American duplicity on the 'One China Policy': Part 1

(MENAFN- Caribbean News Global)

By Denys Springer

It is well known and documented that China made it clear, that the ongoing conflict between China and Taiwan is an internal matter, and therefore, there should be no outside interference. This statement conveys the impression that no dialogue or compromise is possible on the Taiwan issue. But is that 'very true' when the evidence is clear that this is a misnomer.

I take a dim view of the statement. In turn, I hope to show the merits, demerits and therefore, will put to the readers an objective view of both sides of the debate.

Xi Jinping and the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) is adamant that Taiwan is a renegade part of China and therefore if peaceful persuasion cannot convince the Taiwanese government and its people of China's goodwill (a laugh obviously) and brotherly love as Xi Jinping made clear, in Singapore then, but it may have to be done by force. Therefore, what we are beginning to see from the mainland, and especially from Xi Jinping, is a form of intransigence and bullying tactics; such as sending numerous aircraft into Taiwan's air space, hoping that this continuous action will put fear into the heart of the Taiwanese people and president Tsai Ing-wen.

In my view, it is a forlorn hope if China thinks the young Taiwanese generation is so easily frightened. In effect, China is hardening Taiwan's position and as far as unification is concerned, a farfetched idea or dream. Not only that, the Taiwanese population, more so, the young are now making it clear that they are not Chinese per se but Taiwanese.

There might be truth in their way of thinking when some years ago a DNA test was done which proved that 60 percent of the population has indigenous Austronesia blood in them and therefore, they are not fully Han per se.

Who are the Austronesians one might ask? Well, they were the original people of Taiwan or what it was called then Formosa to date 530,000 still exist . They are the indigenous peoples of Taiwan living in that country and neighbouring islands before the influx of Chinese immigrants from the coastal provinces of the mainland of China in the seventeenth century. At present, the government of Taiwan officially recognizes 17 indigenous peoples. These people have remarkably maintained distinctive cultures and customs. What is strange was that indigenous peoples were called savages in the Qing dynasty and Takasago peoples during the Japanese occupation. Taiwan without a doubt is an ethnically diverse country. Taiwan is blessed with its cultural diversities and its indigenous peoples bring a real cultural heritage that is very rich and diverse

The Spanish and Dutch were the early settlers to Taiwan. They encountered the so-called Han Chinese from nearby Fujian and the later people from Guangzhou when they arrived. However, the Qing dynasties who are not Han Chinese came to the island but stayed in the lowlands and not in the mountainous areas where the so-called head hunters or mountain people reside. One must remember that China was overrun by the Chin Dynasty and also by the Qing Dynasty and neither, were Han Chinese.

Later as we are aware of the Sino-Japan wars, the Qing emperor lost and handed over Taiwan to the Japanese in 1895. Once again they did not venture into the highlands where the headhunters lived. It was not until 1933 when quite a few Japanese soldiers were massacred by the headhunters that made the Japanese government enter the mountainous areas and deal with them.

From there on they began to rule the whole of Taiwan. It must also be remembered that before 1933 chairman Mao Zedong said quite categorically that Taiwan did not belong to China when asked, and that it was an independent country, however, when he overrun and defeated the ruling Kuomintang and its leader Chiang Kai-chez out of China during the civil war it was another matter. Why because Chiang had run off to Taiwan with over two thousand of his troops.

World War II as many would know required the Japanese to fight on the side of the Third Reich, and their defeat in 1945, Taiwan was handed over to the Americans who allow Chen Kai-chez and the Kuomintang, who once ruled China, then took over at the Cairo agreement. I believe that is where the Americans should have made it clear – that Taiwan was Taiwan and not China – but it did not suit their purpose, and later we saw the hate that emerged against communism.

What must be remembered is that the Americans handed over the island to China per se to control, but the Japanese had not formally handed over the island in a treaty until 1953 when the San Francisco accord was signed. Mac Arthur, the American president made it clear to Chiang Kai-chez that any aid had to be spent on the development of the country and not building the military capability to retake Taiwan.

When Xi Jinping speaks of a One-China policy he must remember that it was the Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-chez who insisted on this One-China policy; because, when he was asked by the UN on the recognition of China – the Republic of China (on Taiwan) ROC should join under the name Taiwan – Formosa he refused and insisted that there was One China and that suited his purpose then.

He simply forgot that America was prepared to allow Taiwan to stand on its own two feet after World War II, however, they were unperturbed as to whether Mao invaded Taiwan to go after Chiang Kai-chez. Moa could not – because landing troops without the proper military equipment and going across the Taiwan Straits proved too difficult to lunch an offensive.

However, what made the US take a strong interest in Taiwan once again, was the Korean War in 1949. Taiwan was used as an airbase, etc, for the American's offensive. And with so many American troops in Taiwan, substantial aid had to be given to the country which was greatly needed.

Is this not ironic, that this same country Taiwan is now giving aid to countries worldwide? What amazes me and brought the reality of this attitude to mind is how politicians can lie and change their minds when it suits them. Not only that, power seems to be the end of all as we are now witnessing with Xi Jinping, whom the world thought at one time was a 'decent individual' and believed in world peace, has seemingly gone from 'angel to the devil itself'.

Why? He wants to be the most powerful leader in the world; one in which other countries bow to China and himself, as the new Chinese Emperor. He aims to outdo chairman Moa as the most loved and spoken leader in Chinese history. The world has now concluded that he is just a“clever bully, belligerent and devilish.”

His whole attitude is not only to dominate China and its surrounding countries but the world. We have seen his domination of Tibet, Xijiang province, Manchuria, Hong Kong, Macau, etc.

Hence, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – a debt trap for many poor countries in Africa, South America, the islands in the pacific, and even Eastern Europe. We are now seeing the way he uses the debt trap to seemingly seize assets of those countries that cannot payback. However, China will get its way because they have already“bought politicians” in these countries.

In other words, make a few rich, and thereby have a free hand on the countries natural resources and assets, resulting in a gradual take over from dependence on China.


In part 2, the fightback.


Caribbean News Global

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