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Capital Investments- Sunday, November 18, 2018
On the occasion of celebrations related to the 48th National Day, Ubhar Capital is pleased to extend its sincere and heartfelt felicitations to H.M. Sultan Qaboos bin Said and the Omani people, asking Allah Almighty to preserve the commander of this nation and Omani people from any harm. Overall market activity remained thin as cautious sentiment continues to dominate. Further, some selling pressures were seen despite positive movements by the CMA and encouraging data at macro level which should support investors’ confidence. Local individuals and Foreigners were net sellers during the week with net sell of OMR 0.53mn. MSM30 closed the week down by 0.91%. Similarly, all sub-indices ended negative led by the Industrial Index (1.1%) followed by the Financial Index (1.02%) and then the Services Index which closed down by 0.89% on weekly basis. The MSM Shariah Index also closed down by 0.56% w-o-w.
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Sunday, November 18, 2018
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