Gaza's Food System Has Been Stretched To Breaking Point By Israel

(MENAFN- The Conversation)

“Control oil, and you control nations; control food and you control people.” This aphorism, often attributed to Henry Kissinger, recently came to mind when I saw first hand how both strategies have been effectively deployed in Israel's Occupation and blockade of Gaza.

As a researcher of I was in the encircled territory, some 50km by 10km and home to 2.2 million Palestinians, to explore how it could recover its food sovereignty. I was particularly struck by the enduring associated with its rich trading history, and how local varieties, inextricably linked to life in Gaza, are under threat.

As the most recent in August fades from view, it's worth looking at how recent history has shaped the territorial food system and stretched it to breaking point.

Farming Gaza's sandy coastal soils requires skills honed over generations. Local varieties of olive, date palm, citrus and grape have been uniquely adapted over millennia to cope with its saline conditions. The heavier clay-based soils to the eastern border of what is now the Gaza Strip hold enough moisture and fertility to support rain-fed agriculture.

Today, farming in Gaza takes place primarily in and around urban areas, caught between the annexation of its border farms and urban expansion. A quarter of the population, mostly women, derive their livelihoods from small-scale as both paid and unpaid labour. Nonetheless, and somewhat remarkably, Gaza has proved that it can be in fruits and vegetables. In theory that's enough to feed its population and bring in export revenue.

Satellites reveal the difference between small-scale family farming in southern Gaza (left), and highly subsidised industrial agriculture in Israel. ,

However, repeated airstrikes under 55 years of occupation, and a 15-year blockade have dramatically shaped Gaza's production and consumption patterns. Despite being self-sufficient in some crops, pressures on grazing and arable land result in and available animal protein.

This dietary shortfall is picked up by the UN, with supplied to the 68% of the population that is food insecure, and by imports from Israel. The occupied Palestinian territory constitutes Israel's third largest export market (after the US and China).

Degraded soil and imported seeds

In an attempt to compete with highly-subsidised food imports, many farmers have become dependent on imported synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. These effectively increase the cost of local production and undermine soil biology and its ability to retain moisture and fertility. Nitrate leaching has become a major source of .

A UN food aid distribution centre in Gaza, May 2022. Anas-Mohammed / shutterstock

Increased dependence on hybrid seeds displaces highly adapted and nutrient-rich open-pollinated baladi (local) seeds that can be saved and sown again each year. These are at the heart of Gaza's food culture, and the diversity they represent is essential for climate change adaptation.

Water, energy and wasted

As Gaza's population has grown, its coastal aquifer, which once provided the territory's fresh water, has been over-exploitated and contaminated by sea water. It is now considered unfit for .

Israel's systematic targeting of Gaza's , which is integral to any food system, and its to equipment for repair or replacement, has accelerated what the UN describes as Gaza's .

Airstrikes on Gaza's only power plant and largest sewage treatment plant in 2008 resulted in the release of into neighbouring homes and farmland. In 2018, Israeli destruction of sanitation infrastructure resulted in further , leaving raw solid and liquid wastes being discharged into the Mediterranean, threatening the fish stocks that Gazan fishers and consumers depend upon.

Internationally funded may, for now, have reduced sewage flows. But there remains the persistent threat of limited capacity, faltering energy supplies and future attacks.

Shrinking territory

Israel“disengaged” from Gaza in 2005, purportedly to land previously under Israeli settlements and militarised zones. Yet occupation was effectively increased in the form of“”.

55 years of occupation in Gaza (source: Premiere Urgence Internationale 2022)

Over a is in these no-go zones along the northern and eastern borders that once formed the territory's fruit and bread baskets. The exact range of the zone is undeclared but is understood to vary between .

Those who stray too close to these areas risk being shot and their equipment confiscated or destroyed. Along the 60km land border, Israel deploys border posts, some“manned” by . Similarly, access to Mediterranean waters is restricted , depriving Gaza's artisanal fishers of full access to the most productive fishing grounds.

Already in 2022, there have been 644 to prevent access to land or sea.

Destruction of farmland

Despite the now-normalised blockade and regular airstrikes, land invasions still pose the most significant threat. Between 2000 and 2008 it is that 112,000 olive trees were uprooted during Israeli“incursions”.

After Operation Cast Lead (2008-9), the documented destruction of soils, vegetable crops, orchards, livestock, wells, hatcheries, beehives, greenhouses, irrigation networks, barns and stables. Replacement or young fruit trees are ill-adapted to saline conditions, and so cannot survive.

After Operation Protective Edge (2014) the UN was denied access, but reported that the destruction of critical infrastructure had become“”.

Before and After: 44 acres of farmland land and greenhouses destroyed on the Rafah border (December 2003).

Biannual by Israel, allegedly for security purposes, damages hundreds of acres of crops. And regular destroy many more .

Compensation for the destruction of farmland and infrastructure by the Israeli state is supposed to be met by the UN through contributions from member states. To date, no compensation has been made to Palestinian farmers.

Ultimately the international community, in supporting food“security” while quietly covering the costs of damage, remains complicit in its silence. Israel's violence against Palestinian food and farming systems renders dignified healthy food impossible. Gaza, before much longer, may indeed become .

The Conversation


The Conversation

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