Tuesday, 02 January 2024 12:17 GMT

Significant Drill Results At Becher

(MENAFN- GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) HIGHLIGHTS

  • More than 10,500 m of combined aircore ( AC ) and reverse circulation ( RC ) drilling completed by De Grey mining (ASX: DEG) at the Becher Project in Q4 2023, as part of the Egina earn-in/JV
  • RC drilling at Lowe confirmed Gold mineralisation associated with a deformed intrusive sill, with a best intercept of 8 m at 4.74 g/t Au from 96 m, including 3 m @ 11.88 g/t Au from 100 m (MSRC0031)
  • Follow-up RC drilling into a base metal-gold corridor previously defined by Novo at Heckmair , intersected a significant zone of base metal-gold mineralisation from the two RC holes targeting the corridor. Results include:
    • 10 m @ 0.12 g/t Au, 29.7 g/t Ag, 0.3% Cu, 1.5% Pb and 1.8% Zn from 40 m (MSRC0016)
      including 3 m @ 0.20 g/t Au, 59.8 g/t Ag, 0.9% Cu, 2.4% Pb and 2.2% Zn from 47 m
    • 24 m @ 0.2 g/t Au, 13.2 g/t Ag, 0.1% Cu, 1.0% Pb and 0.1% Zn in hole MSRC0017 from 105 m (MSRC0017)
      including 6 m @ 0.48 g/t Au, 20.8 g/t Ag, 0.2% Cu, 1.4% Pb and 2.8% Zn from 105 m
  • The base metal corridor trends WNW through the Heckmair intrusion, with broad intervals of anomalous base metals and low-level gold mineralisation mapping a fault to over 1.5 km in strike
  • Resampling of anomalous gold zones from Novo's 2023 AC program completed by De Grey, has verified broad zones of gold anomalism associated within granitic intrusions
  • De Grey plans to target the Becher area with follow up AC and RC drilling to be completed at priority targets Heckmair and Lowe in 2024

Novo Executive Co-Chairman and Acting CEO Mike Spreadborough said,“This set of results from the recent drilling is very exciting.

“De Grey has a total of 39,000 m of drilling planned under this program. This ground is going to get some focused exploration attention with De Grey required to spend up to A$25 million at Becher and adjacent tenements within 4 years, to earn a 50% direct interest in the Egina JV. In this programme, a minimum $7 million will be spent within 18 months, so we expect a good flow of results going forward.

What excites us the most at Novo is that the Egina JV tenements are considered highly prospective for significant intrusion related gold deposits, with similar attributes to the 12.7 Moz Au (JORC 2012) Hemi Gold Project. De Grey understand the enormous potential of this ground, and this is just the start of an exciting exploration partnership.”

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. ( Novo or the Company ) (ASX: NVO) (TSX: NVO & NVO.A) (OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to provide an update on drilling results at the Becher Project, which is part of the Egina earn-in and joint venture ( Egina JV ) with De Grey Mining (ASX:DEG).

De Grey commenced AC and RC drilling at the Becher Project in Q4 2023, testing the Heckmair and Lowe intrusions , and the Irvine and Bonatti shear corridors , with over 10,500 m completed to date.

Figure 1 : Location of Novo tenements, the Egina JV area and priority projects in the Pilbara


The Egina Gold Camp is Novo's highly prospective gold belt in the Pilbara and includes the priority Becher and Nunyerry projects (Figure 1). This belt comprises a series of structurally complex, gold-fertile corridors, hosted by rocks of the Mallina Basin in the north and mafic / ultramafic sequences further south. These corridors trend towards De Grey's 12.7 Moz Au (JORC 2012) Hemi Gold Project1 to the north and northeast.

Novo's tenure forms a contiguous package of approx. 80 km strike length directly along this trend and has been one of the main focus areas for Novo's exploration programs over the last eighteen months, culminating in the Egina JV with De Grey and delineation of the Nunyerry North gold prospect.

1 Refer to De Grey's public disclosure record for further details including news release Hemi Gold Project Resource Update, 21 November 2023 , relating to De Grey's Hemi. Withnell and Wingina mining centres. No assurance can be given that a similar (or any) commercially viable mineral deposit will be determined at Novo's Becher Project.


Novo's early-stage reconnaissance work at Egina successfully identified the Becher Project as highly prospective and a high priority. The Company commenced AC drilling in late 2022 continuing into 2023, generating excellent results and indicators of potential discovery success. In June 2023, De Grey recognised the potential of Becher as a key growth asset and entered into the Egina JV under which De Grey will fund an exploration program over a four-year period for a spend of up to A$25 million, earning a 50% interest in the project.

