Kuwait, The Palestinian Cause .. Century Of Support

(MENAFN- Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) KUWAIT, Dec 9 (KUNA) -- The Palestinian cause has been among the top issues concerning the State of Kuwait for a century and its stances toward the question have often drawn nations and stakeholders' attention.

The State of Kuwait's concern for the cause has been manifested, anew, due to the current events in Gaza Strip, with statements of support made by the sagacious Political leadership, Kuwaitis of various levels and Occupation and the NGOs.

Kuwaiti-Palestinian relations have continuously evolved since the 1948 "Al-Nakba," as it has repeatedly expressed full support for rights of the Palestinian people and has condemned the Israeli occupation practices.

The following events portray Kuwait's particular concern for the Palestinian cause:

1921: The first Palestinian delegation visits Kuwait to raise donations for renovating Al-Aqsa Mosque.

1932: Kuwait hosts Palestine Mufti Hajj Amin Al-Husseini who has come to the country as part of an Arab tour to raise funds for refurbishing Al-Aqsa Mosque.

1933: A number of Kuwaiti youth address a message to the British government political resident in Kuwait protesting maltreatment of Palestinians in the territories under British mandate.

1936: A group of young Kuwaiti citizens form the first committee for solidarity with the Palestinian people, called "the October Commission." It collected 7,500 rupees, the currency used at that time, and held a rally that drew 150 Kuwaiti nationals.

1937: Junior Kuwaitis formed a committee named "the youth of Kuwait" that appealed the Amir Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to take a stand against the British scheme to partition Palestine.

1938: A Palestinian delegation visits Kuwait to raise donations and rally support for the Palestinian cause.

1947: Kuwaiti merchants collect 500,000 rupees to aid Palestinian refugees.

1948: Kuwait hosts thousands of Palestinian refugees following "Al-Nakba" amid official and public solidarity with them.

1948: A number of Kuwaiti citizens participate in the 1948 war, designed to liberate Palestine.

1948: Collecting donations at Al-Mubarkiyah School for aiding Palestinian refugees.

1954: Kuwait participates in the economic boycott of Israel in line with Arab League resolutions.

1957: An Amiri Decree is issues emphasizing necessity of boycotting Israel.

1958: Kuwait hosts the conference for offices of boycotting "the Zionist entity in the Arab world."

1963: Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah affirms, during the first official Kuwaiti attendance of a United Nations session, the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to return to their homeland, emphasizing that the "de facto policy cannot be a stable basis for peace."

1964: Kuwait becomes the first Arab state to allow the Palestinians hold elections for membership in the first Palestinian National Assembly.

1964: Kuwait contributes two million sterling pounds to forming the Palestine Liberation Army, in line with a resolution taken at the second Arab summit.

1964: Kuwait allows the establishing of an office of the Palestine Liberation Organization and supports the PLO with two million sterling pounds, heeding a resolution of the second Arab summit.

1967: Kuwait declares it will offer all forms of assistance for the Palestinian people amid
the "tripartite aggression" that happened on June 5.

1967 (July 25): Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah calls in a statement in front of the UN General Assembly for Israel's immediate, full and unconditional withdrawal from Arab territories namely Jerusalem for sake of preserving the UN charter, global peace and security.

1970: Kuwait declares donations to cover fees for 300 Palestinian students studying outside their home country.

1971: Kuwait asks the Arab League to work out a plan for facing "Zionist activities" in Africa.

1974: Kuwait donates KD 211,000 for the Palestinian Red Crescent.

1977: Kuwait donates KD 300,000 for the UNRWA.

1979: Kuwait donates KD 138,000 for Al-Najah University in Nablus.

1980: Kuwait donates KD 50,000 for the Arab Institute in Jerusalem.

1983: Kuwait donates KD KD 100,000 for the Arab Institute.

1984: Kuwait donates KD 152,000 for he UNRWA.

1986: The late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah affirms in a message to the UN Secretary General solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle to attain their legitimate rights.

1987: The Kuwaiti Government decides to offer all forms of support for the Palestinian "intifada" and allowing Palestinians living in the country to raise donations.

1987: Kuwait witnesses official and popular support for the first Palestinian uprising. Authorities have decided to deduct a proportion of payments for civil servants to support the Palestinians and form the "Arab committee for supporting families of the martyrs and the injured."

1988: Kuwait recognizes the independent State of Palestine.

1993: Kuwait contributes with USD 25 million for reconstruction in the Palestinian territories.

1995: Kuwait donates USD one million to fund a Canadian plan to house Palestinian families at Tal Al-Sultan camp in Gaza.

1996 (March 13): Kuwait affirms support for developing self-rule Palestinian regions and allocates USD 25 million for this purpose.

1998: Kuwait pledges USD 80 million worth of aid for the Palestinians during a donors' conference held in the US.

1999 (March 1): Kuwait grants USD 25 million to the Palestinian Authority.

