(MENAFN- Robotics & automation News) The Role of Gamification in E-Learning
September 15, 2023 by David Edwards Leave a Comment
The key role of gamification is that games activate the pleasure centers of the brain. 97% of children play video games. In addition, 70% of teachers reported that they had noticed increased student interest in using video games in the classroom.
Making learning fun is an effective way to maintain foand increase motivation. The process of gamification is widely used in exact and natural sciences such as mathematics and chemistry.
For example, after adding math games to the learning process at the University of Florida, students not only improved their academic performance but also began to repeat the material itself. And some people admitted that they overcame their phobia of mathematics.
Modern gamification in edtech, game formats makes it easier to remember important new educational content. Flashcards and tests are the easiest way to practice foreign languages both online and offline.
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What is Gamification?
Game-based learning continues to take the world by storm and become a widespread phenomenon in the educational process. Teachers, administrators, and even doctors are incorporating games into their work.
What is gamification and why has this phenomenon become so popular in varifields? Why is the number of people interested in game-based learning growing? How can game-based learning be used in education?
You can find more useful information about the possibilities and available gamification tools in this article. Many people are interested in the question: What is gamification? The process of gamification is the active application of key game principles in a non-game environment.
Unlike other game formats, the emphasis is on achieving a specific goal, not on the game itself. Everyone knows perfectly well that children and adults love to learn through play because the natural desire to play and the spirit of competition help to diversify and facilitate the learning of complex subjects and topics.
More than 80% of workers and students claim that using games in a professional or educational context improves the productivity of the educational process.
Active learning through engaging games is also common in schools. In-game courses, students don't earn grades but instead earn experience points, badges, general opportunities to rank up, and more. This helps to achieve a higher success rate.
The Advantages of Gamification in eLearning
The benefits of gamification in online learning are quite influential. When we learn through play, we immerse ourselves in the process as much as possible. Playing games in a custom elearning gamification, class makes it easier to learn complex topics.
It is easier to recognize new educational information by practicing in pairs or groups and improving your knowledge than by reading or listening to lessons alone.
Teachers know many game techniques that help students of all ages to make the process of e-learning more exciting with the help of gamification:
With the help of gamification, students quickly understand whether they need to study the material or whether they have already mastered it well; Gamification actively promotes socialization; Using exciting game formats for two or more groups, even students with communication problems can easily adapt to a team and begin to actively study complex scientific topics, complete complex educational tasks, and thoroughly understand educational topics that seemed difficult to them in independent study; and Gamified elearning formats, which you can learn more about at , encourage collaboration rather than competition, improve overall team spirit, and enable faster learning of scientific materials.
Increased Retention
Increased retention of gamification allows for replacing old classification systems. Instead of“good” or“bad” grades, students now receive points for enriched learning gamification ideas and experiences.
They complete assignments, tests, and projects just like other students, but their final grade is the number of“experience points” they earn. It is impossible to get a bad grade in class, so every task brings joy to students, not frustration.
Thanks to gamification methods, the evaluation system is more understandable and accessible to young people.
Adaptive Learning
Adaptive learning with gamification allows you to simplify the process of completing an educational task and make it more interesting. For homework, you can have students complete tasks and tests, solve puzzles, or create their puzzles.
Gamification in eLearning – the use of game elements in non-game processes. One of these processes is education. Learning environments already have game elements of gamification, including midterm and summative assessments. Active cooperation during gamification allows to motivate students to learn actively.
Engagement and Motivation
Engagement and motivation in gamification are big enough aspects. Every game should have its key secrets. The desire to reveal them takes the player from one level to another and“fuels” the tension. Danger. What is a risk-free game? Adrenaline makes you better.
This forces players to use their full potential. The heart of every game is action. Every player knows what he must do in his favorite game to be better than his opponent and ultimately win.
Uncertainty. Nobody wanted to play if they knew everything about the game script. Only constant challenges and new challenges excite and bring joy from an exciting game-learning process.
Immediate Feedback
Immediate feedback in gamification allows you to get a feeling of excitement. No one plays the game too easily or too hard. In the first case, you will be bored, in the second case, you will give up with disbelief.
An ideal option presents certain difficulties, but they can be overcome by making certain important efforts to achieve the set goal.
Sense of Achievement
The sense of achievement in gamification evokes a certain emotional element. The game should evoke emotions in the participants. Joy, anger, fear, and experience make this process interesting, exciting, and unforgettable.