Since commencing field work on the Egina JV ground in August 2023, De Grey has completed 7,536 m of AC drilling (271 collars) across several greenfields targets (Appendix 2).

In addition, ongoing interpretation of Novo's previous AC program yielded three priority targets based on gold and base metal anomalism, warranting a follow up program of 4,154 m of RC drilling (29 collars) (Appendix 2), which was completed at the Lowe, Heckmair and Irvine targets . No significant results (>0.1 g/t Au) were returned from AC drilling at Irvine or Bonatti, although RC hole MSRC0030 at Irvine returned 1 m @ 6.3 g/t Au (Appendix 1 – Table 1).


Lowe is located ~20 km WSW of Hemi. The prospect includes an interpreted 5.2 km long, synclinal layered sill, fractionated from pyroxenite at the base up to gabbro and diorite. It is substantially thicker on the northern side of the syncline and likely truncated by a fault and juxtaposed with altered metasediment to the south.

A small RC drilling program of 10 holes (1,786 m) was completed by De Grey in late 2023. This drilling intercepted mineralisation in two holes in what is interpreted to be the same structure (Figure 2). 8 m at 4.7 g/t Au from 97 m was intersected in hole MSRC0031 , and 4 m at 0.6 g/t Au from 144 m was intersected in MSRC0032 (Appendix 1 – Tables 1 and 3). Mineralisation is hosted within strongly foliated and sheared pyroxenite and gabbro with prominent sericite alteration, quartz veining and pyrite.

Planning of follow up drilling in 2024 is underway.

Figure 2: Cross section at Lowe showing interpreted geology with recent intercepts


After commencing the earn-in with Novo, De Grey undertook a comprehensive program of field reconnaissance and re-splitting 4 m composite samples of historic drilling where anomalous gold or base metals had been intercepted.

Interpretation of geophysics, geochemistry and geological data highlighted elevated gold and Pb-Zn-Ag values in AC drilling within the Heckmair intrusive body, associated with a 1.5 km long, WNW-trending fault zone which De Grey interpreted from aeromagnetic data (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Heckmair Prospect – aeromagnetic/gravity images with bottom of hole lead anomalism in AC drilling

A follow-up RC program comprising 19 holes (2,368 m) returned strong base metal results (Appendix 1 – Tables 2 and 3) including:

  • 10 m @ 0.12 g/t Au, 29.7 g/t Ag, 0.3% Cu, 1.5% Pb and 1.8% Zn from 40 m (MSRC0016)
    including 3 m @ 0.20 g/t Au, 59.8 g/t Ag, 0.9% Cu, 2.4% Pb and 2.2% Zn from 47 m
  • 24 m @ 0.2 g/t Au, 13.2 g/t Ag, 0.1% Cu, 1.0% Pb and 0.1% Zn in hole MSRC0017 from 105 m (MSRC0017)
    including 6 m @ 0.48 g/t Au, 20.8 g/t Ag, 0.2% Cu, 1.4% Pb and 2.8% Zn from 105 m

The best gold intercept from the RC drilling was 2 m at 2.8 g/t Au in hole MSRC0013.

De Grey note other deposits and prospects within the Mallina Basin show that base metal anomalism can be associated with gold mineralisation.

The Heckmair Fault shows evidence for broad-scale fluid flow within a fault conduit with favourable scale, and De Grey considers it to be a priority target, with follow up RC drilling planned for 2024.

Figure 4: Heckmair cross section (619120E)


AC drilling is utilised as a first pass technique testing for gold mineralisation and anomalous pathfinder geochemistry in basement rocks under cover. The drilling methodology is rapid and low cost, with a low impact footprint, enabling large systematic programs to be completed in a cost effective and timely manner.

One metre AC drill samples are collected from the drill rig through a cyclone and placed on the ground in piles for geological quantitative and qualitative logging. These piles are then speared as four-meter composites.

