Swiss President Shows Government Round Her Home Canton

(MENAFN- Swissinfo) As part of the Swiss government's annual field trip to the home canton of the current president, Defence Minister Viola Amherd has welcomed the six other government ministers to Brig in canton Valais.

This content was published on June 28, 2024 - 10:06 4 minutes Keystone-SDA

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They received a warm round of applause from the public on Thursday, who gathered in the shade of the archways of the Stockalper Castle and sang the official Valais anthem.

“It is an important moment for the Federal Council to meet the people,” said Amherd, who holds the rotating Swiss presidency this year, at a media event in front of the castle in the Upper Valais town. She said she was looking forward to showing her colleagues around her home canton.

The two-day trip to Valais began in the morning with a stop in Sion, where the party arrived by train.

External Content Celebrating closeness to the public

“We are looking forward to sharing this moment of conviviality and exchange with you,” Amherd told the hundred or so people who welcomed the Federal Council members in Sion.

“This trip is an opportunity to strengthen the ties between the members of the government, but also with the population,” she continued.“It is a real pleasure and an honour to receive the Federal Councillors in Valais,” replied Franz Ruppen, president of the Valais cantonal government.

Meeting and greeting. Keystone / Jean-Christophe Bott

Ruppen went on to say that Valais and the federal government were linked by numerous projects, such as the A9 motorway, which is not yet completed, and photovoltaics in the Alps.

“Maybe you will talk about it on this excursion, but to be honest, I don't wish you to,” Amherd said.“A school trip is above all about making and strengthening relationships, exchanging ideas, marvelling and laughing,” she continued, prompting laughter from the audience.

Virginie Rossier, president of the Sion government, praised the“simplicity” with which this meeting was taking place,“without excessive security protocol”. She also noted that it was an excellent idea to stop off in the capital of Valais, the second-largest wine-growing municipality, at aperitif time.

Viola Amherd and Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter ahead of the rest of the government arriving at Stockalper Castle Keystone / Jean-Christophe Bott

After the speeches, there were opportunities for photos and handshakes with the regional government, while women in traditional costumes served the aperitif.

Stroll through the vines

The Federal Council members then travelled to Salgesch for a stroll through the vineyards. The circular walk with views of the Pfynwald forest is also known as the Emerald Lizard Trail.

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During the walk, which was attended by representatives of the municipality and a delegation from the Valais State Council, discussions centred on agriculture and viticulture, sustainable, small-scale tourism in the region and its flora and fauna – including the rare and shy emerald lizards.

After the first day of the trip was mainly dedicated to agriculture and nature, the programme for the second day in Upper Valais was set to focus on the history and culture of the region.

Adapted from German by DeepL/kc/ts

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