(MENAFN- AzerNews)

Laman Ismayilova read more KamART Art gallery has organized an exhibition "Let there always
be me!" timed to International Children's Day.
The main purpose of the exhibition was to draw public attention
to increasing the interest and development of children and youth in
the visual arts, to identify talented young artists and support
them, Azernews reports.
National Art Museum displayed 140 art works by 47 young artists
aged 6 to 18. Many exhibitors are the winners and prize-winners of
national and international art competitions in the USA, France,
Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Turkiye, Greece, Russia, Japan and
other countries.
Well-known artists, including Arif Aziz, Agali Ibrahimov, Vugar
Ali, Mir-Teymur Mammadov, Ziyadkhan Aliyev, as well as the director
of the KamART gallery Kamala Jafarzade wished young talents further
creative success.
The exhibition gave a vivid picture of the world of hobbies and
interest of young talents, who reflect on the canvases the world
around them, their fantasies, dreams and aspirations, culture and
traditions of their native land. Colorful works, reflecting the
voice of the inner world of young artists and their original
creative thinking, were enthusiastically received by the guests of
the event.
A film dedicated to KamART's fifth anniversary was premiered as
part of the event. The film reflects the work done over the years
on the development of students, their success in national and
foreign drawing competitions, as well as achievements in the field
of education.
In conclusion, doves were released into the sky as a symbol of
peace. The exhibition will last until June 4.
Media partners of the event are Azernews.Az, Trend.Az, Day.Az,
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