Occupation's Brutal Campaign: One Year Of Israeli Attacks On Palestinians

(MENAFN- Palestine News Network ) Ramallah – Occupied Palestinian Territories– Munjed Jadou to Al Ahram Weekly

A year has elapsed since the Israeli military launched its campaign against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, which has been characterized by harsh restraints and a total blockade. Throughout the past year, the West bank has experienced diverse forms of assaults, starting with a complete lockdown that cut off cities and villages, effectively turning the area into a series of isolated districts.

This military action has been intensified by Political and economic attacks on the Palestinian Authority and its leadership, aligning with the Israeli right-wing government's plan to violently remove Palestinians from the West Bank, which they consider to be part of ancient "Judea and Samaria."
Over the past year, the West Bank has faced significant political, economic, and military challenges, as Israel intensified its assaults on Palestinian territories. This escalation progressed from establishing checkpoints and closures to implementing discriminatory political policies. Recently, this campaign culminated in operations referred to as "summer camp," which target Palestinian refugee camps that Israel alleges have become bases for armed Palestinian factions.

A Year of Escalating Aggression

Journalist Anan Shehadeh, who has been closely following events in the West Bank, informed Al-Ahram Weekly that Israeli forces have markedly intensified their assaults on the Palestinian people, exploiting the global media's focus on other crises. This situation has allowed the Israeli government to commit abundant offenses, including relaxing restrictions on live ammunition usage, arming settlers, and increasing settlement construction, all while implementing policies designed to undermine the Palestinian Authority.

Hundreds of Martyrs and Thousands of Injuries in the West Bank

According to Shehadeh, the Israeli blockade on the West Bank has led to considerable casualties. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, data indicates that approximately 750 Palestinians have lost their lives, the majority being innocent civilians, since October 7. Israeli forces have increased their assaults on civilians, with the Ministry of Health reporting that the majority of victims were killed by targeted sniper fire.
Shehadeh stated that Israeli forces have utilized various forms of repression and violence in breach of international law, including the deployment of warplanes and drones against civilian people, claiming they are targeting Palestinian extremists. These airstrikes have mainly focused on regions such as Jenin, Tulkarm, and Tubas, as part of Israel's so-called "summer camp" operations designed at countering Palestinian resistance fighters.
He stressed that the international community's silence has encouraged Israeli forces to persist and intensify their assaults. This situation has been exacerbated by the Israeli government's decision to arm settlers through initiatives led by far-right ministers, especially National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who has provided settlers with hundreds of thousands of weapons. This has effectively allowed settlers to commit acts of violence, with attacks reported in several Palestinian villages, including Huwara, Turmus Ayya, Al-Mughair, Abu Falah, Beita, and Umm Safa, most of which are located in the northern West Bank.

Israeli Military Operations and Palestinian Fears

Throughout the past year, Israeli forces have carried out numerous raids in cities and refugee camps in the West Bank, with the most notable occurring during the "summer camp" operation that began on the morning of Wednesday, August 28, 2024. This operation included a major assault on the cities of Jenin, Tulkarm, and Tubas in the northern occupied West Bank, targeting Palestinian resistance fighters. Israeli officials characterized it as the largest offensive since Operation Defensive Shield in 2002.
The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that 11 Palestinians were killed in the initial hours of the operation, with most of the victims being resistance fighters targeted by Israeli drones.

The Beginning of the Operation

In the early hours of August 28, 2024, Israeli forces established a complete blockade on the cities of Jenin, Tubas, and Tulkarm. The operation involved the Kfir Brigade (an infantry unit), four battalions of the Border Police, undercover units, elite forces, and military engineering teams, in coordination with the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet). Aerial support was also provided by Israeli military helicopters, fighter jets, and drones, which helped cover the ground forces.

According to Israeli media, the assault was initiated as the situation in the West Bank became a "serious concern" for Israel. The operation aimed at what Israeli forces referred to as the infrastructure of Palestinian militant groups, with the goal of reestablishing control over the northern West Bank. The offensive commenced with incursions from several directions.
Israeli forces began their assault on Jenin from three fronts, advancing from Al Jalameh checkpoint in the north and Al Salem and Dotan checkpoints in the west. At the same time, additional forces attacked Tulkarm from the western front at Nitzanei Oz, the southern front at Jabara, and the eastern front at Anabta checkpoint.

