COP29: Azerbaijan Sets Ambitious Targets To Shift To Renewable Sources

(MENAFN- AzerNews)
COP29: Azerbaijan Sets Ambitious Targets To Shift To <a target="_blank" href="" class ="search_links_in_body">renewable</a> Sources Image
Qabil Ashirov Read more

As is known, COP29 is an international event dedicated to thenegotiation of the climate change issue with the participation ofthe countries of the world and the solution of similar problemsrelated to it. In order to tackle some key issues encountering ourclimate, the world countries show readiness for being together,which is the most important point.

However, the question of whether the world is ready for COP 29and the broader challenge of addressing climate change is stillcomplex, and is requiring a look at both the readiness and thecommitment of countries globally.

Speaking to AZERNEWS on the issue, CEO, Beltand Road Consultant Pvt Limited Muhammad Asif Noor noted thatrecent events and data indicate varying levels of preparedness andwillingness among nations, which influence the overalleffectiveness of such international negotiations and convention we analyze the countries globally about their political willand presence to tackle the global climate challenges, what wewitness is that the countries are having mixed level ofpreparedness and readiness. He noted that for instance countries inEurope and parts of Asia, have shown significant commitment bysetting ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions andtransitioning to renewable energy sources however are they willingto do it or they are taking actions towards its.

“This has to be seen from their actions and steps taken toensure the climate readiness. For instance, the European Union hasimplemented comprehensive policies aiming at a 55% reduction inemissions by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. However, other regions,including some of the largest emitters like the United States andChina, have faced internal political challenges that complicatetheir paths to similar commitments. The U.S., for instance, hasseen fluctuating federal policies on climate change depending onthe administration in power, though there is significant action atthe state level and among private sectors. The economic readinesscan also be gauged by the investment in and adoption of sustainabletechnologies. Globally, investment in renewable energy sourcescontinues to grow, reaching about $500 billion annually as ofrecent years. This reflects a growing recognition of the economicviability and necessity of transitioning away from fossil fuels, economic readiness must also consider the financial ability ofless developed countries to invest in such technologies withoutcompromising their development needs. This is where globalfinancial mechanisms and support, such as the Green Climate Fund,play a critical role, although funding levels have often fallenshort of what is necessary to make substantial impacts. The publicawareness and support for climate action have grown significantly,driven by increasingly visible climate impacts like wildfires,hurricanes, and severe droughts,” Asif Noor noted.

He said that the rise of grassroots movements, particularlyamong younger generations, has put additional pressure ongovernments to act. This social readiness is crucial as itunderpins the political will that is often needed for bold policymoves. Noor pointed out that from a technical standpoint, the worldpossesses the technological solutions required to make significantheadway in combating climate change.

“Innovations in energy efficiency, renewable power technologieslike solar and wind, and advances in electric vehicle technologyall demonstrate readiness. The challenge remains in scaling thesesolutions, particularly in regions where technical andinfrastructural barriers are significant. Apart from all theseexisting understanding, the world is far from taking solid actiontowards the solutions and practical steps. The global climate isnot having any geographical boundaries, we have one earth and thereis no planet B. We have to work through it regardless of whether welike it or not, whether there is political will or not whether weare economically ready or not. World is suffering and there is animmediate need to take action towards saving this planet,” theexpert underlined.

He opined that the connection between international climateinitiatives like the COP and global employment might not beimmediately obvious, but it is significant. The shift towards amore sustainable global economy, often discussed at suchconferences, can create substantial opportunities for job creation expert underscored that the optimism of world experts about theCOP measures frequently centers on this transformative potential transitioning to renewable energy and sustainable practicesnecessitates a broad range of new skills and labor. The developmentand deployment of renewable energy technologies-such as solarpanels, wind turbines, and bioenergy facilities-are labor-intensiveprocesses.

“These sectors require engineers, construction workers,technicians, and many other roles that contribute directly to localjob creation. According to the International Renewable EnergyAgency (IRENA), the renewable energy sector employed about 12million people worldwide as of recent years, and this number isprojected to grow as countries commit to more ambitious renewableenergy targets.