All AC chip samples were sent to ALS in Perth, Western Australia and each sample was dried, split, crushed and pulverised to 85% passing 75μm. 11 elements assayed with aqua regia mass spectrometry (ALS Lab Code ME-MS43) with an additional 29 elements assayed with aqua regia ICP-AES finish (ALS Lab Code ME-ICP43), and trace-level gold by 25 g aqua regia (ICP-MS). All aircore holes end with a 1 m bottom of hole sample using the ME-MS61 method with Au by 30 g fire assay (Au-ICP21). Anomalous aircore composites, greater than 0.1 ppm gold over 4 m, are re-split to 1 m samples and were assayed using 30 g Au fire assay with ICP finish (ALS Lab Code, Au-ICP21) and high-grade results >10 ppm Au were assayed by fire assay and gravimetric finish (ALS Lab Code Au-GRA21). Multielement analysis was conducted using four acid digest followed by ICP-MS finish for 61 elements (ALS Lab Code ME-MS61TM).

QAQC procedures for the program include insertion of certified coarse blanks (minimum rate 2%), certified standards (CRMs minimum rate 2%), and routine duplicate sampling.


RC drilling allows for deeper testing of anomalies delineated by aircore drilling, and other geological direct targeting methods such as surface mapping and sampling, where bedrock is exposed at surface.

RC sampling utilized a cone splitter on the rig cyclone and drill cuttings were sampled on 1m intervals. All RC chip samples were sent to ALS in Perth, Western Australia and each sample was dried, split, crushed and pulverised to 85% passing 75μm. All RC drilling samples were assayed using 30 g Au fire assay with ICP finish (ALS Lab Code, Au-ICP21) and high-grade results >10 ppm Au were assayed by fire assay and gravimetric finish (ALS Lab Code Au-GRA21). Multielement analysis was conducted using four acid digest followed by ICP-MS finish for 61 elements (ALS Lab Code ME-MS61TM).

QAQC procedures for the program include insertion of certified coarse blanks (minimum rate 2%), certified standards (CRMs minimum rate 2%), and routine duplicate sampling.

There were no limitations to the verification process and all relevant data was verified by a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) by reviewing analytical procedures undertaken by ALS.


Novo explores and develops its prospective land package covering approximately 7,500 square kilometres in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, along with the 22 square kilometre Belltopper project in the Bendigo Tectonic Zone of Victoria, Australia. In addition to the Company's primary focus, Novo seeks to leverage its internal geological expertise to deliver value-accretive opportunities to its shareholders.


Mike Spreadborough
+61 8 6400 6100
North American Queries:
Leo Karabelas
+1 416 543 3120
Cameron Gilenko
+61 466 984 953

Authorised for release by Board of Directors.



Mrs Karen (Kas) De Luca (MAIG), is the qualified person, as defined under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, responsible for, and having reviewed and approved, the technical information contained in this news release. Mrs De Luca is Novo's General Manger Exploration.


All data, information, figures and analysis relating to the Becher Project drill results that is cited in this announcement was provided by De Grey and appears in De Grey's ASX announcement titled Greater Hemi and Regional Exploration Update, released on 13 February 2024. A copy of the announcement can be found on De Grey's website here and on ASX Online here .


Some statements in this news release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Canadian and Australian securities laws and regulations These statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include, without limitation, customary risks of the resource industry and the risk factors identified in Novo's annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2022, which is available under Novo's profile on SEDAR+ at and in the Company's prospectus dated 2 August 2023 which is available at . Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date those statements are made. Except as required by applicable law, Novo assumes no obligation to update or to publicly announce the results of any change to any forward-looking statement contained or incorporated by reference herein to reflect actual results, future events or developments, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting the forward-looking statements. If Novo updates any forward-looking statement(s), no inference should be drawn that the Company will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements.


Table 1: Significant new RC results (>2 gram x m Au) - Intercepts - 0.5 g/t Au lower cut, 4 m maximum internal waste

Hole ID Prospect Depth
From (m)
To (m)
Width (m)
Au (g/t) Intercept
MSRC0013 Heckmair 26 29 3 0.8 3 m @ 0.8 g/t Au
MSRC0013 Heckmair 108 110 2 2.82 2 m @ 2.82 g/t Au
MSRC0030 Irvine 109 110 1 6.25 1 m @ 6.25 g/t Au
MSRC0031 Lowe 97 105 8 4.74 8 m @ 4.74 g/t Au
Incl. Lowe 100 103 3 11.88 3 m @ 11.88 g/t Au
MSRC0032 Lowe 144 148 4 0.64 4 m @ 0.64 g/t Au

Table 2:
Significant RC gold and base metal results - Intercepts - 0.5% Pb lower cut, 4m maximum internal waste

