Peace Is Nigh Despite Pressures Of Opposition Forces - Azerbaijan Liberates 4 Villages

(MENAFN- AzerNews)
Peace Is Nigh Despite Pressures Of Opposition Forces - Azerbaijan Liberates 4 Villages Image
Fatime Letifova Read more

Although the end of more than thirty years of conflict betweenAzerbaijan and Armenia emerges as one of the important issues atthe regional and global level, it still makes no difference forsome separatist-minded elements in Armenia. Thus, despite theimportance of the delimitation and demarcation of the bordersbetween the two countries and the return of the four villages ofGazakh, the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan has beenstressing for several months now, a group of provocateurs andpropagandists, supported by the opposition forces, is trying tooppose it.

Certainly, if the issue is the future security of the SouthCaucasus, there can be no question here. Pashinyan has been of thisopinion for the last few months, but within the country he leads,there are some people who don't like his policy, and there are evena few who want to eliminate him at once.

In summary, since this is an internal problem in Armenia, let'savoid this issue. However, the main issue is that some anti-peaceelements discuss what happened in the past and present it to thepublic in a distorted form, which is nothing but an obstacle topeace.

Recall that following the recent meeting of the foreignministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Alma-Ata on May 10, it wasconfirmed that the signing of the peace treaty between the twocountries is in the near future.

The Armenian leadership even admits that the agreement reachedbetween the two countries was the first in history. Despite theconfessions of the Armenian minister and the government led by him,the forces that want to influence the country from outside cannotaccept these processes.

Evidently, the Armenian lobby in France and the USA cannotimplement its plans in the South Caucasus with the help of theArmenian government. Because neither the Armenian authorities havea chance for this, nor the patrons abroad have a reason tointervene. Preventing all means frustrates them, and in the end,those forces still have to resort to petty sabotage andprovocations.

Azerbaijan, home to multiculturalism, religious freedom, andethnic minorities, somehow looks different in the eyes of someseparatist-minded Armenians. They are trying to carry out a slandercampaign on behalf of Azerbaijan, speaking on behalf of theArmenians who once lived in Azerbaijan.

An Armenian speaking on one of the social networks says that hegrew up in Baku and had to leave the country as a result of the"pogrom" after the 80s. The tale of "pogrom" invented by Armeniansis known to many. At that time, the policy of ethnic cleansingstarted in Yerevan was then sparked tumults in Sumgait, Shamakhi,and a number of Azerbaijani territories. As a result ofprovocations like in Garabagh, Armenians killed thousands ofAzerbaijanis and later left the country.

If the question is about the ethnic cleansing, why do Talish,Lezgi, Avar and other ethnic minorities still live in Azerbaijan,but not Armenians? If Azerbaijan really carried out a policy ofethnic cleansing, then other ethnic minorities would not haveexisted in the country or would not be able to live in peacefulconditions today.

Let us recall that the policy of ethnic cleansing, genocide, andaggression purposefully carried out by Armenian nationalistsagainst Azerbaijani people in the last two centuries constitutevery painful stages of the history of Azerbaijan, full oftragedies. The main goal of this nationalist-chauvinist policy wasto create a "Great Armenia" state invented by Armenians in theancient Azerbaijani territories by expelling local Azerbaijanisfrom their own lands. Historical facts show that the resettlementof a large number of Armenians troops from Iran and Turkiye to themountainous part of the Garabagh region of Azerbaijan, which is ofstrategic importance, began at the beginning of the 19th century this period, tsarist Russia, which wanted to take controlover the rich natural resources of the region, used the "Armenianfactor" as a political tool when it waged war against Turkiye andIran at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19thcentury.

124,000 Armenians were first officially relocated to themountainous part of Azerbaijan's Garabagh region, and later, manyArmenians were relocated unofficially. In general, during the years1828-1830, more than 200 thousand Armenians were moved to theAzerbaijan's lands.

Thus, in the two years following the Turkmenchay Treaty, as aresult of the patronage of Tsarist Russia, Armenians managed tosettle in various parts of Azerbaijan, including the Garabaghregion.

Thus, during the last 200 years, the Azerbaijani people weresubjected to the continuous policy of ethnic cleansing, genocide,and aggression of the Armenian nationalists, and they weredisplaced from their historical lands, turned into refugees andinternally displaced persons. The resettlement process, which waspart of the colonial policy of Tsarist Russia, was continuedthroughout the 19th century, and as a result, it affected thedemographic situation in the region. The artificial reproduction ofArmenians in this region has led to their territorial claims andaggressive policy against Azerbaijan since the beginning of the20th century.

