Arab-Islamic Summit Calls For Stopping Israel's Aggression On Palestinians

(MENAFN- Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) RIYADH, Nov 11 (KUNA) -- The leaders of Arab and Islamic states Saturday called on the Security Council to take a decisive and binding decision to stop the Israeli Occupation aggression on Palestinians that violates international humanitarian law and international legitimacy's resolutions.
In the final communique issued at the end of the joint Arab-Islamic extraordinary summit hosted by Riyadh, the leaders called for lifting the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip and allowing urgently the convoys of humanitarian aid, including food, energy, medicines, to get into the Strip.
They affirmed that they confront together this aggression and its humanitarian catastrophe, adding that they work to stop it and end all illegal Israeli practices that perpetuate the occupation and deprive Palestinian people from their rights, especially their right to freedom and an independent state with sovereignty over its entire national territory, it noted.
They stressed all the importance of implementing the resolutions issued by the OIC and the League on the Palestinian issue and the occupied Arab territories, recalling the UN and other international organizations' resolutions regarding the Palestinian issue, the crimes of the Israeli occupation, and the rights of the Palestinian people to freedom and independence in all of its occupied territories since 1967, which constitute a single geographical unit.
The leaders stressed the need to enable international humanitarian organizations to play their role in providing humanitarian and relief aid to the Palestinian people, including United Nations organizations, especially the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), and to support its efforts in this regard.
They condemned all forms of hatred and discrimination, and proposals that perpetuate hate and extremism, warning against the disastrous consequences of the retaliatory aggression launched by Israeli occupation against the Gaza Strip, which amounts to a war crime.
The communique affirmed the centrality of the Palestinian issue and providing all kinds of support to the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle to liberate all their occupied territories and fulfill all their inalienable rights, especially their right to self-determination and live in their independent, sovereign state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital.
They emphasized that the just, lasting and comprehensive peace, which is a strategic option, is the only way to guarantee security and stability for all the peoples of the region and protect them from the cycles of violence and wars.
They said this would not be achieved without ending the Israeli occupation and resolving the Palestinian issue on the base of the two-state solution.
The leaders called on countries to stop exporting weapons and ammunition to the Israeli occupation used by its army and terrorist settlers to kill Palestinian people, and destroy their homes, hospitals, schools, mosques and churches.
They also called on the Security Council to take an immediate decision condemning the barbaric Israeli occupation's destruction of hospitals in the Gaza Strip and preventing the entry of medicines, food and energy to it as well as cutting electricity, water and the internet as a collective punishment, which is a war crime in line with international law.
They stressed the need of requesting the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to complete investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Israel occupation against Palestinian people in all the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, the communique said.
They tasked the OIC and the League's secretariats to follow up establishing two legal monitoring units specialized in documenting the Israeli occupation crimes committed in the Strip since October 7.
In this regard, the communique affirmed the importance of supporting Palestine's legal and political initiatives to hold the officials of the Israeli occupation authorities accountable for their crimes against the Palestinian people.
The summit also tasked the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey, Indonesia, Nigeria, Palestine as well as any interested country and the OIC and League's secretaries-general to initiate immediate international action on behalf of all member states of the two blocs to stop the war on Gaza, and press for a serious and real political process in order to achieve lasting and comprehensive peace, in accordance with approved international references.
The summit deplored the displacement of about 1.5 Palestinians from the north of the Gaza Strip to its south, considering it a war crime in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and its annex of 1977.
It called on the states parties to the convention to take a collective decision condemning Israel for this step, and called on all United Nations organizations to confront the attempt of the colonial occupation authorities to normalize this inhuman and miserable reality and the emphasis on the necessity of the immediate return of these displaced people to their homes and areas.
The leaders expressed their complete and absolute rejection of any attempts of collective or individual forced displacement, exile or deportation of the Palestinian people, whether inside the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, including Jerusalem, or outside its territory to any other destination, whatever it may be, considering this a mistake and a war crime.
They called for the release of all prisoners, detainees and civilians, and condemned the abhorrent crimes committed by the occupation authorities against thousands of Palestinian prisoners.
In addition, they stressed the need for Israel to implement its obligations as the occupying power and stop all its illegal measures, especially the construction and expansion of settlements, the confiscation of lands, and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes.
They also called on all concerned countries and international organizations to put pressure to stop these crimes and prosecute their perpetrators.
Moreover, they deplored the killing of journalists, children and women, and the targeting of paramedics as well as the internationally banned white phosphorus bombs used by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip and Lebanon. They condemned the repeated Israeli statements and threats to return Lebanon to the "Stone Age" and the need to prevent the expansion of the conflict, calling on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to investigate the Israeli occupation's use of chemical weapons.
They said that Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is the only legitimate representative of Palestinian people, calling on all Palestinian factions and powers to unify under the umbrella of the PLO.
They called for holding an international conference for peace as soon as possible through which a reliable peace process is launched based on international law, international legitimacy's resolutions and the principles of "Land for Peace", within a specific time framework and with international guarantees leading to the end of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, Including East Jerusalem, the occupied Syrian Golan, Shebaa Farms, the Kafr Shuba hills, and the outskirts of the Lebanese town of al-Mari, according to the communique. They finally called for implementing a two-state solution. (end)


Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)

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