Arab-Brazilian Chamber Raises Donations For Libya

(MENAFN- Brazil-Arab News Agency (ANBA))
Arab-Brazilian Chamber Raises Donations For Libya Image

São Paulo – The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) promotes a humanitarian campaign to aid Libyans after the heavy rains and floods that hit the Arab country this month. The entity receives cash donations to purchase essential items to be sent to Libya through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), an entity linked to the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Participation in humanitarian campaigns, such as 'United for Libya,' is part of the social work of the ABCC,” stated the institution's president, Osmar Chohfi. He recalled this year, the organization also carried out a“greatly successful” aid campaign for Syria when the country suffered from earthquakes.

Chohfi: ABCC's social work

“We managed to muster the Brazilian community of Arab descent around aid in the form of food and medicine. We intend to do something similar with Libya and hope the community can support as it did for the 'United for Syria' campaign,” said Chohfi.

The types of items to be sent to Libyans were suggested by the local government in light of the country's current needs. Donations could range from dehydrated food to medicines and possibly also water purifiers.“In these catastrophe situations, the water supply is affected due to the unsanitary conditions,” said Chohfi. The ABCC will purchase the donation products with the funds raised in the campaign.

The population of Libya, especially in the city of Derna (opening picture), suffered from heavy rains, which destroyed buildings and homes, as well as floods. Information released by the Red Crescent group stated over 11,000 people died, and almost two million were affected somehow. In addition to the effects of the disaster itself, there is the risk of other issues, such as cholera outbreaks.

“Libya suffered a disaster of major proportions, and I think it is compatible with the feeling of solidarity Brazilians have that we also help the Libyan people in these painful and difficult circumstances they are going through,” said Osmar Chohfi.

The ABCC also usually participates in humanitarian actions within Brazil, such as in a campaign recently promoted by São Paulo's Syrian-Lebanese Hospital to help the people of Rio Grande do Sul affected by a cyclone, to which it donated. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the institution promoted and collaborated with several initiatives in the country.

It is possible to collaborate with the“United for Libya” campaign by making cash donations using the pix key or through a bank deposit (Câmara de Comércio Árabe Brasileira – Banco Santander, 003 – Agência 3681 – Conta Corrente 13003341-5 – CNPJ 62.659.784/0001-11).

Translated by Elúsio Brasileiro

©Karim Sahib/AFP Isaura Daniel/ANBA

The post Arab-Brazilian Chamber raises donations for Libya appeared first on Agência de Notícias Brasil-Árabe .


Brazil-Arab News Agency (ANBA)

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