(MENAFN- AzerNews) Renowned German scientist, Caucaregion researcher Michael
Reinhard Hess has sent a well-grounded and detailed open letter of
protest to former prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
Luis Moreno Ocampo and shared it on his facebook page, Azernews reports.
The letter reads:
“Dear Luis Moreno Ocampo,
the following is an open letter, which I address to yourself
while simultaneously publishing it on my facebook page“Michael
Reinhard Heß”.
Being a researcher who has published a number of books and
articles about the Garabagh issue, I am daring to come up with some
comments on the Expert Opinion on the subject which you have
published on August 7.
Unfortunately, some of the claims that you are make in voicing
your strong support of Armenian interests are at least ambiguif
not outright misleading.
Your statement that“Nagorno-Karabakh, known as "Artsakh" by
Armenians, is predominantly inhabited by ethnic Armenians, living
there for more than 20 Centuries” (p. 6) might be interpreted by
those unfamiliar with the historical background as indicating that
a region referred to as“Artsakh” had been inhabited by ethnic
Armenians for more than 20 centuries. It is true that your
formulation, due to its equivocal wording, might also give rise to
other interpretations. For instance, it might amount to saying that
Armenians have lived there for 20 centuries but not necessarily
predominantly. I would love to see such ambiguity of formulation
removed. As one of the world ́s leading jurists, you know how
important it can be to suppress ambiguity in crucial matters.
As to the factual substance, it is doubtful whether the
designation“Artsakh” (which does not have any Armenian etymology
whatsoever) can really be attested within the chronological horizon
that you delineate. Armenian claims that the toponym“Orchistena”
mentioned by Strabo (ca. 23 BC-63; see the Armenian author Vardges
Mikaeljan referred to in Mamedova 1995: 110) could be identified
with“Artsakh” are only speculative. According to my information,
the toponym“Artsakh”, which has no connection to the Armenian
language, did not become widespread before the 5th century A.D. Of
course, we do not have precise demographical statistics, neither
for the time around the beginning of the Common Era nor for later
premodern periods including the time from the 5th century onward.
This means that the one interpretation of your statement according
to which the region in question had been“predominantly inhabited”
by Armenians is also merely speculative.
In this connection, let me also remind you that the term
“Nagorno-Karabakh” only emerged from 1918 onward and that the term
“Artsakh” does not seem to have been used as an official political
or administrative term at least from 1045 until 1921. As for the
first uses of the term“Nagorno-Karabakh”, they were probably made
during the First Congress of the Armenians of Karabakh, held from
July 22 to 26 in Shusha, Azerbaijan (for details, see Mikaeljan et
al. 1992: 13; Avakian 2021 [2005]: 5; cf. Vәliyev/ Şirinov 2016:
66). That“Artsakh”, which in your version of the history seems to
be a term that is supposed to have been uninterruptedly used for
centuries until the present, was not universally used even by the
Armenians themselves until at least 1921 is suggested, for
instance, by a declaration of the Armenian SSR ́s Soviet of People ́s
Commissioners (in Russian, Sovet Narodnych komissarov) issued in
the Armenian SSR ́s capital on June 12, 1921. This declaration
exists in two versions, one in Russian, one in Armenian. In the
Armenian language one, the Russian term“Nagorno-Karabakh”
(attested in the Russian one) is translated by the Armenian
expression Լեռնային Ղարաբաղ Lēṙnayin Łarabaƚ“MountainKarabakh”
(see Mikaeljan et al. 1992: 636), which is made up of the Armenian
word for“mountainous” pan Armenian-language transcription of
the historically and etymologically Azerbaijani toponym“Karabakh”.
However, there is no trace of“Artsakh” in this document. The use
“Artsakh” as a replacement of the traditional, Azerbaijani, name of
Karabakh only began to spread subsequently as a result of Armenian
separatist, chauvinist, and anti-Azerbaijani propaganda, both
within the Soviet Union and abroad. Meanwhile, the region ́s
traditional name“Karabakh” had been used for centuries in various
administrative and political documents and continues to be used to
this day (on the topic cf. Heß 2020). If, as you seem to suggest,
“Artsakh” was such an important administrative-political or even
historical toponym, why should members of one of the Armenian SSR ́s
leading political bodies have used the Azerbaijani word in 1921? As
for my reference to the year 1045, this was the last year in which
the province of Artsakh, which really existed in the Antique and
Medieval period, can be said to have been part of an Armenian state
(Kalpakian 1993: 112). The Bagratid Kingdom, to which the province
belonged until then, came under Byzantine rule in 1045 (Asenbauer
1993: 21; Krikorian 1993: 71, 74) and under Seljuqid rule in 1064
(Vryonis 1971: 89; Asenbauer 1993: 21; Krikorian 1993: 71, 74), and
its territory, which was in part coextensive with the Soviet
Nagorno-Karabakh AutonomRegion (NKAO), never returned to any
kind of Armenian political rule afterwards. On this subject, the
only (non-expert, journalistic) reference you quote (Light and
Fulconbridge), claims that“Armenians, who are Christians, claim a
long historical dominance in the area, dating back to several
centuries before Christ”. However, as the alleged“dominance” in
the area (Karabakh) was obviously interrupted after 1045, it cannot
be said to“date back” (speaking from today). Regrettably, the only
reference which seems to form the basis for your interpretation of
Karabakh ́s history is manifestly based on a distortion.
At this point, allow me to draw your attention another error in
Light and Fulconbridge ́s summary. They say that“Over the
centuries, the enclave has come under the sway of Persians, Turks,
Russians, Ottomans and Soviets.” This is a fictitistatement, as
no part of Karabakh, including Nagorno-Karabakh, has ever been an
enclave. Generally, Light and Fulconbridge can obviously not be
considered to be reliable sources, let alone reliable historians,
and their extremely short journalistic contribution is a stub,
lacking almost any reference to the background that brought about
the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. It should not be used as the
sole basis for constructing an image of Karabakh ́s history.
