Telegram defends compliance with EU laws after founder Pavel Durov arrested in France

(MENAFN) Telegram, the popular online messaging platform, has asserted its adherence to European Union regulations following the arrest of its founder, Pavel Durov, by French authorities. Durov was detained at Le Bourget airport on Saturday evening after arriving from Azerbaijan, in connection with an ongoing investigation into Telegram's alleged failure to cooperate with law enforcement on issues such as drug trafficking, fraud, and child sexual abuse on the platform. This arrest has sparked widespread media attention, with local reports highlighting the preliminary nature of the investigation.

In response to the situation, Telegram released a statement on the social media platform X late Sunday, affirming that it fully complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA mandates that digital platforms take swift action to remove illegal content, and Telegram emphasized its commitment to these requirements. The company dismissed the notion that either the platform or its owner could be held responsible for the misuse of the service by some users, calling such claims "absurd." Telegram further noted that Durov, who frequently travels within Europe, has nothing to hide and has been transparent about his activities.

Despite these assurances, Telegram has faced ongoing criticism for not taking stronger measures against hate speech and other illegal activities on its platform. However, the company defended its content moderation practices, stating that they are "in line with industry standards" and are being "continuously improved" to better address these challenges. The arrest of Durov has brought renewed scrutiny to Telegram's policies and its role in preventing illegal activities, but the platform remains steadfast in its stance that it operates within the bounds of the law. 



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