Media reports Pakistan intending on skipping Ukraine`s peace summit

(MENAFN) Pakistan is leaning towards abstaining from attending an upcoming Ukraine peace conference hosted by Switzerland, as reported by national media outlets. The conference, scheduled for mid-June at the Burgenstock Resort near Lucerne, has drawn invitations to over 160 countries, including prominent international organizations such as the G7, G20, BRICS, and the European Union. Notably, Russia has not been extended an invitation to the summit.

Citing an unnamed diplomatic source, Pakistan Today highlighted the delicate position Islamabad finds itself in, especially with Russia's absence from the conference and the diplomatic pressures exerted by Western nations. The prospect of attending such a high-profile international gathering presents a novel scenario for Pakistan, which has not previously received invitations of this nature.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch confirmed Pakistan's receipt of the invitation and indicated that the matter was under consideration during a recent weekly briefing. However, the decision regarding attendance remains uncertain amidst the evolving diplomatic landscape and geopolitical considerations.

China's announcement of its decision not to participate in the conference further complicates matters. Beijing's insistence on the presence of both Russia and Ukraine for its involvement underscores the intricate dynamics at play and the challenges inherent in convening meaningful peace talks without the participation of key stakeholders.

Moscow's outright dismissal of the Swiss-proposed conference as "pointless" reflects the entrenched positions of the parties involved. Ukraine's insistence on stringent preconditions for Russia's involvement, including a complete withdrawal of Russian forces and reparations, underscores the deep-rooted divisions and unresolved grievances underlying the conflict.

Against the backdrop of Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky's peace roadmap, which advocates for significant concessions from Russia, the prospect of meaningful dialogue remains elusive. As Pakistan deliberates its stance on attending the peace conference, it navigates the complexities of maintaining neutrality while engaging with the pressing challenges of global diplomacy.



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