Hole ID Prospect Depth
From (m)
To (m)
Width (m)
Cu % Pb % Zn %
MSRC0016 Heckmair 40 50 10 0.12 29.7 0.3 1.5 1.8
Incl. Heckmair 47 50 3 0.2 59.8 0.9 2.4 2.2
MSRC0017 Heckmair 105 129 24 0.2 13.2 0.1 1.0 0.1
Incl. Heckmair 105 111 6 0.48 20.8 0.2 1.4 2.8

Table 3
: Location of significant new RC results

Hole ID Collar
Collar RL
Depth (m)
MSRC0013 619121 7684326 35 -56 181 148 RC
MSRC0013 619121 7684279 -31 -56 181 148 RC
MSRC0016 619123 7684905 58 -55 178 82 RC
MSRC0017 619124 7684946 58 -55 179 160 RC
MSRC0030 620602 7685064 -35 -61 149 220 RC
MSRC0031 629766 7686251 -18 -55 150 148 RC
MSRC0032 629761 7686258 -52 -56 146 220 RC


Table 1: Egina JV RC and AC drill hole locations 2023 program

Hole ID Collar
Collar RL
Depth (m)
MSAC0283 623321.15 7680921.9 69.546 -60 147 46 AC
MSAC0284 623277.34 7680988.8 69.485 -60 147 49 AC
MSAC0285 623233.54 7681055.7 69.471 -60 147 47 AC
MSAC0286 623189.73 7681122.7 69.396 -60 147 51 AC
MSAC0287 623145.93 7681189.6 69.458 -60 147 66 AC
MSAC0288 623097.19 7680679.7 69.83 -60 147 17 AC
MSAC0289 623053.38 7680746.6 69.837 -60 147 14 AC
MSAC0290 623009.58 7680813.6 69.807 -60 147 3 AC
MSAC0291 622965.77 7680880.5 69.919 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0292 622921.97 7680947.5 70.085 -60 147 20 AC
MSAC0293 622878.16 7681014.4 70.418 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0294 622834.36 7681081.3 70.444 -60 147 30 AC
MSAC0295 622790.55 7681148.3 70.408 -60 147 43 AC
MSAC0296 622746.75 7681215.2 69.404 -60 147 55 AC
MSAC0297 622702.94 7681282.2 68.398 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0298 622873.23 7680437.5 70.22 -60 147 3 AC
MSAC0299 622829.42 7680504.5 70.132 -60 147 3 AC
MSAC0300 622785.62 7680571.4 70.471 -60 147 6 AC
MSAC0301 622741.81 7680638.4 70.546 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0302 622698.01 7680705.3 70.63 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0303 622654.2 7680772.2 70.393 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0304 622610.4 7680839.2 70.594 -60 147 16 AC
MSAC0305 622566.59 7680906.1 71.224 -60 147 38 AC
MSAC0306 622522.79 7680973.1 70.593 -60 147 70 AC
MSAC0307 622478.98 7681040 69.81 -60 147 42 AC
MSAC0308 622435.18 7681106.9 69.49 -60 147 22 AC
MSAC0309 622391.37 7681173.9 68.43 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0310 622347.57 7681240.8 68.189 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0311 622303.76 7681307.8 67.997 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0312 622649.27 7680195.4 70.606 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0313 622605.46 7680262.3 70.427 -60 147 5 AC
MSAC0314 622561.66 7680329.2 70.672 -60 147 8 AC
MSAC0315 622517.85 7680396.2 70.427 -60 147 6 AC
MSAC0316 622474.05 7680463.1 70.304 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0317 622430.24 7680530.1 70.238 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0318 622386.44 7680597 70.123 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0319 622342.63 7680664 69.938 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0320 622298.83 7680730.9 69.645 -60 147 6 AC
MSAC0321 622255.02 7680797.8 69.395 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0322 622211.22 7680864.8 68.937 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0323 622167.41 7680931.7 68.771 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0324 622123.61 7680998.7 68.394 -60 147 8 AC
MSAC0325 622079.8 7681065.6 68.165 -60 147 8 AC
MSAC0326 622036 7681132.5 67.913 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0327 621992.19 7681199.5 67.934 -60 147 5 AC
