Leafy Greens To Cut Fruits: 7 Foods You MUST Stay Way From This Monsoon

(MENAFN- AsiaNet News) As the monsoon sweeps in with its cool rains and refreshing breeze, it also brings along a host of health concerns, particularly related to food safety. During this season, certain foods can pose significant health risks due to increased moisture and humidity, which create ideal conditions for bacterial growth and contamination. It's crucial to be mindful of what you eat to avoid falling ill. Here are seven foods you should steer clear of this monsoon season to stay healthy and enjoy the rains without worries.

Leafy Greens

Leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce tend to retain moisture, making them susceptible to bacterial growth. Opt for thoroughly washed and cooked greens to minimize the risk.

Leafy Greens To Cut Fruits: 7 Foods You MUST Stay Way From This Monsoon Image

Street Food

While tempting, street food is often prepared and stored in unhygienic conditions, increasing the chances of contamination. Avoid dishes like chaat and pakoras unless you're sure of their preparation.

Cut Fruits

Pre-cut fruits sold by vendors may not be adequately washed or stored, risking contamination. It's safer to wash and cut fruits at home just before consumption.


Monsoon affects seafood availability and quality. Freshwater fish may contain higher levels of contaminants due to runoff, while seafood in general is more prone to spoilage in humid conditions.

Fried Foods

Foods like samosas and bhajiyas absorb more oil during monsoons due to high humidity, leading to heavier and greasier meals. Excess oil consumption can upset digestion.

Dairy Products

Milk, yogurt, and cheese can spoil quickly in humid weather, leading to bacterial growth. Ensure dairy products are stored properly and consumed within their shelf life.

Carbonated Drinks

Cold drinks and sodas may be stored in improperly washed or reused bottles, risking contamination. Opt for freshly prepared beverages or bottled drinks from reliable sources.

Enjoying the monsoon season involves not just savoring the rains but also safeguarding your health. By avoiding these seven risky foods and opting for fresh, hygienically prepared alternatives, you can make the most of this season without compromising your well-being. Stay mindful of food safety practices and indulge responsibly to ensure a healthy and delightful monsoon experience.

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AsiaNet News

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