Taiwan's democracy and global advancement strengthen partnerships

(MENAFN- Caribbean News Global)

> CNG Editorial

T aiwan's invitation to participate in the Summit for Democracy issued by US president Joe Biden from December 9 to 10, is not a coincidence, and neither was the Open Parliament forum held in Taiwan last week with parliamentarian delegations from Belize, Mexico and the US, but rather, demonstrates that Taiwan is committed to achieving an open government and an open parliament while strengthening partnership with members of the Democratic world, referenced recently by president Tsai Ing-wen, that,“in 2021, the Legislative Yuan initiated the Open Parliament Action Plan, while the Executive Yuan also launched the Open Government National Action Plan.”

Taiwan is a thriving beacon of democracy. And Taiwan, as a force for good in the world, the Summit for Democracy brings together leaders of government, civil society and the private sector from 100-plus countries and territories; discussing issues such as resisting authoritarianism, fighting corruption and promoting human rights. Meanwhile, demonstrate the country's determination to defend democracy while sharing experiences in strengthening governance via digital technology.


Taiwan has a long-standing effort in promoting freedom, democracy and human rights, evidenced by relevant workshops staged under the Taiwan-US Global Cooperation and Training Framework since 2015, a national human rights action plan launched last year, and the third US-Taiwan Consultations on Democratic Governance in the Indo-Pacific region last week reports Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).

The ethos is not accidental but strategic in the implementation of measures that have from May 2016 when president Tsai Ing-wen came to office, share the universal values of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights and rule of law.

Wrapped up in these are improved administrative transparency, the promotion of civic participation, strengthen democracy and bilateral ties, Taiwan – US relations and the Indo-Pacific region. And in some jurisdictions, despite the absence of official relations, are working closely across a broad range of areas .

Allies for Taiwan

Like-minded partners for Taiwan's meaningful participation in Interpol – lawmakers and legislative bodies from 35-plus countries and territories including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Spain, South Africa, the Netherlands, the UK, US., as well as the Central American Parliament, European Parliament and the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, spoke for Taiwan.

Japan warned China

Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe warned, urging China to think twice before invading Taiwan.

Given Japan's proximity to Taiwan, an armed invasion of Taiwan would inevitably pose“a serious threat” to Japan, Abe said in an online speech on December 1. Japan is host to major US military bases (including on the southern island of Okinawa, a short flight from Taiwan), which would be crucial for any US support during a Chinese invasion.

“An emergency of Taiwan will be an emergency for Japan, and therefore an emergency for the Japan-US alliance,” Abe said, adding that Beijing's leadership, in particular Chinese president Xi Jinping, should not misunderstand this clear stance.

“A stronger Taiwan, a thriving Taiwan, and a Taiwan that guarantees freedom and human rights are also in Japan's interests. Of course, this is also in the interests of the whole world,” he said.

Abe also reiterated his support for Taiwan's bid to join the Tokyo-led international trade bloc, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).“The role of the [CPTPP] in maintaining and strengthening the rules-based international order is important. Taiwan is more than qualified to participate,” he said.

French support for Taiwan

The French National Assembly adopted a resolution in support of Taiwan that calls on the French government to continue its support for Taiwan's participation in agencies and conventions like the International Civil Aviation Organization, INTERPOL, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the World Health Organization. The resolution also states that Taiwan's exclusion from international organizations runs counter to the interests of the international community, reports MOFA, November 30.

Proposed in June by Francois de Rugy, chairman of the French National Assembly's France-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group, and signed by 183 deputies, the cross-party resolution lauds Taiwan for its success in combating COVID-19 and stimulating economic development.

The Netherlands' support for Taiwan

Recently, the Netherlands' House of Representatives passed two motions in support of Taiwan.

The first motion, proposed by Raymond de Roon—chairman of the Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Committee—urges the Dutch government to openly express its opposition to China in unilaterally changing the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. Chairman de Roon also expressed concerns about Beijing's attempts to provoke cross-strait military tensions.

The second motion, proposed by Reps. Agnes Mulder and Ruben Brekelmans in the wake of authoritarian threats against Lithuania following its decision to develop relations with Taiwan, urge the EU to support the expansion of Taiwan-Lithuania ties.

