(MENAFN- Live Mint) Like any other day, a Bengaluru local was boarding a Bengaluru Metropolitan transport Corporation (BMTC) bus to get to work.“Not in the mood to argue” early in the morning, the man didn't pay much heed to another man pushing him.
Unaware that the push was actually a phone-stealing bid, Bengaluru's new hero, the BMTC bus conductor, saved the man's day.
The bus conductor, according to the social media user, started screaming at the thief, scaring him into dropping the mobile he had just stolen. All this while he was still confused about what had happened.
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In a viral Reddit post, the man shared a detailed account of the scene and said,“While boarding from the rear door, I felt a guy push me from behind, but was not in the mood to argue.”
“Suddenly, the conductor shouted, 'Eyyy, en madthidiya?' (What are you doing?) I thought he was shouting at me, but then I heard something fall on the steps - it was my mobile phone WTF! Confused, I picked it up and boarded.”
“The conductor continued shouting at him, threatening to file a police complaint. The crook ran away while the conductor was like, 'Saar, avnu nim phone na kalltidda' (See, he was picking your phone),” the passenger shared.
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The funniest part, he said, was when two-wheelers overtaking the bus hindered the“lowlife's escape”.
The Redditor added that he was almost shocked by the incident because his phone contained crucial data.
He shared that the incident brought back“bad memories from 10 years back” when his phone was pickpocketed from a bus stop while he was boarding a bus on the same route.
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