Baku Music Academy Pays Tribute To Azerbaijani Martyrs

(MENAFN- AzerNews)

By Laman Ismayilova

Baku music Academy (BMA) has paid tribute to national heroes, who died for the liberation of Azerbaijani lands from the Armenian occupation, Azernews reports.

The event participants observed a moment of silence to honor the memory of the martyrs.

Then, the teaching staff of BMA's Piano Department, including People's Artists Yegana Axundova, Ulviya Hajibayova, Gulnaz Ismayilova, associate professors Zuleyxa Abdulla, Nargiz Salmanli, Aynur Xalilova, senior lecturer Sevda Mammadli and laureate of international competitions Sabina Gasimova performed works by Azerbaijani and foreign composers.

The program included Gulchohra's aria from the Cloth Peddler operetta; Gara Garayev's Island of the Aphrodite; Nazim Aliverdibayov's Bayati Shiraz; Sevil's aria from the opera of the same name by Fikrat Amirov; Sevda Mammadli's music piece Lachin; Farhad Badalbayli's Memories of Shusha and Ave Maria; Azar Rzayev's work Thoughts; Johann Sebastian Bach's Prelude and Fugue; Tomaso Albinoni's Adagio and other compositions.

The 44-day war ended with the Russia-brokered peace deal signed on November 10 by the Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian leaders.

The peace agreement ended the 30-year-old conflict between Baku and Yerevan over Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh region that along with the seven adjacent districts came under the occupation of Armenian armed forces in the war in the early 1990s.

For about three decades, Armenia failed to implement the UN Security Council resolutions demanding the withdrawal of the Armenian troops, which was the main obstacle to the resolution of the conflict.