The West Bank in the Crosshairs of Israeli Military and Political Aggression

Tayseer Nasrallah, a member of Fatah's Revolutionary Council, noted that Israel's genocidal war against the Palestinian people is nearing its one-year anniversary, having resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, with millions displaced and widespread destruction of homes, infrastructure, and public facilities. He emphasized that Israel's relentless pursuit of destruction shows no signs of slowing down, as if the war has only just begun. This ongoing assault places a significant burden on the Palestinian people, affecting all segments of society. Nasrallah added that there appears to be no end in sight, nor any willingness from the international community to compel Israel to cease its actions.

Nasrallah noted that since October 7, the West Bank has emerged as a key target of Israel's aggressive campaign. He cautioned that all options remain on the table, as attacks on civilians and their lands escalate, alongside the unchecked actions of settlers, especially against Palestinian farmers. While the Israeli army conducts operations in refugee camps, cities, and villages, settlers are simultaneously assaulting these communities, resulting in the deaths of dozens of Palestinians and the destruction of their homes and vehicles.
Nasrallah warned that the West Bank is nearing an even more perilous period as Israeli aggression escalates. Despite the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Israel is simultaneously conducting attacks in the West Bank. He emphasized that Israeli hostility toward the West Bank has not wavered in recent months and years, referencing numerous airstrikes and shelling in cities such as Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarm. He noted the rise of groups like the Lions' Den and the Jenin Brigades, highlighting that over 720 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since October 7, underscoring the region's critical status as a primary target for Israeli forces.

Nasrallah emphasized that Israel is targeting Palestinian refugee camps to render them uninhabitable, seeking to drive refugees out of the areas where they have lived while awaiting their return. He also pointed out that Israel's attacks on UNRWA are part of its broader strategy to completely eliminate the refugee issue. The ongoing assault on the West Bank is aimed at achieving a military resolution to the conflict, with no political solutions forthcoming from the current Israeli government.

Unimaginable Crimes: A Year of Brutality Against Palestinian Prisoners

Palestinian detainees have endured a brutal campaign of arrests and torture since October 7. This has involved severe assaults, humiliation, and degradation, with prisoners being stripped, photographed, and subjected to starvation in horrific conditions. Since the onset of the war, Israeli authorities have prevented international organizations, including the International Red Cross, from visiting Israeli prisons to evaluate the conditions faced by Palestinian prisoners.

Abdullah Al-Zughari, head of the Palestinian Prisoners' Society, informed Al-Ahram Weekly that the abuses inflicted on prisoners over the past year are incomprehensible. He condemned Israel's treatment of detainees and their families during this bloody year, which has left the Palestinian prisoner movement struggling within Israeli prisons.

Al-Zughari indicates that since October 7, 2023, the Israeli army has arrested more than 11,000 Palestinians in a campaign characterized by mass detentions and collective punishment. Those detained have endured threats of gunfire, harsh beatings, immediate interrogations, and sexual assault threats, with some instances of sexual violence reported. Videos of these incidents have circulated to shame the victims. The Israeli army has also utilized attack dogs, human shields, and handcuffs as intimidation methods, and some detainees have been executed during the arrest operations.

The recent wave of arrests has led to widespread destruction of homes, confiscation of personal belongings, vehicles, cash, and valuables, as well as the demolition of houses belonging to prisoners in Israeli custody. Many detainees and their families have experienced physical injuries, with several reports indicating that some have been denied medical treatment. The violent raids on Palestinian homes have also resulted in significant psychological trauma, particularly affecting children.

As part of these atrocities, Israeli soldiers have recorded the arrests of Palestinian civilians in humiliating situations. One widely circulated video depicts Israeli soldiers torturing a group of civilians who have been stripped of their clothing, while another shows detainees who are blindfolded, bound, and covered with the Israeli flag as a means of humiliation.

In Gaza, arrests have been a central aspect of Israel's campaign, with thousands of civilians detained alongside many extrajudicial killings. Images have emerged showing hundreds of Gazan civilians, stripped and packed into open areas, streets, and military vehicles, subjected to degrading and inhumane treatment.
Al-Zughari noted that the torture of detainees in Gaza marks a significant turning point in the history of abuse in Israeli prisons and military camps. As some detainees from Gaza are released, testimonies have surfaced detailing unprecedented levels of mistreatment, which have escalated as more prisoners are freed. Israel has created specialized camps to hold Gaza detainees in addition to its main prisons, with facilities such as Sde Teyman and Anatot camps becoming well-known for their torture practices.

