Monday 31 March 2025 09:17 GMT

Afghanistan- In the Blink of an Eye …

(MENAFN- Daily Outlook Afghanistan) Another deadly attack,this time in Eastern Afghanistan. The target: a wedding party. The toll: 63dead and almost 200 injured. Ironically, the invitations to the Kabul weddingread '… we celebrate … with a world of hope and desire … And, in the blink ofany eye, their hopes and desires were laid to ruin. There are no words toexpress the insanity of such a cowardly act. Saturday's blast was the secondmajor attack in the capital this month and, in the words of the groom whosurvived: 'I know that this won't be the last suffering for Afghans; thesuffering will continue.
In the aftermath ofsuch a despicable act, people become disheartened and lose all hope for thefuture, feeling the futility of even having hopes and desires which in the blinkof an eye can be so utterly destroyed. Does this mean that there no hope forAfghanistan's future?
Fortunately, no. There is a powerful tool for change availableto everyone who is tired of living in a world of unpredictable violence; a toolwhich anyone can access. This tool, a ground-breaking and effective means forending conflict and violence, is Invincible Defense Technology (IDT): a provenmethod for defusing terrorism before it arises.
Invincible DefenseTechnology: A Non-Religious, Humane and Beneficial Approach
The practicalcomponents of IDT are the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) and themore advanced TM-Sidhi programs. When large groups of experts practice theseprograms together, a powerful field effect of coherence and peace is generatedthat spills over into the surrounding population, thereby raising thecollective consciousness to come up with more humane solutions to socialproblems.
Extensivepeer-reviewed scientific research repeatedly confirms measurable decreases inwar deaths, terrorism, and crime when IDT is utilized. A recent study publishedin May 2019 in Studies in Asian Social Science, 6(2), 1-45, found that IDTimplementation by students was associated with a 96.2% decline insociopolitical violence in the war-torn country of Cambodia as compared toviolence in the preceding three years.
Due to the extensiveresearch, the non-profit organization Global Union of Scientists for Peace(GUSP) advocates IDT as a simple and cost-effective approach for reducing thesocietal stresses thought to be the underlying cause of such social problems.
Invincible DefenseTechnology is Cost-Effective
Any military iscapable of training and maintaining groups of experts in the advanced IDTstrategy. This Prevention Wing of the Military would practice IDT programstwice a day in large groups, defusing social tensions. The collectiveconsciousness of all populations would rise through the influences of greaterharmony and peace. Those who have engaged in violence will no longer do so. Studieshave shown repeatedly that this method works – and will continue to work aslong as the peace-creating groups are maintained.
IDT is not restrictedto the military. Any large group of experts trained in the advanced IDTtechniques can accomplish the same goals of alleviating terror and violence bypracticing this approach in groups twice a day. These groups could be comprisedof congregations at places of worship, prisoners, the elderly in retirementhomes, even students such as documented in Studies in Asian Social Science. Theimportant factor is for the advanced IDT techniques to be performed by trainedexperts consistently in groups twice a day. Simply by doing this, violence andconflict would be eradicated, according to the numerous peer-reviewedscientific studies summarized on the GUSP website.
Time To Act Now
Currently there aremilitaries worldwide utilizing IDT training for their personnel, with positivesocietal results for their countries. Now is the time for Afghanistan to followsuit, especially as foreign support is withdrawn. A minimum of 600 trainedexperts practicing the IDT strategy twice a day would be enough to alleviateterrorism in Afghanistan once and for all, and restore to its people hope forthe future. Afghanistan cannot afford to wait any longer.


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