Higher levels of engagement
A higher level of engagement in gamification allows you to see the current level of progress. It's important that players not only enjoy progress but also see their progress compared to other players. It keepson our toes.
Improved retention
Improved save in gamification allows you to get an exciting game. Without knowing all the rules, it is impossible to play anything. Written rules will help you understand the essence of the game and become a winner.
Gets students hooked on learning
Gamification actively involves students in a productive learning process. The greatest achievement in any game is winning. So what does winning give a player, other than psychological satisfaction?
The size of the prize increases the player's chances of achieving the goal. When using gamification tools, lessons become more lively, and students' interest in the educational process, and in the process of studying a certain topic increases.
Gamification e-learning examples
How can the key elements of gamification and e-learning be implemented in practice? Students often find homework boring and do not complete it. Why not make homework fun?
Sometimes we define creative tasks through game elements. For example, create a magazine with interesting facts or make puzzles with concepts of biology or geography as answers.
You can do it as a team or independently. The fact is that there is no need to fix exact dates“from day to day”. Otherwise, the student will not be able to develop his creative abilities due to lack of time.
When you tackle a monthly challenge, remember to track progress and support those who are struggling. It is also important that teachers distribute tasks as best as possible for students of a certain age group.
Achievement badges in Duolingo
Achievement badges in Duolingo are like an educational institution with stickers and stamps, students can get different prizes, so it's very effective. Duolingo achievement badges can be earned for achieving a certain learning level, but it is important to familiarize yourself with the key rules for obtaining them.
Create quality e-learning faster
Quality e-learning allows you to effectively achieve better overall productivity. Active elements of game-based learning include rewards, risk, rules, visibility of progress, emotional elements, action, and challenge.
Learning to code with puzzles
Learning the principles of programming with the help of puzzles makes the learning process more exciting and easier. Students may be interested in learning programming through the active use of external resources, such as puzzles, to help them complete tasks such as taking a test or watching a video.
You can earn bopoints and badges or make it part of your learning mission. There are many resources available to engage students and diversify the programming learning process.
Go to Jupiter
This game provides important positive emotions during the learning process and provides positive relationships between team members and feedback. Less active students complete tasks without fear of making mistakes and understanding that they can correct everything.
Grasshopper is the best way to successfully start your coding learning process, starting with fun, fast-paced games on your phone that will provide you with an exciting opportunity to write real JavaScript code.
Successfully pass increasingly difficult levels, develop your intellectual abilities, successfully acquire basic programming skills, and become a real programmer.
A positive and interesting aspect is that you can learn in an interactive environment, it allows you to be proactive, generate interesting ideas, and take responsibility for decisions that will ensure you quickly achieve your goals. Such key skills of“spontaneity and entrepreneurship” are developed, which allow one to achieve the set goal.
McDonald's Till Training Game
McDonald's Till Training Game teaches you how to be a cashier, and has become a viral and very popular game played in your spare time. Everyone who wants to immerse himself in the McDonald's environment can download the McDonald's Till Training Game.
When you want to know what it's like to be a McDonald's cashier and take complex orders, the McDonald's Till Training Game is definitely for you to gain valuable knowledge in this field. You will become a seasoned expert in all things McDonald's.
Domino's Pizza Hero
Domino's Pizza Hero brings you an e-commerce gaming experience, allowing users to experiment with dough, sauce, cheese, and toppings that are strikingly similar to real life to create the perfect, super-tasty, and gourmet pizza delivered right to your door.
The best pizza chefs were given a realistic opportunity to work at a local Domino's.
How does gamification align with other educational tools?
Gamification is actively combined with other educational tools, gamification offers the use of team games in the educational process. In particular, gamification is combined with a variety of online services for instant exams that can be taken in class or as homework.
The main fois productive cooperation. Team games are projects that set students' goals that can only be achieved together. The teacher demonstrates an animated story using a projector (or interactive whiteboard).
The development of the story depends on the correct answers of the whole class. The more correct answers you get, the further the game progresses. Only the success of the entire class can lead to a positive result for the team.
The purpose of team games is to develop cooperation skills, involve all students in cooperation, actively develop critical and analytical thinking skills, and develop global understanding through the participation of the overall winner in the explanation contest. The key goal of gamification is to promote the development of the educational process.