Tuesday, 02 January 2024 12:17 GMT

A Tale Of Refuge In Cordel Literature

(MENAFN- Brazil-Arab News Agency (ANBA)) São Paulo – A walk through the 27th São Paulo International book Fair reveals a new release that celebrates both Arab heritage and Brazilian literature: the children's book A longa caminhada de Jamil fugindo da guerra [Jamil's long journey fleeing the war] (published by Cortez). Written by Moreira de Acopiara, the pen name of Manoel Moreira Jr., and illustrated by Luciano Tasso, the book tells the story of a Syrian in search of refuge. But this story is told in a special way-through poems in the style of cordel literature.

To ANBA, Acopiara said that cordel has always been a part of his life and that he also wanted to show in the story the experience of people who leave their homes in search of a better life.“The number of people who need to leave their homes and their countries to seek a peaceful life with good living conditions is immense. I wanted to represent this experience in my story, while also conveying the longing for the place and the people left behind, the culture that will always remain in the heart, and to bring hope,” he said.

São Paulo Book Fair: The program features a variety of activities, new releases, and best-seller sales, including works by the Palestinian Edward Said.

Cordel literature originated in the Brazilian Northeast. It gets its name because the small verses are printed on booklets that are hung from strings-called cordéis-at the stalls where they are sold. Its poems cover various topics in simple language and are at times filled with slang. In his book, Acopiara included sextilhas, which are poems composed of stanzas with six lines each.

In A longa caminhada de Jamil fugindo da guerra, Acopiara's poems tell the story of Syria's Jamil, who, faced with the Syrian conflict, loses his sister and sees his mother fall ill. He leaves his wife and child with relatives and begins his journey in search of a home.“Cordel literature has always discussed and highlighted urgent and necessary issues, and it could not be any different with the humanitarian crisis where we see so many people being forced from their native lands. Cordel knows how to use its poetry to both denounce and bring hope,” he said.

Palestinian literature and history

The Book Fair features other attractions related to the Arab world. One of them is the stand of the Sharjah Book Authority, Sharjah being one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates. Some books published by local publishers are on display, but the main goal of the authority's representatives during their visit to São Paulo is to meet with Brazilian companies and publishers.

Sharjah Book Authority presents Arabic books and seeks contact with Brazilian publishers

At the Book Fair, one of the bestsellers at the stand of the Brazilian Association of University Publishers is Brazilian Portuguese translation published by Unesp of The Question of Palestine by Edward Said originally published in 1979. The stock of the book available at the exhibit ran out, leading to a new order for the stand's shelves as early as Monday (10). Born in Palestine and a professor of Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York, Said (1935-2003) was an icon of Palestinian cultural resistance and an analyst of the political issues that continue to impede the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

Quick facts

A longa caminhada de Jamil fugindo da guerra
Author: Moreira de Acopiara
32 pages
For more information about the book, click here

27th São Paulo International Book Fair
From September 6 to 15, 2024
Anhembi District, Av. Olavo Fontoura, 1,209, São Paulo, SP
For more information about the Book Fair, click here

Read more:
Egyptian publisher releases works by Brazilian authors

Translated by Guilherme Miranda

Marcos Carrieri/ANBAMarcos Carrieri/ANBAMarcos Carrieri

The post A tale of refuge in cordel literature appeared first on ANBA News Agency .


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