Tuesday, 02 January 2024 12:17 GMT

Azerbaijan-Armenia Peace Benefits Both Region And Kazakhstan - View From Astana

(MENAFN- Trend News Agency) BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 24. The onset of theconflict in Ukraine in 2022 resulted in significant economicrepercussions for both the region and beyond. Specifically,traditional transportation routes linking Asia and Europeexperienced notable negative impacts.

Consequently, key stakeholders in Europe and Asia have chosenseveral paths to restore the movement goods between the twocontinents, with the Middle Corridor being one prominent choice corridor traverses the territories of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan,Georgia, and Türkiye.

Although this route's current capacity is insufficient to handlenormal cargo volumes, there is potential for its expansion. Thispotential is corroborated by analyses and reports frominternational financial institutions, which express their intent toinvest in the development of transport infrastructure along thiscorridor.

Notably, in mid-April, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-JomartTokayev embarked on his inaugural official visit to Armenia. Thisgesture can be seen as an attempt to strengthen bilateralcollaboration between the two countries in view of the recentlyrevealed reality in the South Caucasus. Previously, the developmentof strong commercial relations between Kazakhstan and Armenia waspartly hampered by Kazakhstan's position on the Karabakh conflict now that Azerbaijan has returned its territory and a peace dealappears likely, the way forward is becoming more apparent.

Naturally, genuine peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia, whichwould ultimately enable a direct route between the two nations,holds the potential to strengthen economic collaboration betweenKazakhstan and Armenia. Therefore, peace and the unblocking oftransportation links are poised to bolster Armenia's traderelations with Central Asian countries, China, and other Asiannations. Although these kinds of conversations would have appearedunlikely ten years ago, the way the area has changed since2020-largely due to Azerbaijan's actions-makes them possiblenow.

In this regard, Kazakh political analyst and director of theKemel Arna Public Foundation, Zamir Karazhanov, told Trend abouthis vision of the possible benefits of peace between Azerbaijan andArmenia for countries, particularly Kazakhstan.

According to the political analyst, a peace agreement,normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, andunblocking of transport communications would benefit all countriesin the region, as well as Kazakhstan.

"I believe that once the situation in the South Caucasusstabilizes, Kazakhstan and the regional countries will benefit opportunities arise from stabilization, therefore thisis just the beginning for us. Considering developments acrossvarious regions, including the Middle East, it's safe to say thatthe Middle Corridor currently offers the most reliable route forcargo transportation between Asia and Europe. Through itsutilization, we can boost cargo volumes and, as the saying goes,pave the way for a brighter future," he said.

According to Karazhanov, this development will also contributeto the growth of investment between the countries in theregion.

"We recognize that transportation is merely the beginning. It ispoised to bring other sectors along with it, such as investments,cultural cooperation, education, and more. In essence, all thesefacets are set to grow in intensity," he emphasized.

According to the analyst, Armenia sees and understands that allthese regional projects bypass it, and the country's leadershiprealizes the losses from non-participation in them.

"Hence, I am of the opinion that Armenia is keen on thisdevelopment. Currently, both sides are in talks regarding thespecifics of the peace agreement, with achievable objectives beingset. These include mutual acknowledgment of territorial integrity,border delimitation, demarcation, and more. Essentially, Armeniaand Azerbaijan aim to address all matters comprehensively withinone cohesive agreement, avoiding the need to revisit unresolvedissues in subsequent stages. It is plausible, even likely, thatthis peace agreement will incorporate clauses on cooperation acrossvarious economic sectors, such as transportation, environmentalprotection, and possibly mutual arms control for security purposes discussions indicate a forward-thinking approach by thecountries, looking beyond immediate needs. The pragmatic stancetaken by these nations fosters optimistic expectations for thepeace agreement and its subsequent phases," he said.

Saken Mukan, a Kazakh political scientist and professor at theDepartment of Media Communication and History of Kazakhstan at theInternational IT University (IITU), told Trend thatKazakhstan views the resolution of the Karabakh issue as a pivotalstep towards enhancing relations with both Azerbaijan andArmenia.

Speaking about the possible opening of a transportation route toArmenia via Azerbaijan, the political analyst mentioned that itwould facilitate Kazakhstan's trade with Armenia.

"During Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev's visit toArmenia, Kazakh officials emphasized to both local and Armenianmedia that the movement of cargo between the two countries isrouted through Iran and Turkmenistan.

This route naturally complicates matters, both logistically andformally. Given that a visa is needed to enter Turkmenistan, thisresults in consumers purchasing these goods at a higher price. Thissituation runs counter to the essence and purpose of cooperationwithin the EAEU, as it hinders collaboration instead of fosteringimprovement," he said.

In his opinion, the route through Iran also limits exports andimports of products.

"The second aspect is Iran, through which Armenian wine andliquor products are not allowed as export products to thirdcountries. Hence, Kazakhstan is interested in Armenia gettinginvolved in further development of transportation projects in theregion," he added.

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