Gaza Mother's Unbearable Loss: A Family Shattered By Israeli Brutality: Watch PNN Video

(MENAFN- Palestine News Network ) Gaza / Bethlehem / PNN /

It is said that tragedies in wars begin to unfold after the silence of the cannons, but in Gaza, they daily emerge before the eyes of the silent world witnessing the war crime and genocide. Hanan Abu Rayya, "Mother Fadi," a Palestinian from Gaza and one of the Palestinian mothers who will not forgive or forget the world for not stopping the genocide war her family faced, including her son and four daughters, in an Israeli brutal shelling of the family's homes in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood after they all fled from the Rimal neighborhood, which was being systematically wiped out.

Hanan Abu Rayya, Um Fayz a mother of four daughters and three sons who survived the massacre her family faced, wishes to see her daughters, embrace them, and smell them even once, but she won't be able to because they simply perished in an Israeli barbaric bombing of a house where the family had gathered to escape the shelling.

Um Fayez, who escaped death with her son Fadi, suffering from paralysis after falling from the fifth floor during his work at construction companies in the sector in April of last year, where he experienced a coma in the first weeks and woke up to be informed by doctors of his paralysis, began their journey of searching for treatment.

She adds, "We headed outside the sector to inside the Green Line, only to be surprised the next day when we entered to find that my son Fadi underwent surgery immediately upon his arrival at the hospital at 2 a.m., where they took him for surgery immediately after taking an MRI, and they found bleeding in his head. They told him that if he had waited until dawn, he would have died due to the bleeding.

She explained that the hospital in Gaza told us that there was nothing wrong with his head, the injury was far from the head, and it turned out that the fifth, sixth, and seventh vertebrae were broken. The spinal cord was damaged, and he suffered complete paralysis, not partial paralysis. They continued searching for treatment between hospitals in the interior and the West Bank until the war began, and they reached the Beit Jala Governmental Hospital on October 2, five days before the outbreak of the war on the seventh.

She says that she has not seen her daughters for six months, as they were in the house in Gaza, where she communicated with them day and night by phone and social media. When the war started on the first, second, and third days, they were screaming while talking to me, saying, 'Mom, we are dying. There is no safety from the shells above our heads.'

Abu Riya says that the fear she heard from her daughters conveyed it to her sisters on a family social media group, where she asked them to take care of her daughters and her family. She told them that they are responsible if anything happens to her daughters, and she is far from her home and daughters in the West Bank for the treatment of her son Fadi.

Um Fayez explains that one of her sisters quickly sent a taxi for her daughters and asked them to stay at her house. She said that Malak, Nouran, Tooto, and Awad went to their aunt's house in the Tal al-Hawa area, where they lived in a villa there until they were martyred, escaping from their home in the al-Rimal neighborhood to the Tal al-Hawa area.

Regarding receiving the news of their martyrdom, Um Faysal says that she reached the fourth floor at Beit Jala Hospital, and at the door of the room, she saw a person standing. I was coming out of the room. He asked me, 'Are you Um Fadi?' I said to him, 'Yes, I am.' He told me, 'Come with me.' I went with him and entered a room full of people. At that moment, I felt something covering my eyes. I saw the world white, and I felt that there was something dangerous and big.

She adds, "I asked them, 'What's going on here? Have my daughters been martyred?' They told me to sit down. I asked them to clarify what was happening. Has my sister been martyred? They told me 'No,' but come. After that, I told them with a lump in my heart, I said to them, 'Have my daughters been martyred? Has my son been martyred?' At that moment, I said to them in anguish, 'Have my daughters been martyred? Has my son been martyred?' And then one of the nurses said to me, 'By God, my dear, I wish I could tell you no, but this is what happened.' I asked them to tell me who. Malak, Nouran, Tooto, Awad, my sister, my husband, who? Understand me. Who is alive, and who is dead? Are they dismembered, okay, or wounded? What's going on? Explain to me."

Um Fayez continues, "I remember she told me the word, 'We communicated with them in Gaza, and the five-story villa was bombed, and all of them are under the rubble.' I screamed and said, 'I wish they had waited for me.' After that, I didn't wake up until the second day. I don't know what happened."

Um Fayez, the grieving and patient mother who lost her entire family, lives in a state of anger and sorrow at the Beit Jala Arab Society Hospital, where her surviving son receives treatment as a result of his injury before the war. She says, crying, as her tears have not dried, "I no longer have a life after my daughters and my son. Not in Gaza or anywhere else. These are my sisters who also left, not just my daughters. They were my life and my heart from the inside. There is no difference between them and my daughters in anything. They were my support in everything."

She concludes her speech with sadness and tears, saying,“There is no life now in Gaza for me to return to, no home, no daughters, no children. No one is left.”


Palestine News Network

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