google I/O 2017 focused on their next big area of growth: AI. It started with search, then a decade ago they focused on the smartphone market with Android and along with Apple (AAPL) Trade, transformed that space. Now they are starting their next major growth trajectory, artificial intelligence. However, what's interesting is Google (GOOGL) Trade seems to be taking a different path from others in the space.
Google may be doing this because they will face many new competitors in the AI space. Google likes to lead. If they cannot lead in a segment, they are not interested. Think of Android a decade ago. Back then it was basically Android or Apple iPhone, and in fact it still is. AI however is different. AI is a rapidly growing space and every company in every industry seems to want to plant their flag in the AI ground.
Companies in Every Industry Are Planting Their Flag in the AI Ground
It seems one of the most important areas for growth going forward will be artificial intelligence. However, AI is also the focus for growth at many other companies as well. Google will compete with companies large and small like Amazon.com and IBM Watson.
However, the impression I get is that Google AI will work behind the scenes. You may not even realize you are interacting with AI when you do things, but you are. They are reinventing the Android OS to let them offer AI in many different ways. Remember, this OS is on smartphones, tablets and laptops, so they see plenty of growth ahead.
AI has been a technology that has been building and growing for the last several decades. However, suddenly last year and this year it has reached the point where it is having it's coming out party. Suddenly every company is talking AI. Every investor, worker, partner and customer whether business or consumer is focused on this area.
AI Growth in Consumer, Business, M2M, B2B, Wireless, Wire Line and More
M2M and B2B are a very exciting growth area for AI. This will transform industry after industry, company after company in ways we cannot even imagine yet. We are at the very early stages of this new revolution.
Most users have heard the term AI, but have no idea what it really means. Most form their opinions from Hollywood movies, which do not show AI in a very attractive light at all. So, the AI industry has its work cut out for it. It must change the narrative. It must educate the marketplace so every consumer, business customer, investor, regulator, worker and more has the proper vision of AI going forward.
Change the AI Narrative
This is a huge job, but AI is going to be with us, it's going to be huge and is going to impact every business and every user. If that's the case, we had better come to terms with better understanding what AI really is. That means all of us.
It's up to companies like Google, IBM (IBM) Trade Watson, Amazon.com (AMZN) Trade, Microsoft (MSFT) Trade, Apple and countless others to educate the marketplace. There are many different versions and depths, but they are all AI. This will make it even more difficult to understand.
Some AI will be up front and in your face. Others like with Google, will be AI behind the scenes and almost invisible to the user, whether that be a consumer or worker. Both will be successful. Either way, AI is going to be part of our future, so we had better wrap our arms around what that means. There is a new growth wave forming. Are you ready to catch the wave!
Jeff Kagan is an Equities.com columnist. Kagan is a Wireless Analyst, Telecom Analyst, Industry Analyst, speaker and consultant. He follows wireless, wire line, telecom, Internet, cable TV, IPTV, Cloud, Mobile Pay, FinTech and communications technology. Email him at [email protected] His web site is www.jeffKAGAN.com. Follow him on Twitter @jeffkagan
Full story: https://www.equities.com/news/jeff-kagan-google-io-2017-was-all-about-ai
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