Tuesday, 02 January 2024 12:17 GMT

GOVVI Auto-Świat News: 'Streisand Effect' From Brzeziński Article As Poland 'Fuel-Catalyst' Sales Boom | Los Angeles CA

(MENAFN- EIN Presswire)

One Eco-Pack of GOVVI's fuel Efficiency Tablets eliminates CO2. Nobel Prize Winning Technology. Peered Reviewed & 5-Star Rated. 'Best-of-State'

GAINESVILLE , FLORIDA , UNITED STATES, September 16, 2022 /EINPresswire.com / -- Internationally, gas/petrol prices are uncomfortably high everywhere. This unfortunate upward-trend is predicted to dominate through 2022, 2023 and beyond. The additional cost for fuel in 2022 has left consumers searching for any way to save money on gas. Protecting the environment is also of concern. Now, thanks to GOVVI, a powerful, safe and affordable fuel-solution is available to the public. Primary benefits of GOVVI:
•Save Money at the Gas Pump (Fuel Savings)
•Increase MPG (Miles Per Gallon)
•Reduce Emissions & Exhaust
•Boost Engine Power & Performance
•Lower Maintenance Costs
•Ensure a Cleaner Engine

GOVVI fuel tablets are a scientifically proven, viable solution to today's fuel challenges. These tablets are a 'catalyst' that increases vehicle fuel consumption. GOVVI fuel tablet technology has been utilized by commercial automotive fleets for decades.

How to use: Simply insert one GOVVI fuel tablet into an empty fuel tank prior to fueling. Each fuel tablet effectively treats 15-20 gallons (57-76 liters) of gas/petrol or Diesel fuel.
Fuel Catalyst Factoids:
•Catalytic converters invented, 1937
•Nobel Prize Winner, 1973 (Category: Chemistry; by Fischer & Wilkinson)
•Improves gas mileage by lowering energy required for combustion
•March 2022, GOVVI's launches updated formula
•September 2022, GOVVI receives EPA Registration
Fuel-saving claims, although completely legitimate, have left certain consumers asking many questions regarding the GOVVI fuel catalyst technology. Questions to consider:
“What is a fuel catalyst?”
A catalyst is a 'substance' that speeds up a chemical reaction or lowers the temperature or pressure needed to start one. 'Catalysis' is the process of adding a catalyst in order to facilitate a desired reaction. Humans have been safely using all manner of catalysts for thousands of years. Thanks to GOVVI, gas/petrol catalyst-technology is reliable.
While some 'pretenders' are incorrectly claiming that 'fuel additives' actually change the chemical composition of the fuel, GOVVI disputes this 'false claim.' GOVVI asserts that their tablets are powerful, simple catalysts that help optimize the combustion process.

A catalyst, by definition, does not change the chemical reaction. Rather, it simply lowers the amount of energy needed in order for the desired reaction to more effectively occur.
Source: ( energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/03/f9/2005_deer_hirs.pdf )

Fuel Catalyst Mode-of-Action:
•Lowers Energy Needed
•Burns Fuel More Effectively
•Optimizes Total Fuel Burning Process
•Breaks Down Existing Hydrocarbon Deposits

Catalysts lower the 'activation energy' of a reaction, thereby making the process more efficient. As a result, the 'bonds' that need to be 'broken for combustion' to occur can and do happen at a much lower temperature and with decreased energy demands.
“Over the past several decades, scientists have developed increasingly specialized catalysts for essential real-world applications,” said the Department of Energy.

“In particular, powerful catalysts have transformed the chemical industry. These advances have led to biodegradable plastics, new pharmaceuticals, and environmentally safer fuels and fertilizers.”
Source: ( energy.gov/science/doe-explainscatalysts )
“Should I trust this GOVVI catalyst technology in my car?”
Fuel tablets are not new to the automotive industry, by any means. In fact, GOVVI fuel tablet manufacturing has been safely producing fuel catalyst products for over 15 years, and has done so, with zero reported performance and/or mechanical complications.
The technology behind GOVVI has actually been around for decades. Incredibly, this technology won the 1973 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Regarding the works of Fischer and Wilkinson, and their research of 'organo-metallic' catalysts, the Noble Nominators said,

