Lavrov forecasts prolonged period of estrangement between Russia, Western European countries

(MENAFN) Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has forecasted a prolonged period of estrangement between Russia and Western European countries, suggesting that it may persist for "at least one generation." Lavrov's remarks come amidst heightened tensions between Moscow and the West, characterized by a deepening confrontation with no immediate resolution in sight.

Lavrov emphasized the entrenched nature of the current standoff between Russia and Western powers, highlighting Moscow's perception of ongoing military conflicts, particularly with regard to the situation in Ukraine. Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have consistently framed the conflict as a proxy war instigated by NATO against Russia, citing alleged support provided by the US and European countries to Ukraine.

The foreign minister referenced an article by Russian political scientist Dmitry Trenin, who opined that Europe is not a relevant partner for Russia for the foreseeable future. Lavrov echoed this sentiment, suggesting that Moscow experiences the consequences of this estrangement on a daily basis, though he did not elaborate on specific examples.

Lavrov pointed to prevailing narratives in the United States and Europe as evidence of the enduring nature of the military-political confrontation between Russia and the West. The persistence of these narratives, he argued, underscores the continuation of the acute phase of the confrontation, further contributing to the strained relationship between Russia and Western European nations.

As Russia prepares for an extended period of disengagement from Western Europe, the implications for regional and global dynamics remain uncertain. The protracted standoff between Russia and the West raises questions about the prospects for diplomatic resolution and the potential ramifications for security and stability in the region.



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