Moreover, the move towards sustainability extends beyond justenergy. COP discussions often address broad sustainability issuesincluding urban planning, agriculture, forestry, and watermanagement-all of which are integral to a functioning economy andhave strong ties to employment. For instance, sustainableagriculture practices not only help in adapting to changing climateconditions but also in creating more stable agricultural jobs. Thisis crucial in regions where agriculture is a primary source oflivelihood. Similarly, forest management and conservation effortsrequire skilled labor and can boost employment in rural areas.

The discussions and commitments at COP meetings also typicallyinfluence policy frameworks. Governments, influenced by agreementsmade at COP, might implement new policies promoting greentechnology, conservation projects, and infrastructural changes tocombat climate change,” Asif Noor noted.

He pointed out that these policies often come with financialincentives for businesses to adopt greener practices, drivingemployment in emerging sectors such as waste management recycling,energy-efficient building construction, and environmentalconsultancy services. He emphasized that the global nature of COPdiscussions facilitates international cooperation and technologytransfer. Developing countries can benefit from access to newtechnologies and practices, which can stimulate local industriesand create jobs. This also includes capacity building, wheredeveloped nations support training and education in less developedregions, helping to prepare the workforce for future demands.

“Reducing global dependence on fossil fuels is a central themein discussions about climate change and sustainable development. Atforums like COP-29, countries can propose and adopt new strategiesto accelerate this transition. There are several innovative andpractical proposals that COP-29 could advance to help shift theglobal energy paradigm from fossil fuels to more sustainablealternatives.

One key proposal could be the enhancement and expansion ofinternational financial mechanisms to support renewable energyprojects in developing countries. Many countries struggle with theinitial high costs of renewable energy infrastructure. COP-29 couldpropose the establishment or expansion of funds specifically aimedat financing renewable energy projects, providing low-interestloans, and offering grants to developing nations. This would reducethe economic barriers to entry for renewable technologies in placeswhere the upfront costs are prohibitive,” Asif Noor emphasized.

He said that another significant proposal might involve settingmore aggressive global targets for the reduction of greenhouse gasemissions, accompanied by clear timelines and accountabilitymechanisms. For example, COP-29 could introduce a proposal for allcountries to increase their nationally determined contributions(NDCs) to reducing emissions. These revised NDCs could includespecific commitments to decrease reliance on coal, oil, and naturalgas, and to increase investment in renewable energy sources likesolar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Asif Noor noted that COP-29could also push for a global agreement on phasing out fossil fuelsubsidies. Many countries, particularly those rich in oil, coal, ornatural gas, heavily subsidize these industries, making fossilfuels economically more attractive than renewable sources these subsidies to support renewable energy developmentor energy efficiency improvements could make a significant impacton the global energy market.

“Additionally, the conference could propose initiatives aimed attechnological cooperation. This might include the creation ofinternational research consortia focused on improving energyefficiency and developing next-generation renewable energytechnologies, such as advanced solar panels and offshore windturbines. By fostering collaboration between leading scientific andtechnological nations, smaller and less technologically advancedcountries can also benefit from the advancements. Pakistan issuffering from the issues and challenges of the climate and can getbenefit from it without any iota of doubt.

Finally, COP-29 could advocate for enhanced global monitoringand reporting systems for carbon emissions. A proposal couldinvolve developing more rigorous, transparent, and universallyadopted carbon tracking and reporting standards to ensure that allcountries are accurately measuring and reporting their emissions kind of data is crucial for assessing global progress andensuring that countries are held accountable for theircommitments.

These proposals, if successfully negotiated and implemented,would not only reduce global dependence on fossil fuels but wouldalso foster economic growth in emerging sectors, contribute toglobal health improvements by reducing air pollution, and mitigatethe impacts of climate change. Each proposal would requiresubstantial international cooperation and commitment, reflectingthe global scale of the challenge and the concerted effort neededto address it,” the expert opined.