Related: Taiwan is a powerhouse of economic and political gains

Strengthening these relationships is evident by economic prosperity partnership dialogue, digital economy forums, Taiwan's bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, especially in the areas of Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and renewable energy, to name a few, convey avenues to expand partnership across a broad spectrum of areas in Latin America and the Caribbean.

As a responsible member of the global community, Taiwan is committed to working with like-minded partners in areas of bilateral cooperation, economy, energy, environment, health, innovation, science and technology and trade, as well as ensuring aviation security, combating climate change and transnational crime .

Related Links:

  • US – Taiwan economic and security affluence fast-track
  • Mutual legal assistance in the digital age and Taiwan's new southbound policy

Belize and Haiti support for Taiwan

Taiwan's diplomatic allies Belize and Haiti during the World Health Organization (WHO) member states and World Health Assembly (WHA) special session from November 29 to December 1 to consider developing a WHO convention, agreement or other international instruments on pandemic preparedness and response, voiced support for Taiwan's participation at WHA.

The acceptable pivot for Taiwan

Taiwan's diplomatic status is recognized by several regional and international institutions including 15 states maintaining official diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

In the wake of Saint Lucia's new government wisdom to continue developing relations with Taiwan, Friends of Taiwan continue to pivot for Saint Lucia with admirable success and will continue to lobby for the expansion of Taiwan-Saint Lucia ties. However, in contrast, Saint Lucia is currently void of diplomatic affluence and legislation, to underscore rock-solid support for Taiwan.

In addition, support for Taiwan requires the adoption of precise language and vocal support in national and international forms, promoting Taiwan's universal rights to the tenants' of democracy, peace and prosperity, stability and the right to participate worldwide, as a responsible nation.

Collective diplomatic affluence, legislation and voicing support for democratic values are crucial forces towards peaceful development and prosperity.


The“ TAIPEI Act of 2019 ” passed by Congress, which also aimed to support Taiwan's international presence.

On November 23, Reps. Michelle Fischbach (R-MN) and Scott Peters (D-CA) introduced the“Promoting Ties with Taiwan Act” (H.R.6069 ), which seeks to help Taiwan develop relations with other countries amid China's coercive actions designed to isolate the country.

“Taiwan is a valued friend and an important trading partner for the United States. I'm proud to propose concrete steps that our government can take towards encouraging similar relationships between Taiwan and other countries around the world,” said Rep. Fischbach in a statement .

On December 2, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced the“ Taiwan Preclearance Act ” (S.3312), which would require a report on establishing a Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) Preclearance facility in Taiwan's Taoyuan International Airport to increase tourism between the US and Taiwan while also stationing CBP officers in Taiwan.

  • The Taiwan Preclearance Act – TaiwanPreclearanceAct_Final

“Taiwan is a leading democracy, a vital partner of the United States, and the perfect place for America's first preclearance facility in the Indo-Pacific,” Sen. Hawley said in a statement adding that the act will strengthen US -Taiwan relations and help maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific.

In 2012, Taiwan was included in the United States' Visa Waiver Program, which allows Taiwanese passport holders to enter and remain in the US for up to 90 days. In 2017, Taiwan became the 12th country in the world to be eligible for the Global Entry Program, which expedites immigration and customs clearance and pre-approval.

'Hide your strength, bide your time'?

The false flag prevailing posture to remain as bystanders, observing the world turn on its axis, unable to smell the Chow Mein and accepting funding for projects / central government operations towards inconclusive development, that are often beyond the GDP of most countries, is mind-numbing. Small island developing states have little to zero influence and economic mobility to surmount the portfolios of world powers and authoritarianism.

The rise and dictates of authoritarianism is not wholesome to the shared experiences, value proposition and comprehensive commitment that Taiwan, a thriving beacon of democracy offers.

Taiwan is an independent, democratic and vibrant state. Taiwan is committed to working with like-minded partners, with foresight and forbearance.

“…The inaugural gathering of global forces for good. We're #StrongerTogether !” MOFA said in a tweet , demonstrates that Taiwan provides its 15 states , global partners and supporters, tremendous opportunities to pivot globally, together.

 – With pool resources from Denys Springer – Hard Talk and CNG Insights.


Caribbean News Global

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