By obliterating the distinction between the antique designation
“Artsakh” and its modern re-introduction by Armenian nationalists
in the 20th century, your contribution actually propagates a
nationalistic Armenian discourse which wants to suggest an Armenian
toponymical, demographic, political and historical continuity from
the beginnings of our era. However, such a continuity does not
The rest of your historical summary contains some factual
historical errors, too. By beginning your subchapter (a) with the
February 20 1988 declaration, you are suppressing the fact that
this declaration was the result of a systematic nationalistic and
in parts chauvinistic, aggressive Armenian separatist movement that
had been started already in 1987, if not earlier. Your assertion
that“Nagorno-Karabach adopted a resolution requesting to be
transferred to Armenia” is also only partly correct, as the wording
of the resolution (taken only by some of the members of the oblast
Soviet, its Azerbaijani members having left before) cautiously
avoids directly requestion the separation of Nagorno-Karabakh from
Azerbaijan. Consider my following translation of the Russian
original of the resolution text:
“To ask, in compliance with the wishes of the working population
of the NKAO, the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijani SSR and the
Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR to show a feeling of deep
understanding for the expectations of the Armenian population of
Nagorno Karabakh and solve the problem of transferring the NKAO
from the Azerbaijani SSR to the Armenian SSR, and simultaneously to
intercede with the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as regards an
affirmative decision of the question of the transfer of the NKAO
from the Azerbaijani SSR to the Armenian SSR.”[1]
After reading your expert opinion, my impression is that it is
based on a one-sidedly pro-Armenian interpretation of both the
historical background and the actual situation. In support of the
theory that Azerbaijan is about to commit a“Genocide”, to which
you adhere, you quote a statement made by the Russian Federation,
the issuing of which you deem“remarkable” (p. 8). This statement
holds that the so-called Russian peacekeepers in the region are
supposed to“prevent the mass death of the civilian population of
Nagorno-Karabakh”. With all due respect, how credible can such a
statement made by a murdergovernment, which has unchained the
most horrible war in Europe since 1945, has committed countless
murders and horrible war crimes, is famfor lying, and, most
importantly, is one of of the principle powers responsible for the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict since at least 118 years and has
participated (also militarily) in war crimes and crimes against
humanity committed by the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, be?
Quoting such a statement without critically contextualizing or
relativizing it by historical or political facts only serves the
interests of Russian and Armenian propaganda and legitimizes
terrorism but does not contribute to creating a factual image of
In conclusion, let me state that I do not consider your
arguments that“Genocide by starvation” is allegedly taking place
in Karabakh to be fully convincing. On page 13 of your article, you
refer to an observation on Genocide that was made by France in
connection with the formulation of Article II(c) of the Genocide
Convention. Franc ́s text says that“[i]f any group was [sic – M. R.
H.] placed on rations so short as to make its extinction
inevitable, merely because it belonged to a certain nationality,
race, or religion, the fact would also come under the category of
genocidal crime”. Do you really believe that a community of
allegedly merely 120 000 people (this is the number claimed by
Armenia) in a fertile region such as the vast mountainparts of
Karabakh, where subsistence economy and animal husbandry are
possible and has a long and highly developed tradition, which was
particularly developed in Soviet times (I refer you to Khlevniuk
2018 on the subject of the importance of subsistence economy in the
Soviet Union), and where natural water resources exist in
sufficient quantity, can be starved to death in mid-summertime? As
your article letsknow, measures have been taken for the
evacuation of seriously ill persons from the separatist
territories. This should also imply that people who suffer
dangermalnutrition could be brought out. Your article lacks any
positive proof or indication that starvation (as defined on p. 15
of your text) is really taking place or likely to threaten the
Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh as a group.
Not being a jurist, I am not able to measure the degree of
conformity between the IJC ́s preliminary decision (p. 15) and the
reality on the ground. However, as a non-jurist, it would seem that
even the IJC does not speak of a“Genocide” in the
Armenian-occupied parts of Garabagh as a fact but only as
“plausible” (p. 15). As to the alleged blockade, the IJC says, in
your quote on p. 16, that it“may entail irreparable consequences”
to certain vital rights (my emphasis). This would mean that those
consequences are only a possibility, but not an established
Outside the purely juridical sphere, which is naturally the main
foof your text, I am not convinced by your claim that the
establishment of the Azerbaijani border checkpoint at the Lachin
Corridor could be interpreted as a means to prepare a genocide.
Many countries, including the and EU countries with outside
borders, have similar checkpoints to prevent the smuggling of
humans and goods but are not accused of preparing a genocide as a
I see another point of contradiction in your analysis of the
smuggling incident mentioned by President Aliyev (p. 20). On one
hand, you write:“The ICRC clarified the incident.” On the other
hand, you write, on the same page:“The smuggling cases should be
properly investigated ...” Saying that an incident has been
clarified but should be investigated at the same time does not seem
to be coherent, at least in my eyes. If investigations are still to
be carried out, this means that everything has not been
Let me repeat that I am neither a jurist nor an expert on
Genocide. Still, accusing a person or a state of committing
genocide seems one of the strongest accusations possible.
Consequently, such an accusation should only be made if all doubts
concerning its validity have safely been removed. Frankly, the
flaws and inaccuracies in the historical background narrative which
you have chosen to include in your text together with the
contradictions that appear in it to my mind might indicate that the
verdict could not be as safe and clear as one should require
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Michael Reinhard Heß”