MSAC0328 621948.39 7681266.4 67.916 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0329 621904.58 7681333.4 67.979 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0330 621860.78 7681400.3 68.028 -60 147 14 AC
MSAC0331 622425.31 7679953.2 73.467 -60 147 93 AC
MSAC0332 622381.5 7680020.1 73.468 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0333 622337.7 7680087.1 72.849 -60 147 24 AC
MSAC0334 622293.89 7680154 72.633 -60 147 24 AC
MSAC0335 622250.09 7680221 72.727 -60 147 31 AC
MSAC0336 622206.28 7680287.9 73.041 -60 147 16 AC
MSAC0337 622162.48 7680354.9 73.158 -60 147 81 AC
MSAC0338 622118.67 7680421.8 72.459 -60 147 48 AC
MSAC0339 622074.87 7680488.7 71.76 -60 147 38 AC
MSAC0340 622031.06 7680555.7 71.79 -60 147 75 AC
MSAC0341 621987.26 7680622.6 70.246 -60 147 40 AC
MSAC0342 621943.45 7680689.6 70.11 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0343 621899.65 7680756.5 72.062 -60 147 57 AC
MSAC0344 621855.84 7680823.4 70.175 -60 147 36 AC
MSAC0345 621812.04 7680890.4 69.113 -60 147 23 AC
MSAC0346 622157.54 7679778 75.841 -60 147 89 AC
MSAC0347 622113.74 7679844.9 74.275 -60 147 103 AC
MSAC0348 622069.93 7679911.9 73.404 -60 147 49 AC
MSAC0349 622026.13 7679978.8 73.006 -60 147 25 AC
MSAC0350 621982.32 7680045.7 72.449 -60 147 63 AC
MSAC0351 621938.52 7680112.7 71.8 -60 147 67 AC
MSAC0352 621894.71 7680179.6 71.79 -60 147 33 AC
MSAC0353 621850.91 7680246.6 73.059 -60 147 79 AC
MSAC0354 621807.1 7680313.5 73.151 -60 147 34 AC
MSAC0355 621763.3 7680380.5 70.944 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0356 621719.49 7680447.4 70.598 -60 147 21 AC
MSAC0357 622065 7679335 73.176 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0358 622021.2 7679401.9 73.245 -60 147 17 AC
MSAC0359 621977.39 7679468.9 74.032 -60 147 38 AC
MSAC0360 621933.59 7679535.8 75.01 -60 147 48 AC
MSAC0361 621889.78 7679602.8 77.031 -60 147 71 AC
MSAC0362 621845.98 7679669.7 73.686 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0363 621802.17 7679736.6 73.34 -60 147 21 AC
MSAC0364 621758.37 7679803.6 73.169 -60 147 55 AC
MSAC0365 621722.24 7679860 71.989 -60 147 54 AC
MSAC0366 621296.21 7679338.8 73.357 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0367 621261.04 7679393.5 73.285 -60 147 36 AC
MSAC0368 621217.19 7679460.4 73.218 -60 147 21 AC
MSAC0369 621173.35 7679527.3 73.053 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0370 620979.27 7678655.8 76.905 -60 147 99 AC
MSAC0371 620935.42 7678722.8 76.153 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0372 620891.57 7678789.7 75.737 -60 147 33 AC
MSAC0373 620847.72 7678856.6 75.363 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0374 620803.87 7678923.5 75.487 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0375 620775 7678967 75.435 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0376 620731 7679035 76.038 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0377 620686.04 7679103.3 76.827 -60 147 16 AC
MSAC0378 620642.19 7679170.2 76.44 -60 147 16 AC
MSAC0379 620598.35 7679237.1 75.343 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0380 620554.5 7679304.1 75.048 -60 147 81 AC
MSAC0381 620510.65 7679371 73.708 -60 147 24 AC
MSAC0382 620460 7678280 76.748 -60 147 51 AC
MSAC0383 620416.15 7678346.9 77.035 -60 147 66 AC
MSAC0384 620372.3 7678413.8 77.717 -60 147 63 AC
MSAC0385 620328.45 7678480.7 78.562 -60 147 6 AC
MSAC0386 620329.09 7678480 78.554 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0387 620284.6 7678547.6 77.788 -60 147 16 AC
MSAC0388 620240.75 7678614.5 77.104 -60 147 19 AC
MSAC0389 620196.9 7678681.4 76.576 -60 147 57 AC
MSAC0390 620153.05 7678748.3 76.943 -60 147 41 AC
