India- 'MS Dhoni' actor found dead after posting 'suicide note' | NewsBytes

(MENAFN- NewsBytes) actor Sandeep Nahar, who was seen in movies like Kesari and Sushant Singh Rajput-starrer MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, was found dead at his Mumbai home on Monday.

Hours before that, he had shared a suicide note along with a video on facebook talking about his intention to end his life.

He was taken to the SRV Hospital but was declared brought dead.

  • In this article Nahar talked about marital problems on Facebook 'Politics' in Bollywood also forced Nahar to take extreme step Wife was in house when incident happened Last year, Bollywood was jolted by Rajput's untimely demise If you're having suicidal thoughts, please seek help
  • Relationship Nahar talked about marital problems on Facebook
  • On Facebook, Nahar wrote about the unhealthy relationship he shared with his wife of two years, Kanchan Sharma.

    The couple fought almost every day on petty issues, he wrote, adding that he just couldn't deal with this anymore. Nahar alleged that his mother-in-law also harassed him.

    He, however, claimed that no one should be held responsible for his death.

  • Reason 'Politics' in Bollywood also forced Nahar to take extreme step
  • Nahar was also disturbed by the "politics" in Bollywood, which he alleged stole opportunities from him at the last moment.

    He revealed this was not the first time he thought of ending his life but he hoped that things would get better.

    "Now, I will have to take this step happily as this life has only shown me hell," he purportedly said.

  • Details Wife was in house when incident happened
  • The actor's wife was present in the house when the incident happened. She rushed Nahar to the hospital but couldn't save him, a senior cop said.

    Deputy Commissioner of Police Vishal Thakur said, "The body has been sent for post-mortem and the exact cause of his death can be ascertained after that. (sic)"

    A case has been registered and a probe is underway.

  • Information Last year, Bollywood was jolted by Rajput's untimely demise
  • In June last year, Nahar's co-star Rajput had also died by alleged suicide. The SSR death case remained a much-discussed topic across India for months at stretch.

    The probe was handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) by the Supreme Court in August.

    Agencies like Enforcement Directorate (ED) and the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) were also involved with the sensational case.

  • Helplines If you're having suicidal thoughts, please seek help
  • In case you need help or know someone who does, you can reach out to AASRA for suicide prevention counseling. Their number is 022 2754 6669 (24 hours).

    You can also contact the Hyderabad-based Roshni NGO at +914066202000 or COOJ at +918322252525.

    Sneha India Foundation, which works 24X7, can be contacted at +914424640050.

    Vandrevala Foundation has trained counselors, and their number is 18602662345.

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