1999 (September 30): Kuwait grants USD 1.5 million to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

2000 (October 3): The late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah orders urgent dispatch of aid to the Palestinian people to back up their uprising for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

2000 (October 4): Kuwait dispatches food, medicines and medical supplies to the occupied territories to help in easing off the Palestinian people's hardships during confrontations with the occupation over A-Aqsa.

2000 (October 8): Kuwait calls on the international community to stop massacres perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinians.

2000 (October 23): Kuwait receives a number of Palestinians injured in violent confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces during the uprising, or Intifadha.

2000 (October 28): Kuwait donates USD 150 million for Al-Aqsa Fund and the Palestinian uprising in implementation of resolutions of the extraordinary Arab summit held in Cairo during the same month.

2000 (December 10): Kuwait calls upon the UN Security Council to take necessary measures to end the tragic situation experienced by the Palestinian people and halt massacres and inhumane acts by the Israeli forces against the innocent.

2000 (December 14): A huge convoy of Kuwaiti aid supplies arrives in Amman -- destined for the Palestinian people while they are engaged in the uprising against the Israeli occupation.

2001 (February 15): A Kuwait Air Force aircraft carrying medicines, relief and medical supplies for the Palestinians arrives in Amman. It is the first such airborne mission since flare-up of the Palestinian "intifadah" on September 28, 2000.

2002 (March 18): Kuwait Red Crescent Society donates 12,000 food parcels for inhabitants of the old town in Al-Khalil, some besieged and poor families elsewhere in the occupied territories.

2001 (December 4): The Kuwaiti government sends 147 tons of food supplies to the Palestinian people.

2002 (March 18): Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) donates 12 food parcels to residents of the old sector in Al-Khalil province, besieged Palestinian regions and impoverished families in the Palestinian territories.

2002 (April 9): Kuwait grants USD 7.5 million to the Palestinian National Authority as the first tranche of financial support declared at the Arab summit, held in Beirut in March 2002, totaling USD 55 million per month.

2002 (April 15): Kuwait declares that the Israeli occupation of Palestine is colonization decrying the Israeli army's attacks and occupation of Palestinian towns.

2002 (April 15): Kuwait Red Crescent Society dispatches a convoy bearing 203 tons of food supplies to the occupied territories.

2002 (April 15): Kuwait launches a donation campaign for the Palestinian people themed, "Kuwait with you Palestine."

2002 (April 28): The Palestine Charitable Committee of the International Islamic Charity Organization provides prefabricated houses to Palestinian families whose houses have been demolished by the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank.

2002 (April 29): Kuwait sends a convoy of 174 tons of food supplies destined for the Palestinian people to Amman.

2002 (July 15): Kuwait dispatches 180 tons of food including rice, sugar and flour to the Palestinians via Amman.

2002 (October 21): Up to 240 tons of food supplies dispatched by Kuwait to the Palestinian people arrive in Amman.

2002 (October 28): Kuwait donates USD 1.5 million to UNRWA.

2004 (May 25): The Kuwaiti Government earmarks USD two million worth of humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people.

2004 (June 20): The Kuwaiti Government allocates three million to help Palestinians secure dwellings.

2004 (October 10): The Kuwait Cabinet decides to allot USD one million to taper off the Palestinians' suffering and urges the international community to intervene and end the painful conditions afflicting them.

2004 (December 7): Kuwait declares an annual contribution of USD 1.5 million to the UNRWA.

2005 (November 2): Kuwait affirms it will continue to support the UNRWA through its annual contribution of USD 1.5 million.

2006 (Feb 19): The Arab League confirms that Kuwait has paid its share, USD 40 million, as part of the financial aid for the Palestinian Authority as declared by the 2005 Arab summit, held in Algeria.

2006 (November 13): The late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah orders a financial aid of USD 30 million for the Palestinian people.

2007 (December 17): Kuwait pledges, during a conference for donations for the Palestinian Authority held in Paris, to offer USD 300 million via Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED).

2008 (March 27): Kuwait donates USD 1.5 million for the UNRWA.

2008 (June 10): Kuwait donates USD 1.5 million to the UNRWA as a contribution in the fiscal year 2008-09.

2008 (August 11): Kuwait inks a deal with the World Bank to contribute with USD 80 million to the WB-run fund for supporting the Palestinians.

2008 (December 31): A Kuwaiti military plane bearing 10 tons of medical supplies for the besieged Gazans arrives in Al-Arish airport.

2009 (January 14): The National Assembly agrees to donate MPs' monthly salary to the Gazans.

2009 (January 15): The committee of the stock exchange (Boursa Kuwait) donates USD 500,000 for victims of an Israeli aggression on Gaza.

2009 (January 18): Twelve tons of food supplies and other necessities provided by KRCS arrive in Gaza.

2009 (January 19): The late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah declares during the Arab Economic and Development Summit "a stand of solidarity with Gaza."

2009 (January 20): Kuwait declares at the end of the Arab Economic and Development Summit, dubbed "the summit of solidarity with Gaza," that Israel solely holds the responsibility of the brutal attacks on Gaza.