In the period from the beginning of 1917 to March 1918, 197villages in Iravan province, 109 villages in the Zangazur region,157 villages in Garabagh were destroyed by the Armenian armedforces, and 60 settlements were destroyed by arsonists in otherregions.

In addition, hundreds of residential areas of Azerbaijan,including more than 150 villages in Karabakh, were destroyed andburned, and merciless massacres were committed against Azerbaijanisin Shusha.

Towards the end of the Second World War, it came out that theArmenian strted to sharpen their appetite to usurp Azerbaijan'sGarabagh region.

Armenia was pretending not to be a party to the conflict, actingupon a special plan in an effort to mislead the internationalcommunity. During the military campaign, the Armenian armed forcesbrutally killed Azerbaijanis in the occupied districts and citieswithout making any distinction between the military and thecivilian population. It was an act of ethnic cleansing and attemptof genocide against a nation.

In response to yet another attempt at military aggression byArmenia, Azerbaijan's Army launched a counterattack and, as aresult of the 44-day Patriotic War, managed to crush the Armenianarmy, bring it to its knees and liberate the occupied territories Iron Fist carried out by the victorious Azerbaijani Armyunder the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, PresidentIlham Aliyev is inscribed in the history of the Azerbaijani peoplein golden letters as it led to Armenia's capitulation, a countrythat glorified occupation and Nazism and turned it into a statepolicy.

And finally, on November 10, 2020, the act of capitulationsigned by Armenia with the mediation of Russia at the insistence ofAzerbaijan put an end to the protracted conflict.

But Armenia did not stop its provocations even after the 44-dayPatriotic War, which ended the 30-year occupation of Azerbaijan'sterritories. Main provocations were supported by the FrenchArmenian lobby.

Given the recent incident in Israel last month, it seems thatFrance's pro-Armenian sentiment caused a stir on social media. Itgoes without saying that French officials are trying to be moreArmenian than the Armenians themselves and give their support tothe Armenian lobbies with all their might, who want to shieldradical Armenians in connection with the events in the“Cow Garden”quarter in Jerusalem. Armenians cordoned off this territory and didnot allow Jews there. This fact shows that Armeniannationalist-chauvinist forces are trying to implement the samepolicy in different regions of the world.

The lies, fabricated history, and ridiculous claims of theArmenians, which cover the world, cannot be stopped.

This time, the mindless evil machine of the occupying country isdirected against another nation - the Japanese. Thus, ArmenianDiaspora Commissioner Zareh Sinanyan made statements questioningthe national identity of the Japanese people on the air of"Azatutyan". He claimed that the Japanese supposedly arose from thefusion of Koreans and Chinese and became the Japanese people 2,000years later.

Sinanyan's opinions, which are not based on any facts, can beconsidered the next manifestation of Armenia's policy of racialdiscrimination at the state level. The fact that the non-seriousand irresponsible statement was made not by an ordinary Armeniancitizen but by the Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs of Armeniaalso shows that this country's policy of creating discord betweenpeoples based on racism and fabricated history is not only aimed atAzerbaijan, but other countries and peoples are also targeted.

After Japan's objection to the said issue, instead ofapologising to the Japanese people and state, the Ministry ofForeign Affairs of Armenia tried to disguise Sinanyan's absurdclaims in its own way. Seeing that his next lies were exposed,official Yerevan tried to write off Sinanyan's views as hispersonal opinions.

As in their approach to all issues, the Armenian leadership hasattributed Armenian thoughts in their approach to individuals historians of a nation linked the creation of the world withtheir names and tried to convince almost everyone that this isindeed a reality, it was worth expecting such abnormalities fromtheir politicians.

It is worth noting that nowadays the progress towards the peacetreaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia is ongoing. It should not beforgotten that the conclusion of the peace treaty betweenAzerbaijan and Armenia guarantees first the security ofArmenia.

At first, if there is no war or conflict in the region, so thereis no need for the mediation of external forces. This means thatAzerbaijan and Armenia will not only recognise each other's bordersbut will also start cooperating within the framework of the opendoor principle.

Secondly, Armenia's signing of a peace treaty with Azerbaijanwill contribute to its relations with Turkiye, and the borders willopen, which will massively affect Armenia's economic structure. Onthe other hand, Armenia will also benefit from Azerbaijan's giantoil and gas projects as well as its projects, in green energy.

Thirdly, and most importantly, the development of Armenia in theregion will undermine the plans of colonialist countries likeFrance to influence the South Caucasus for evil purposes. Yerevanwill no longer have to be a toy for other countries and play intothe hands of some Western organisations.

Undoubtedly, the signing of the peace treaty in the region willcontribute a lot to Armenia as well as Azerbaijan and will maintainlong-term security in the South Caucasus.



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