Indians Likely To Visit Russia Without Visa Soon. All You Need To Know

(MENAFN- Live Mint) "Soon, Indians might get to travel to Russia without visa as the two countries are likely to start talks to ease travel soonConsultations between Russia and India on a bilateral agreement to ease travel will begin in June, a Russian Minister has said, adding that Moscow and New Delhi were set to strengthen their tourism ties by launching visa-free group tourist exchanges.\"India is at the final stage of internal state coordination,\" Nikita Kondratyev, director of the Russian Economic Development Ministry's Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects, was quoted by RT News as saying on Wednesday minister at the sidelines of the International Economic Forum“Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024” in Kazan said the first discussion on a draft agreement was scheduled to take place in June, and a signing was expected by the end of the year.\"Russia and India are set to strengthen their tourism ties as they gear up for the launch of visa-free group tourist exchanges. The first round of consultations between the two nations is scheduled for June, with an aim to finalise a bilateral agreement by the end of the year,\" the minister said said Russia planned to replicate the success of visa-free tourist exchanges already established with China and Iran and China initiated their visa-free group tourist exchange on August 1 last year, a visa-free group tourist exchange between Russia and Iran commenced on the same date, ushering in a new era of tourism cooperation.


Live Mint

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