Al-Zughari stated that since October 7, at least 24 Palestinian prisoners have died in Israeli prisons and military camps, with their identities revealed. Additionally, several Gazan detainees have also died in custody, though Israel has not disclosed any information about them. Among the 24 identified prisoners, 22 bodies are still being withheld by Israeli authorities, making up part of a total of 33 prisoners whose remains have yet to be returned.

Regarding the total number of prisoners, Al-Zughari, whose organization has been advocating for prisoners' rights for 31 years, reported that as of September 2024, over 9,900 Palestinians from the West Bank are incarcerated in Israeli prisons, including 3,323 administrative detainees. Additionally, 1,612 detainees from Gaza have been categorized as“unlawful combatants,” though this number does not include the thousands held in military camps. Israeli sources suggest that the overall number of Gazan prisoners exceeds 4,500.

The Palestinian Prisoners' Club estimates that there are 93 known female detainees, including Jihad Dar Nakhla, who is pregnant, and three women from Gaza incarcerated at Damon Prison. Additionally, 21 women are under administrative detention. However, this figure does not represent all female detainees from Gaza, as some may be held in Israeli military camps, with their identities concealed.
The number of child detainees is at least 250, although this figure likely underrepresents the total number of children from Gaza currently held in Israeli military camps.

Al-Zughari concluded by urging international organizations to take immediate steps to safeguard Palestinian prisoners after a year marked by ongoing torture, killings, starvation, sexual assault, overcrowding, and other violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which is intended to protect prisoners of war. He questioned whether Israel would continue to operate with impunity, highlighting that this year of torture has revealed the failures of the United Nations and the hypocrisy of an international system that professes to uphold human rights.

What Awaits the West Bank?

Nasrallah warned that the West Bank is likely to experience even more intense attacks in the near future, with both the Israeli military and settlers expanding their targeted areas. He highlighted the increased dangers for Palestinian farmers during the upcoming olive harvest season, which is increasingly viewed as a time of resistance. He noted that last year's olive harvest was especially violent, with several Palestinians killed by settlers while tending to their olive groves.

Government Policies for Land Control in the West Bank

Both Palestinian and Israeli statistics show a significant rise in Israeli aggression toward the West Bank, with over 130 new settler outposts established with the backing of Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. This comes on top of the numerous settlements and thousands of settlement units announced by the Israeli government over the past year, both in the West Bank and in occupied Jerusalem.

Murad Shtayyeh, director of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee in the northern West Bank, noted that since Smotrich assumed office, he has been advancing decisions designed to seize more Palestinian land and impose stricter restrictions on the Palestinian population. Holding two significant roles in the Israeli government-as Minister of Finance and head of the Civil Administration, which oversees construction and urban development in Area C (about 61% of the West Bank). Smotrich has been actively advocating for the expansion of settlements and securing funding for these initiatives.

Shtayyeh pointed out that Smotrich has introduced the concept of "buffer zones" to appropriate large areas of Palestinian land, especially near settlements. These zones restrict Palestinians' access to their own land, paving the way for its eventual transfer to settlers. Smotrich began implementing these buffer zones after October 7, starting in the northern West Bank. Shtayyeh's team documented the seizure of 31 dunams (about 7.7 acres) from the village of Deir Istiya in the Salfit Governorate, which falls within these buffer zone areas. This military order specifically targets lands adjacent to the settlement of Revava.

He further explained that additional military orders have been issued to appropriate around 18 dunams of land in the villages of Madama, Burin, and Asira al-Qibliya for the construction of a military security road encircling the settlement of Yitzhar. This could result in the confiscation of hundreds more dunams. Another military order has been issued to prohibit construction on 5,000 dunams of land north of Nablus, with part of this land located in Area A and the remainder in Area B. Additionally, eight dunams have been seized in the village of Beit Lid to build a road serving the settlement of Einav. According to Shtayyeh, buffer zones are currently concentrated in the northern West Bank, with a significant number of military-designated zones also established in the south.