MSAC0391 620109.2 7678815.2 76.274 -60 147 81 AC
MSAC0392 620065.35 7678882.1 74.91 -60 147 30 AC
MSAC0393 620021.5 7678949 74.624 -60 147 37 AC
MSAC0394 619977.65 7679015.9 74.536 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0395 619933.8 7679082.8 74.178 -60 147 22 AC
MSAC0396 619889.95 7679149.7 73.971 -60 147 20 AC
MSAC0397 619846.1 7679216.6 73.696 -60 147 43 AC
MSAC0398 619802.25 7679283.5 73.123 -60 147 19 AC
MSAC0399 619758.4 7679350.4 72.803 -60 147 18 AC
MSAC0400 619714.55 7679417.3 72.688 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0401 624493.96 7684385.2 65.077 -60 147 24 AC
MSAC0402 624459 7684432 64.874 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0403 624416 7684501 64.836 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0404 624373.34 7684569.3 64.889 -60 147 17 AC
MSAC0405 624329.49 7684636.2 64.793 -60 147 12 AC
MSAC0406 624285.65 7684703.1 64.784 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0407 624241.8 7684770 64.753 -60 147 18 AC
MSAC0408 624197.95 7684837 64.625 -60 147 26 AC
MSAC0409 624154.1 7684903.9 64.608 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0410 624110.26 7684970.8 64.621 -60 147 14 AC
MSAC0411 623592 7685755 63.694 -60 147 63 AC
MSAC0412 623549 7685824 63.736 -60 147 86 AC
MSAC0413 623506.01 7685892.9 63.597 -60 147 96 AC
MSAC0414 623462.16 7685959.8 63.794 -60 147 95 AC
MSAC0415 623418.32 7686026.7 63.617 -60 147 48 AC
MSAC0416 623374.47 7686093.6 64.236 -60 147 45 AC
MSAC0417 623330.62 7686160.5 64.553 -60 147 56 AC
MSAC0418 623286.77 7686227.4 64.79 -60 147 19 AC
MSAC0419 623242.92 7686294.4 64.685 -60 147 102 AC
MSAC0420 624195.14 7684255.6 66.305 -60 147 27 AC
MSAC0421 624151.21 7684322.4 66.476 -60 147 45 AC
MSAC0422 624107.28 7684389.3 67.197 -60 147 39 AC
MSAC0423 624063.35 7684456.1 67.038 -60 147 42 AC
MSAC0424 624019.42 7684523 67.148 -60 147 48 AC
MSAC0425 623975.5 7684589.9 65.861 -60 147 56 AC
MSAC0426 623931.57 7684656.7 66.296 -60 147 70 AC
MSAC0427 623666 7684481.1 65.225 -60 147 26 AC
MSAC0428 623622.15 7684548 65.206 -60 147 42 AC
MSAC0429 623578.3 7684614.9 65.507 -60 147 65 AC
MSAC0430 623534.46 7684681.8 65.312 -60 147 51 AC
MSAC0431 623490.61 7684748.7 64.627 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0432 623446.76 7684815.6 63.726 -60 147 12 AC
MSAC0433 623402.92 7684882.6 63.562 -60 147 37 AC
MSAC0434 623359.07 7684949.5 63.475 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0435 623315.22 7685016.4 63.452 -60 147 16 AC
MSAC0436 623262 7685094 63.391 -60 147 27 AC
MSAC0437 623218.27 7685164.3 63.313 -60 147 27 AC
MSAC0438 623174.42 7685231.2 63.457 -60 147 30 AC
MSAC0439 623130.57 7685298.1 63.181 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0440 623086.73 7685365.1 63.229 -60 147 5 AC
MSAC0441 623042.88 7685432 63.318 -60 147 36 AC
MSAC0442 622991 7685509 63.965 -60 147 14 AC
MSAC0443 622947.48 7685577.6 64.969 -60 147 34 AC
MSAC0444 622903.63 7685644.5 67.138 -60 147 54 AC
MSAC0445 622859.78 7685711.4 65.339 -60 147 51 AC
MSAC0446 622815.93 7685778.3 64.858 -60 147 98 AC
MSAC0447 622772.09 7685845.2 63.856 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0448 622728.24 7685912.1 64.901 -60 147 51 AC
MSAC0449 622684.39 7685979 65.481 -60 147 59 AC
MSAC0450 622640.54 7686045.9 65.686 -60 147 40 AC
MSAC0451 622596.7 7686112.9 63.142 -60 147 96 AC
MSAC0452 623341.8 7683808.1 65.685 -60 147 22 AC
MSAC0453 623297.95 7683875 65.555 -60 147 19 AC
MSAC0454 623254.11 7683941.9 65.705 -60 147 19 AC
MSAC0455 623210.26 7684008.9 65.963 -60 147 60 AC
MSAC0456 623166.41 7684075.8 65.367 -60 147 54 AC