2009 (February 8): A Kuwaiti plane bearing 13 tons of aid for the Gazans arrives in Al-Arish airport.

2009 (March 2): Kuwait donates USD 200 million to the Palestinian Authority for reconstructing Gaza.

2009 (November 4): Kuwait pledges to continue supporting the UNRWA.

2010 (August 29): UNRWA receives Kuwait's annual contribution amounting to USD 1.5 million.

2011 (June 1): Kuwait Permanent Delegate at the Arab League Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim affirms support for the Palestinian national conciliation accord.

2011 (September 15): Kuwait signs a deal with the World Bank to contribute for reform programs executed by the Palestinian Authority.

2011 (November 4): Kuwait raises its annual financial contribution to the UNRWA from USD 1.5 million to USD two million.

2012 (November 15): Kuwait signs an agreement with the World Bank contributing with USD 50 million to support the WB Palestinian program for reforms and development.

2013 (April 15): Kuwait donates USD 15 million to the UNRWA to help Palestinians in dire conditions in Syria.

2013 (May 1): Kuwait declares that part of its voluntary financial aid for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is allocated for the UN office in East Jerusalem.

2013 (June 10): Kuwait delivers material aid to the union of health care committees in Gaza.

2014 (March 25): Kuwait affirms at onset of the Arab summit that just peace can only be attained through establishing the independent Palestinian state.

2014 (April 30): Kuwait affirms its commitment to maintain material, moralistic and political support for the Palestinian people until end of the Israeli occupation and establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

2014 (July 15): Kuwait declares, during an emergency meeting of the Arab foreign ministers to discuss Gaza, donating USD 10 million for the Palestinian brothers.

2014 (July 25): Kuwait Red Crescent Society delivers in a series of tranches relief supplies to the Palestinians in Gaza.

2014 (August 9): The KRCS delivers medical assistance to the Palestinian Red Crescent for relay to hospitals in Gaza.

2014 (August 25): A convoy of 25 truckloads of humanitarian materials provided by Kuwait enters Gaza in the aftermath an Israeli aggression.

2014 (September 12): The KRCS distributes 7,000 food parcels to Palestinian families in need in Gaza.

2014 (September 14): First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah arrives in Ramallah, the West Bank, on the first such mission by a senior Kuwaiti official.

2014 (September 24): Kuwait affirms, during an Arab ministerial meeting held on margins of a session of the UNGA, it will continue to support the Palestinian people.

2014 (September 25): Kuwait renews its call upon the UNSC to undertake its responsibilities to protect Palestinian people and territories as stipulated by the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention.

2014 (November 25): Kuwait renews full support for struggle of the Palestinian people for attaining their legitimate right of establishing an independent state on their territories with East Jerusalem as its capital and setting a timetable for ending the Israeli occupation.

2015 (November 13): Kuwait affirms during a UN commission session its unwavering backing for the Palestinian people's struggle until attaining all their legitimate rights.

2016 (March 7): Kuwait affirms its pledge to continue backing the Palestinian cause during the fifth extraordinary session of the Islamic Summit on Palestine.

2016 (October 19): Kuwait asserts the dire need that the UNSC undertake its role to stop deterioration of the conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories.

2017 (October 16): National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem calls during a conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union held in Russia for ordering the Israeli delegation leave the conference hall in response to the Israeli practices against the Palestinian people.

2018 (May 15): Kuwait calls during a UNSC session upon nations to recognize the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital.

2018 (May 18): Kuwait submits a draft resolution to the UNSC urging for protection of the Palestinian people.

2018 (November 18): Kuwait allocates USD 50 million worth of contribution to the Palestinian Authority's budget.

2019 (March 31): The late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah affirms during the Arab Summit held in Tunisia that there will be no global stability in absence of a just settlement to the Palestinian cause.

2019 (June 20): Kuwait demands during a UNSG session an immediate cessation of all illegal settlement activities by the Israeli occupation authorities in the Palestinian territories.

2020 (February 5): The National Assembly decries and rejects an American plan for the Palestinian cause dubbed "the deal of the century."

2020 (October 27): Kuwait affirms during a UNSC session that the Palestinian question is a central cause for the Arab nation.

2021 (October 23): Kuwait calls for bringing Israel to account for its continuous violations of the Palestinian people's rights.

2022 (November 11); Kuwait affirms during a UNGA session its unwavering stand of supporting the Palestinian cause.

2023 (February 12): Kuwait expresses condemnation, during the Jerusalem conference held in Cairo, of all unilateral measures undertaken by the Israeli occupation forces, intended to alter the historic status of Jerusalem.

2023 (July 27): Kuwait appeals to the International Court of Justice in the Hague to rule against the continuing Israeli occupation's breaches of the Palestinian people's rights.

2023 (October 20): Kuwait calls during a GCC-ASEAN meeting held in Saudi Arabia on the international community to protect the Palestinians.

2023 (October 21): Kuwait affirms during the Cairo Peace Summit its rejection for displacing the Palestinian people. (end)



Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)

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