Solovyov's Plan To Convince Public Of His Cheap Lies Fails


National conflicts do not occur only because of Political andmilitary conflicts. Instigators, that is, propagandists who createpolitical scandals and instigate the conflicts between the twostates, play the main role here.

The deepening of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijanfrom time to time and the subsequent regionalization and evenglobalization have reached the current situation as a result ofcheap propaganda and provocations. Of course, those propagandistsand provocateurs are involved in certain interests of the partiesinterested in these cases.

One of those propagandists is Vladimir Solovyov, a well-knownKremlin figure. Solovyov is mostly recognized as the main organizerof controversial polemics, scandalous topics and meaningless showsdedicated to the former Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Solovyov, whoonce invited Armenian separatist politicians and former so-calledforeign minister of the so-called regime, David Babayan, to hisprograms, also hosted controversial programs with his colleagueMargarita Simoyan, who is a fan of the show like himself.


Solovyov was also an enemy of Azerbaijanism. After the secondGarabagh war, such seditious political players, whose dreams weredashed, began to expand their somewhat provocative policies againstAzerbaijan. For them, the target serves more purposes than the cruxof the matter or fact-finding.

While discussing the causes of the terrorist act that took placeat the Crocus City Hall concert venue in Moscow few days ago,Solovyov still could not hide his malice and hatred towardsAzerbaijan. The Russian TV host shamelessly expressed thatAzerbaijan was also a participant in the terrorist act, continuingthe disgusting allegations. Such wretched showmen, who submit toall kinds of disgusting orders and sell themselves for money, havealways made lying an easy professional habit for themselves.

Solovyov's attribution of ethnic origin to the provocation inCrocus City Hall is an attempt to target Azerbaijanis andAzerbaijan as a whole, to incite ethnic conflict in Russia, and toinstill hatred for our compatriots.

His allusions to the Crocus City Hall incident are acontinuation of the same incomplete story. His primary goal appearsto be undermining the current high level of Azerbaijani-Russianrelations.

There are no more people who believe the lies of seditiouspeople like him. After the Patriotic War, Solovyov discreditedhimself with his false claims and biased statements againstAzerbaijan.

It should be noted that Solovyov visited Azerbaijan for thefirst time in April 2017 and met with President Ilham Aliyev. Hecooperated closely with the Azerbaijani media before the SecondGarabagh War and made statements to local media organizationsregarding Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. However, the geopoliticalsituation after the Patriotic War caused Solovyov to change hisposition turning by 180 degrees. He had to show his inner face,which he had hidden until that time.

With this, the Russian TV showman clearly stated that he wasfinanced by Armenians in the truest sense of the word. So, thepower of Armenian dram turned Solovyov completely into an enemycharacter against Azerbaijan. Now he continues his role in theimage of an enemy and tries to create discord either with Armeniaor between Russia and Azerbaijan. This will not be possible,because such plans are no longer valid for Azerbaijan.



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