(MENAFN- The Conversation) Associate Professor in Geography, university of wollongong profile articles activity I am a human geographer and environmental social scientist. I did my PhD on cattle culture, land, and resource management in Central Australia. Since then I have largely conducted research on household sustainabilty and natural resource management in high amenity rural and per-urban areas. My current research focuses on resident perceptions of bushfire risk and amenity in peri-urban areas and invasive plant management by lifestyle rural landholders. I've also been working with the NSW NPWS on biosecurity management and recreation in protected areas and continued to do some work on change in farming among regenerative graziers and dairy farmers in the Illawarra. I am in the School of Geography and Sustainable Communities at the University of Wollongong.
Publications include:
Gill, N., L. Chisholm, J. Atchison, S. Graham, G. Hawkes, L. Head, and S. McKiernan. 2022. "Scaling up qualitative research to harness the capacity of lay people in invasive plant management." Conservation Biology 36:e13929.
Hu, R., and N. J. Gill. 2022. "Neoliberal peri-urban economies and the predicament of dairy farmers: a case study of the Illawarra region, New South Wales." Agriculture and Human Values.
Gill, N., S. McKiernan, A. Lewis, H. Cherry, and D. Annunciato. 2020. "Biosecurity hygiene in the Australian high country: footwear cleaning practices, motivations, and barriers among visitors to Kosciuszko National park." Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 27 (4):378-95.
Gosnell, H., N. Gill, and M. Voyer. 2019. "Transformational adaptation on the farm: Processes of change and persistence in transitions to 'climate-smart' regenerative agriculture." Global Environmental Change 59:101965.
Graham, S., Metcalf, A.L., Gill, N., Niemiec, R., Moreno, C., Bach, T., Ikutegbe, V., Hallstrom, L., Ma, Z., Lubeck, A. (2019) Opportunities for better use of collective action theory in research and governance for invasive species management. Conservation Biology 33, 275-287
Gill, N., Graham, S., Cross, R. and Taylor, E. (2018) Weed hygiene practices in rural industries and public land management: variable knowledge, patchy implementation, inconsistent coordination. Journal of Environmental Management, 223(1), pp. 140-149
Edwards, A. and Gill, N. (2016) Living with landscape fire: landholder understandings of agency, scale and control within fiery entanglements, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(6), 1080-1097
Gill, N., Osman P., Head, L., Moyer, M., Waitt, G., Gibson, C. Harada, T. (2015) Looking Beyond Installation: Why households struggle to make the most of solar hot water systems, Energy Policy, 87, 83-94. DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2015.08.038 – Open Access
Gill, N., Dun, O, Brennan-Horley, C. and Eriksen, C. (2015) Landscape preferences, amenity and bushfire risk in New South Wales, Australia, Environmental Management, 56 (3) 738–753.
Edwards, A. and Gill, N (2015) Divergent Approaches to Resolving Pressures on DRR and NRM Programs: A Case Study of Sustainable Fire Management Training, Geoforum, 65, 213–221.
Gill, N. (2013) Making Country Good: Environmental Change and Stewardship in Central Australian Pastoral Culture, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, DOI: 10.1111/tran.12025
Gibson, C. Head, L, Gill, N., Waitt, G, Farbotko, C. (2013) Household Sustainability: Challenges and Dilemmas in Everyday Life, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Abrams, J., Gosnell, H., Gill, N., and Klepeis, P. (2012) Re-creating the Rural, Reconstructing Nature: Environmental Implications of Amenity Migration: An International Literature Review, Conservation and Society, 10(3), 270-84. DOI:10.4103/0972-4923.101837
Eriksen, C. and Gill, N. (2010) Bushfire and everyday life: examining the awareness-action 'gap' in changing rural landscapes, Geoforum, 41, 814-825.
Gill, N., Klepeis, P and Chisholm, L., (2010) Stewardship among lifestyle oriented rural landowners. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management53(3). 317-334
Gill, N. (2005) Aboriginal Pastoralism, Social Embeddedness and Cultural Continuity in Central Australia, Society and Natural Resources, 18, 1-16.
Experience –present Associate Professor in Geography, University of Wollongong
Education 2000
University of NSW, PhD