Shtayyeh emphasized that Israel is taking advantage of the world's attention on Gaza to advance numerous settlement projects, including the construction of new outposts between existing settlements to enhance connectivity and expand settler control. He explained that these outposts are often presented as "pastoral settlements," allowing settlers to occupy more land, especially in strategic areas that link settlements. This approach is part of Israel's broader strategy to fragment the West Bank into isolated enclaves and confiscate land under various justifications, such as declaring it state land or issuing military orders for settlement expansion. Thousands of dunams have already been seized through these methods, particularly in the Jordan Valley, with the policy now spreading to Tulkarm, Nablus, Salfit, Jericho and parts of Qalqilya Governorate.
Shtayyeh warned that the West Bank, especially Area C, is experiencing a troubling escalation in settlement expansion due to new laws enacted by the Israeli Knesset. These laws have streamlined the settlement approval process, reducing the previous four stages to just two, which allows for faster expansion of settlements, particularly in strategic areas aimed at isolating the northern West Bank from its central and southern regions. Israel is also working to divide Palestinian governorates by installing military gates at the entrances to villages along major roads, including those in Nablus and eastern Qalqilya. Military gates have been set up in these areas as well as in villages in Salfit.
Shtayyeh concluded that Israel is swiftly pushing forward with its plans to appropriate more Palestinian land across all West Bank governorates. There are evident efforts to expand settlements in strategic locations to further fragment Palestinian territories and legitimize numerous illegal outposts located between major settlements.``
Difficult Living Conditions

Mohammad Taha Abu Alia, the governor of Bethlehem, told Al-Ahram Weekly that Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps in various governorates are facing severe humanitarian, economic, and social challenges. He noted that Israeli aggression against the West Bank began on the very first day of the war on Gaza, and the region continues to endure closures and sieges.
Abu Alia explained that the Israeli occupation has capitalized on the war in Bethlehem, a region that was already struggling with settlement activity and a siege before the conflict began. The right-wing Israeli government has used the war as a justification to intensify its attacks on Bethlehem, which now reflects the situation across all Palestinian governorates. For instance, 16 new settlement outposts have been announced in Bethlehem, and the Israeli military has further isolated city centers from surrounding villages by erecting military checkpoints, dirt and cement barriers, and gates, significantly limiting Palestinian movement.

He pointed out that Palestinian farmers, like those across the West Bank, were unable to access their lands during last year's olive harvest because of Israeli checkpoints and the violent actions of settlers, who were given free rein to assault Palestinian olive pickers. This same scenario is anticipated to occur again this year.

The governor emphasized that these Israeli measures and attacks have intensified the suffering of the Palestinian people. Unemployment in Bethlehem has surged from 30% to nearly 70% as Israel has blocked Palestinian workers from accessing jobs in Jerusalem and within the Green Line. According to Palestinian statistics, since October 7, 160,000 Palestinian workers have been denied entry into Israel, including 20,000 from Bethlehem. This has led to a severe economic crisis, further exacerbated by the widespread devastation caused by the war.
Abu Alia also noted that the policies of the Israeli government have had a devastating effect on the Palestinian economy. Israel's confiscation of Palestinian tax revenues has left around 200,000 civil and military employees unpaid, adding further pressure to the economy. Additionally, Bethlehem, which depends heavily on tourism, has been severely affected by the decline in tourism due to Israel's control over the borders, worsening the region's economic conditions.
He further highlighted that Bethlehem, like other Palestinian cities, is facing discriminatory practices, including the swift appropriation of land and the demolition of homes. Settlers have also been reported to steal equipment and property, including livestock, in Area C, according to the Oslo Accords, often with the backing of the Israeli military and police. The objective of these actions is evident: to drive Palestinians out of Areas B and C, which make up 70% of the total area of the West Bank.
Abu Alia stressed that Israel's recent decision to designate 127,000 dunams of natural reserves in Bethlehem as Area C, along with the ongoing demolitions of homes, is part of a larger strategy aimed at displacing the Palestinian population. This brutal war against the Palestinian people, occurring amid Arab and international silence, has transformed their lives into a living nightmare for over a year. Abu Alia questioned whether Palestinian lives have become so undervalued in the eyes of the international community and the Arab world, as they continue to remain passive while these atrocities unfold.


Palestine News Network

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