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United Securities- Thursday, October 10, 2019
This week, Palestine Stock Exchange PEX witnessed stalemate in transactions in terms of liquidity and price movements, where trading was very weak with a value that did not exceed $2.20 million. This coincided with the absence of general incentives in the PEX in this period and the slow price movements pace of the blue-chips’ stocks, following the domination of anticipation ,in the financial disclosures’ month for the first nine months of 2019, on the investment appetite and investors’ behavior, where stalling in the place outweighed pursuing any price trend. On another hand, Al-Quds Index closed at the level 515.96 points level; down by 0.16% than its previous weekly closing level and by 2.53% than its yearly closing for the year 2018, after trading in a relatively wide range.
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Thursday, October 10, 2019
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