More People Are Choosing 'The Podcast Option'

(MENAFN- EIN Presswire)

The Podcast Option is available as a paperback, eBook, and audiobook.

Author J. Alexander Greenwood

Cover art for the Mysterious Goings On podcast.

New book Details Podcasting Veteran's Best Tips as a Podcast Producer and Host

I think because an indie podcast isn't part of Wonderly or Vox or NPR, some guests don't treat it with quite the same level of seriousness.” - Alex Greenwood

KANSAS CITY, MO, UNITED STATES, February 1, 2023 / / -- Podcasting has moved beyond a quirky hobby to a ubiquitous brand-building resource, and a longtime podcaster recommends that people choose the podcast option--so much so that he even wrote a book about it.

'Podcasts are a target-rich environment for people looking to reach listeners enthusiastic about their niche, and podcasting's barrier to entry is lower than ever. It's a lot like indie publishing was a few years ago,' said Alex Greenwood, a Kansas City-based public relations consultant, author, and longtime podcaster. 'Meaning anyone can get in. But that's also a problem.”

To help, Greenwood wrote the podcast option (2023 caroline street press) a book aimed at helping indie podcasters up their game. In it, he shares his podcasting origin story from 2006 when, as an unsuccessful political candidate, he still 'had things to say,' and his blog wasn't cutting it. Further, he explains his rationale for transitioning from a hobbyist podcasting mindset to a professional standard in 2018. The book offers proven podcasting tips, tricks, and advice.

“In indie publishing, anybody with a Word document and a homemade cover can publish an eBook. No editing, no professional cover design required,” he said.“A perceived lack of professionalism and quality drove down the market for the indie authors who produced content in a professional manner. Readers often ran back to the big publishers. Now, with podcasting, anybody with a computer or a smartphone can make a podcast. There are two million-plus shows out there and quality is undeniably an issue.”

Greenwood is the host and producer of two podcasts. mysterious goings on explores creativity and writing, featuring bestselling authors all the way to newbies in the guest chair. His other show, pr after hours , focuses on business guests and tips. He posits that hobbyist podcasters have inadvertently made it more challenging to take indie podcasters seriously as corporate, 'big media' shows quickly take over the marketplace.

“Podcast consumers get burned by amateur shows with poor production values, inconsistent posting schedules and low host discipline,” he said.“At that point, the listener is probably more likely to try a show produced by a large media company. Why search and search for shows in your niche, then wade through an overly-long, poorly-produced show with bad audio?'

The Podcast Option also offers tips to prospective podcast guests to improve their game.

'I think because an indie podcast isn't part of Wonderly or Vox or NPR, some guests don't treat it with quite the same level of seriousness,' Greenwood said. 'To weed that out, my shows have a few hoops for guests to jump through, which I detail in the book.'

Those“hoops” are not outrageous. Greenwood's standards are virtually identical to those of any typical broadcast media outlet. Guests (or their publicists) must make an exciting pitch explaining why they want to appear on the show, offer links to a media kit or website, and signify they have a quality external mic.

“I want to hear why they offer value to my audiences. I also want people who literally sound good,” he said.“The low sound quality of the internal mic in a computer is a turn-off to listeners.'

However, some guests have balked at one thing: asking them to commit to sharing their episode with their social media networks.

'One reason my local TV or radio station invites me back for interviews is because I know the score-I'm prepared and offer no drama,' Greenwood said. 'I repeatedly share my interviews with my network. Everybody wins. Obviously, if you're an A-list celebrity that's not necessary. But I don't see why folks trying. to promote themselves would go on a podcast and then do zero to promote it to their followers.'

Greenwood ultimately hopes the book helps indie podcasters improve their competitive edge.

'Podcasting is here to stay and podcasts with efficient processes in place that conduct themselves with professionalism will have a better shot at success,' he said.

The Podcast Option is available exclusively in paperback, eBook, and audiobook formats on Reach Alex Greenwood on or

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