cannot be given to anyone. PresidentIlham Aliyev raised the issue of returning the border villages backin 2020, and intensive work was constantly carried out in thisdirection. Today we see the logical conclusion of this process.

In the end, the Armenia could not withstand the determinedposition of Azerbaijan and agreed to return the non-enclavevillages in Qazax district.

It is worth noting that this is another victory for Azerbaijanand President Ilham Aliyev. Besides, this victor is more importantbecause Azerbaijan got this victory without a single shot fired,without any bloodshed.

This is the first step in the delimitation process, and it beganprecisely in the Qazax direction. Azerbaijan insisted on startingdelimitation from this section of the border.

Foreign forces, including the EU and the USA, as well as anumber of Western countries, tried to intervene in this process,but Azerbaijan prevented this. Azerbaijan and Armenia were able tofind a common language and were able to resolve this issuethemselves. Therefore, the further the Western imperialists areaway from the Azerbaijani-Armenian process, the faster peace andprosperity will reign in the South Caucasus.

Propaganda from France and a number of other Western countriesthat Azerbaijan is allegedly planning an attack on Armenia hasmilitary goals on the territory of Armenia, or some fallaciesproved to be nonsense.

From the very first days of its independence Azerbaijan neverfollowed expansionist foreign policy. On the contrary Azerbaijan'sforeign policy is based on peace and prosperity. This is anotherstep on the road leading to the eternal peace in the region.



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