MSAC0457 623122.56 7684142.7 65.565 -60 147 51 AC
MSAC0458 623070 7684216 64.979 -60 147 48 AC
MSAC0459 623027 7684284 64.725 -60 147 47 AC
MSAC0460 622985.27 7684352.2 64.438 -60 147 58 AC
MSAC0461 622941.42 7684419.1 64.362 -60 147 32 AC
MSAC0462 622897.57 7684486 64.783 -60 147 30 AC
MSAC0463 622853.72 7684552.9 63.735 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0464 622809.88 7684619.9 63.343 -60 147 6 AC
MSAC0465 622766.03 7684686.8 63.49 -60 147 19 AC
MSAC0466 622722.18 7684753.7 63.582 -60 147 30 AC
MSAC0467 622678.33 7684820.6 63.509 -60 147 26 AC
MSAC0468 622634.49 7684887.5 63.471 -60 147 18 AC
MSAC0469 622590.64 7684954.4 63.396 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0470 623045.45 7683676.5 66.006 -60 147 36 AC
MSAC0471 623001.6 7683743.4 65.905 -60 147 22 AC
MSAC0472 622957.75 7683810.4 65.709 -60 147 46 AC
MSAC0473 622913.9 7683877.3 65.642 -60 147 35 AC
MSAC0474 622870.05 7683944.2 65.412 -60 147 38 AC
MSAC0475 622826.21 7684011.1 65.633 -60 147 39 AC
MSAC0476 622782.36 7684078 65.536 -60 147 36 AC
MSAC0477 622738.51 7684144.9 64.403 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0478 622694.66 7684211.8 64.316 -60 147 12 AC
MSAC0479 622650.82 7684278.7 63.928 -60 147 8 AC
MSAC0480 622232 7684333 63.94 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0481 622189.79 7684398.5 64.042 -60 147 21 AC
MSAC0482 622145.94 7684465.4 64.558 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0483 622102.09 7684532.3 63.752 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0484 622058.25 7684599.2 63.635 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0485 622670.7 7683080.5 69.874 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0486 622626.9 7683147.4 70.623 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0487 622583.1 7683214.3 71.123 -60 147 3 AC
MSAC0488 622539.3 7683281.2 71.618 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0489 622248 7683142 81.751 -60 147 5 AC
MSAC0490 622204.2 7683208.9 76.858 -60 147 18 AC
MSAC0491 622160.4 7683275.8 73.986 -60 147 19 AC
MSAC0492 622116.6 7683342.7 71.658 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0493 622072.8 7683409.6 71.79 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0494 622029 7683476.5 72.27 -60 147 5 AC
MSAC0495 622495.5 7683348.1 71.187 -60 147 3 AC
MSAC0496 622451.66 7683415 70.718 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0497 622407.81 7683481.9 69.707 -60 147 3 AC
MSAC0498 622363.96 7683548.8 68.572 -60 147 6 AC
MSAC0499 622320.11 7683615.7 68.352 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0500 622276.26 7683682.7 68.216 -60 147 2 AC
MSAC0501 622232.41 7683749.6 67.878 -60 147 12 AC
MSAC0502 622188.57 7683816.5 67.487 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0503 622144.72 7683883.4 67.083 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0504 622100.87 7683950.3 66.656 -60 147 6 AC
MSAC0505 622057.02 7684017.2 66.645 -60 147 45 AC
MSAC0506 622013.17 7684084.1 66.094 -60 147 37 AC
MSAC0507 621969.33 7684151.1 65.903 -60 147 49 AC
MSAC0508 621925.48 7684218 65.487 -60 147 42 AC
MSAC0509 623119 7680646 69.909 -60 147 31 AC
MSAC0510 623075 7680713 69.888 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0511 623032 7680780 69.882 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0512 622988 7680847 69.771 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0513 622944 7680914 70.221 -60 147 5 AC
MSAC0514 622900 7680981 70.36 -60 147 33 AC
MSAC0515 622852 7680471 70.118 -60 147 5 AC
MSAC0516 622808 7680538 70.142 -60 147 6 AC
