West Re-Experiences Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Clinching Secret Alliance Behind S Caucasus

(MENAFN- AzerNews)
West Re-Experiences Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Clinching Secret Alliance Behind S Caucasus Image
Elnur Enveroglu Read more

On April 5, Armenia's participation in the tripartite meetingwith the United States and the European Union shed some light on anumber of issues regionally. The first of these is that Armenia iscompletely isolated, falling under the umbrella of the West in theSouth Caucasus.

Armenia, which came out of the Second Garabagh War with a heavydefeat, sees the Kremlin as the main cause of this defeat andbelieves that it could have been otherwise possible for Garabagh toremain under the occupation of Yerevan. However, the rapid changein the geopolitical situation was no longer dependent on the stepstaken by Russia or the West, where Armenia took refuge. Themomentum of the liberation of Garabagh and the ending of Armenia'saggression over the territories of Azerbaijan was the right timefor it.

Now, Armenia thinks that everything will be more comfortable andpromising for the country from now on, following its fullsubmission to the EU. Besides, Yerevan, which feels like a fairytale in the Western League, is still hoping for the return ofGarabagh, as well as the protection of the four occupied villages, the West's open relations with Azerbaijan do not indicatethis. In any case, both the European Union and the United Statesthink that it is pointless to return to the issue of territorialdivision, i.e., the border demarcation and delimitation betweenAzerbaijan and Armenia. Because every party except Yerevan knowsthat achieving the complete separation of Armenia from Russia isthe only goal for the West.

As for the West uniting with Armenia and exerting any pressureon Azerbaijan, this does not reflect reality at all. Because itwould be an extremely weak policy for the West to ally with a weakstate like Armenia and threaten a state with wide opportunitieslike Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus.

When Azerbaijan expressed its concern about the April 5 meeting,the West reacted sufficiently and did not leave Azerbaijan'squestions unanswered. This was a diplomatic gesture that reflectedthe West's reckoning with Azerbaijan. Although the participation ofAzerbaijan in this meeting is important, US State DepartmentSecretary Antony Blinken personally called President Ilham Aliyevby phone and informed Azerbaijan in advance about the objectives ofthe meeting.

Speaking with Blinken, the President of Azerbaijan expressed hisagreement with the provisions of the statement agreed upon at thePrague meeting in 2022 and noted that the false statements made byFrance and other parties about Azerbaijan only serve to exacerbatetensions in the South Caucasus.

The fact that the President of Azerbaijan touched on the sameissue in his meeting with Mevlud Çavusolğlu, a member of theTurkish Grand National Assembly and the head of the NATOParliamentary Assembly delegation, and emphasised that thetripartite meeting on April 5 is a policy aimed specifically atAzerbaijan, proved that the West acts by double standards.

Of course, both the West and the European Union have made unfairaccusations against Azerbaijan. For example, the PACE depriving theAzerbaijani delegation of the right to vote, France callingAzerbaijan an aggressor and claiming that it is allegedly incitingan attack against Armenia, as well as the biased actions of theEuropean Parliament and the Council of Europe against Azerbaijansince September 13, make the future of this meeting clearly expressits main direction.

In addition, the dullness of the meeting and the fact that itdid not create agitation as presented by Armenia serve to concealthe fact that the West's explanation to Azerbaijan is untrue. TheUS and the EU wanted to assure Azerbaijan that the measures plannedfor Armenia were not directed against Azerbaijan. But there areserious grounds for not satisfying Azerbaijan with these claims today the West is conducting secret talks with Armenia inthis meeting, the real results of this will begin to be revealedafter some time, along with their adverse effects.

The West is trying to re-experience the secretMolotov-Ribbentrop Pact that divided Europe in 1938 and thinks thatthe secret meeting and negotiations with Armenia without theparticipation of Azerbaijan can change something in the SouthCaucasus. However, the West has forgotten one important point, thatthe geopolitical situation they thought was the same as in the pastis left behind.

The influence of President Ilham Aliyev and his ability toinfluence the process can now decisively prevent the interventionof foreign forces in the region. This undoubtedly serves to protectAzerbaijan's national interests and position with determination andprinciple. Armenia's plans to create tension in the region byuniting with the West or other forces will no longer have anyinfluence.



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