As for Azerbaijan's role in the context of COP29 and globalclimate discussions, he emphasized that it is particularlyintriguing, given its status as an oil-rich nation that issimultaneously embracing transitions toward sustainable energy. Theworld evaluates such positions with a perspective, acknowledgingboth the challenges and the potential leadership roles thatoil-dependent countries like Azerbaijan can play in globalenvironmental governance. He added that as an oil and gas producer,Azerbaijan has historically been heavily dependent on fossil fuelsfor its economic growth. This dependency often places the countryin a complex position when it comes to global climate negotiationslike COP29. On one hand, there is an intrinsic challenge inshifting economic structures away from the very resources that havedriven growth and stability. On the other hand, there is anopportunity for leadership in transitioning to sustainablepractices.

“In recent years, Azerbaijan has shown increasing interest inreducing its carbon footprint and diversifying its energyportfolio. This includes initiatives to boost the share ofrenewable energy sources within its energy mix. The country has setgoals to increase the percentage of renewable energy in its totalenergy production, aiming to reach certain targets in the comingyears. Such initiatives are important as they reflect a commitmentto change, which is a significant factor when the internationalcommunity evaluates Azerbaijan's role and contributions to climatediscussions like COP29.

Furthermore, Azerbaijan's geographical position andenvironmental challenges make it a critical player in regionalenvironmental issues. The Caspian Sea, which it borders, is an areaof environmental concern due to pollution and biodiversity threats taken by Azerbaijan to address these issues are also partof how its role is viewed internationally. Effective regionalcooperation and leadership in environmental protection has enhancedAzerbaijan's role and alleviated country's stature as the leader inmaking global environment and climate change reputation andinfluence at forums like COP29. Azerbaijan is not only followingthe policies that reduce reliance on fossil fuels domestically butalso actively participating in and possibly leading internationalinitiatives that aim to combat climate change. This includesengaging in technology transfer, financial contributions to climatefunds, and diplomatic engagements that help shape global climatepolicy,” Noor pointed out.

He pointed out that it is important for the world to support andcontinue the mission about its efforts to transition from fossilfuels and increase its global role in building the climateinitiatives. As an oil and gas rich country, like any othercountry, Azerbaijan also faces tremendous challenges in buildingeconomic base and shifting the focus towards more sustainableresources. Noor said that the entire process not only involves achange in the infrastructure but also there is a need for economicdiversification. International support can help Azerbaijan managethis transition more smoothly, ensuring that it does not jeopardizeits economic stability while making these important changes. Thiscould come in the form of technological support, investment inrenewable energy projects, and expertise in developing regulatoryframeworks that encourage sustainable practices.

“Moreover, as part of the Caspian region, which is ecologicallysensitive and crucial in terms of biodiversity, Azerbaijan'sefforts in environmental management have broader implications for Azerbaijan in enhancing its environmental protectionscan lead to improved ecological outcomes for the entire region can be particularly important for marine life in the CaspianSea and the diverse ecosystems that are dependent on it. Supportmight include collaboration on environmental projects, sharing ofbest practices in biodiversity conservation, and joint initiativesto tackle pollution.

From a global perspective, encouraging and supporting countrieslike Azerbaijan in their climate efforts contributes to the overallsuccess of international climate goals. Nations transitioning fromheavy reliance on fossil fuels send a powerful message globally andcan act as role models for similar countries. Financial incentives,such as grants and loans, as well as technological partnerships,can expedite this transition, making it a viable model for others, supporting Azerbaijan can also enhance global energysecurity. By diversifying its energy sources and reducing itsdependence on oil and gas, Azerbaijan can contribute to a morebalanced and less volatile global energy market. This is especiallyimportant as the world seeks to stabilize energy prices and ensuresustainable energy supplies in the face of climate change andgeopolitical tensions. Finally, support for Azerbaijan in itsclimate and energy initiatives can strengthen internationalrelations and foster cooperation in a region that is often markedby geopolitical complexities. Through collaborative projects andshared goals, bonds between nations can be strengthened, promotingpeace and stability in the region,” Asif Noor concluded.



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