MSAC0517 622764 7680605 70.835 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0518 622720 7680672 70.444 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0519 622676 7680739 70.364 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0520 622632 7680806 70.579 -60 147 17 AC
MSAC0521 622457 7681074 69.397 -60 147 30 AC
MSAC0522 622413 7681140 68.936 -60 147 21 AC
MSAC0523 622370 7681207 68.211 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0524 622326 7681274 68.152 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0525 622584 7680296 70.424 -60 147 4 AC
MSAC0526 622540 7680363 70.493 -60 147 22 AC
MSAC0527 622497 7680430 70.392 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0528 622453 7680497 70.286 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0529 622409 7680564 70.141 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0530 622365 7680631 70.054 -60 147 21 AC
MSAC0531 622321 7680698 69.868 -60 147 10 AC
MSAC0532 622277 7680765 69.46 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0533 622233.5 7680832 69.218 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0534 622189.6 7680898 68.816 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0535 622145.8 7680965 68.57 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0536 622101.9 7681032 68.29 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0537 622058.1 7681099 67.973 -60 147 9 AC
MSAC0538 622014.2 7681166 67.928 -60 147 7 AC
MSAC0539 621970.4 7681233 67.901 -60 147 8 AC
MSAC0540 621926.5 7681300 68.035 -60 147 12 AC
MSAC0541 621882.7 7681367 68.082 -60 147 11 AC
MSAC0542 621239.1 7679427 73.209 -60 147 33 AC
MSAC0543 621195.3 7679494 73.095 -60 147 13 AC
MSAC0544 619780.3 7679317 72.913 -60 147 24 AC
MSAC0545 619736.5 7679384 72.73 -60 147 8 AC
MSAC0546 620957.3 7678689 75.81 -60 147 12 AC
MSAC0547 620913.5 7678756 76.85 -60 147 30 AC
MSAC0548 620869.6 7678823 75.29 -60 147 39 AC
MSAC0549 620825.8 7678890 75.22 -60 147 28 AC
MSAC0550 620752.9 7679002 75.55 -60 147 21 AC
MSAC0551 620708 7679070 77.51 -60 147 26 AC
MSAC0552 620664.1 7679137 76.51 -60 147 15 AC
MSAC0553 620620.3 7679204 76.25 -60 147 54 AC
MSRC0012 619120 7684305 63.49 -56.03 179.489 64 RC
MSRC0013 619120 7684345 63.427 -55.83 180.899 148 RC
MSRC0014 619120 7684825 62.941 -55.78 178.989 82 RC
MSRC0015 619120 7684865 63.047 -56.15 178.969 82 RC
MSRC0016 619120 7684905 63.081 -54.8 177.959 82 RC
MSRC0017 619120 7684945 63.197 -55.39 179.159 160 RC
MSRC0018 619440 7684475 64.002 -55.83 178.531 142 RC
MSRC0019 619440 7684515 63.885 -55.34 182.541 220 RC
MSRC0020 619440 7684905 63.129 -55.52 179.98 82 RC
MSRC0021 619440 7684945 63.151 -55.81 180.42 82 RC
MSRC0022 619440 7684985 62.852 -55.69 180.03 82 RC
MSRC0023 619440 7685025 62.731 -55.73 181.43 94 RC
MSRC0024 619440 7685065 62.625 -55.14 181.69 166 RC
MSRC0025 619760 7684360 62.739 -56.44 185.352 82 RC
MSRC0026 619760 7684400 62.757 -56.22 182.982 160 RC
MSRC0027 619760 7684520 63 -55.33 182.472 100 RC
MSRC0028 619760 7684560 63 -55.95 183.472 184 RC
MSRC0029 620375 7684835 64 -60.22 148.084 136 RC
MSRC0030 620576 7685112 63 -60.66 148.874 220 RC
MSRC0031 629739 7686305 68 -54.98 150.476 148 RC
MSRC0032 629716 7686336 69 -55.58 145.925 220 RC
MSRC0033 629695 7686372 69 -54.9 326.625 202 RC
MSRC0034 629720 7686338 69 -55 327 268 RC
MSRC0035 629006 7686259 68 -54.86 327.213 178 RC
MSRC0036 629050 7686192 68 -53.88 328.423 178 RC
MSRC0037 629093 7686124 67.402 -55.49 327.503 178 RC
MSRC0038 629136 7686058 67 -55.42 326.873 184 RC
MSRC0039 629207 7685950 67 -56.26 147.494 130 RC
MSRC0040 629187 7685980 67 -56.99 147.444 100 RC

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