EXCLUSIVE: India-Canada Issue Must Be Resolved Soon, Says Nobel Peace Laureate Mohamed Elbaradei - WATCH

(MENAFN- AsiaNet News) Amid growing diplomatic tensions between India and Canada, in an exclusive interview with former Indian diplomat, TP Sreenivasan, on Asianet News Network,
Nobel Peace Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei delved into the current situation between the two democracies. The Egyptian diplomat expressed hope for the resolution of the recent tensions between India and Canada through legal and due process channels. He also acknowledged that while not privy to all the details, the situation between two democracies was less than ideal and did not serve the interests of either nation.

hope that this whole issue of terrorism is dealt with a more objective way. Of course, the due process should take precedent. But, in addition to dealing with symptoms of terrorism, we need to deal with the causes of terrorism. We have a lot of terrorism in Middle East, but we need to understand why this is happening. I hope this issue between India and Canada will be resolved in accordance with the law and due process. I don't really know the details, but it doesn't help us to see two democracies India and Canada getting into this kind of situation. It doesn't help anybody,"
ElBaradei said.

ElBaradei also praised the Indian community's contributions to Canada's development, highlighting the positive impact of Indian diaspora members across various sectors. He expressed hope that any strains in bilateral relations would be resolved, allowing for continued collaboration and progress.

"I was very proud how the Indians are providing the vehicle for development in Canada in many ways. I hope to see that restored. One thing I always admire how Indians are everywhere leading the charge, whether it's in technology, wherever you go there is a clever Indian doing something constructive and I hope that would continue," the Nobel Peace Laureate added.

ElBaradei, who served as the Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from 1997 to 2009, was honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 along with the UN intergovernmental organisation "for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way".

A wake-up call from Mohamed ElBaradei: The urgent need for global change

In his interview on Asianet News Network, the Egyptian diplomat
also underscored the imperative of safeguarding the planet for future generations amidst pressing challenges such as the nuclear arms race and climate change. ElBaradei asserted that, rather than advancing, the world has witnessed significant regression on matters of paramount importance.

ElBaradei highlighted several key areas where the international community faces considerable challenges:

Peaceful Settlement of Disputes: Despite the passage of time, the quest for peaceful conflict resolution has shown little improvement. Diplomatic tensions persist, exacerbating global instability.

Arms Race: ElBaradei expressed deep concern over the intensification of the arms race, particularly in the context of nuclear weaponry. The unchecked modernization of nuclear arsenals has created a perilous environment marked by unpredictability.

Climate Change: The looming threat of climate change, characterized by existential stress, remains a critical issue. The urgency to address climate-related challenges has never been greater.

International Law: ElBaradei lamented the erosion of international law, an area he dedicated many years to studying. He observed that international law appears to be faltering in the face of contemporary global challenges.

The Nobel laureate underscored the pressing need for international cooperation as the primary path forward. He asserted that the current climate of inequity and a lack of trust demands a collaborative approach to problem-solving. ElBaradei argued that no alternative exists for resolving global issues effectively.


AsiaNet News

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