“...The work of Fischer and Wilkinson has revolutionized transition metal chemistry during the past two decades and played a decisive role in our present-day understanding of transition metal-carbon sigma- and pi-bonds and led to major developments in the homogenous catalysis of the reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons which is also of considerable industrial importance.”
Source: ( nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/1973/summary )

Types of Engines that GOVVI Fuel Tablets Thrive in:
•Commercial Trucking Fleets
•Commercial Farming Equipment
•Private Use Automotive
•Other Private Use: Lawn Mowers, Water Pumps, Chain Saws, etc
•Government Vehicles
•Mass Transit, Public Transportation (Buses)

GOVVI fuel tablets are compatible with any type of fuel. Additionally, it is impossible to 'overdose' a fuel tank with the GOVVI product. In fact, oil, farming, transportation and large-equipment companies have been using this revolutionary technology for decades in order to ensure: (1) Cleaner 'engine output' and (2) Longer 'equipment life.'

Although gas/petrol catalysts have not been overly 'popular' for everyday consumer-use while gas prices were low, nowadays, since fuel costs are uncomfortably high and continually increasing, both the savings-and-benefits of GOVVI Fuel catalysts are more valuable now than ever. Source:

“Do the GOVVI founders use the fuel tablets?”
When asked this question, the founders of GOVVI responded,“Yes, of course we do!” The GOVVI executive team are true car-obsessed individuals and they absolutely trust the GOVVI product in their personal vehicles. If they put GOVVI in their own engines, one can feel 100% confident that the product is of the highest quality and safe.

“I have a Toyota Camry Hybrid. With GOVVI, my MPG has increased from 39 MPG to over 44 MPG. If you are tired of feeling like you are continually overpaying for gas/petrol, then GOVVI is a great solution,” GOVVI Chief Technology Officer.
“Are the GOVVI tablets expensive?”
It's true; Govvi fuel tablets are not FREE. However, their minimal expense (under $5) is easily offset by the fuel savings you receive on every tank of gas/petrol. You know what is expensive right now? Filling up any vehicle, or engine of any kind, with gas/petrol.
If one GOVVI tablet can save a minimum of 10% in future cost, then consumers would be wise to take advantage of this risk-free investment.

Due to the recent popularity of the GOVVI fuel tablet product in Poland, a comparative cost analysis is helpful. Cost estimates below are given in US dollars and Polish złoty:

Average Fuel Cost Savings with GOVVI:
• USA: $4.50 USD per gallon x 15 gallons = $67.50
10% Savings = $6.75 15% Savings = $10.13
• USA Diesel: $5.00 USD per gallon x 15 gallons = $75.00
10% Savings = $7.50 15% Savings = $11.25
• Poland: zł6.60 PLN per liter x 50 liters = zł330.00
10% Savings = zł33.00 15% Savings = zł49.50
• Poland Diesel: zł7.60 PLN per liter x 50 liters = zł380.00
10% Savings = zł38.00 15% Savings = zł57
Source: ( gasprices.aaa.com/ )

Consider this gas/petrol monetary-savings example from Poland. One reputable Polish consumer reported that after using 5 GOVVI tablets (one tablet per tank, through five tanks of fuel) they noted that their diesel engine fuel-economy increased from 800 km to
… … ( we are missing the rest of the sentence here ) … …

Many of GOVVI's international gas/petrol customers have reported increased fuel savings and Miles Per Gallon (MPG) improvements that are much higher than a 10%:

“My average gas/petrol consumption prior to GOVVI was 36/38 MPG. Now, since adding the GOVVI fuel catalyst to every fuel tank, I average around 50 MPG;
and that's just after three uses.” said a recent GOVVI consumer.

Consumers are interested in purchasing GOVVI product because:
• It is a minimum break-even purchase
• Users release fewer atmospheric emissions
• Vehicles operate cleaner
• Usage saves on repair hydrocarbon build-up fees

“How much money will I save with GOVVI?”
This is a great question, and one that many ask. Remember, just as not all cars get the same gas mileage, not all engines will realize the exact same great results. There are a variety of factors that contribute to the the outcomes, including:
•Age of Vehicle or Engine
•Engine Maintenance Record
•Total Usage or Mileage
•Climate Factors
•Type of Driving (City vs. Highway Mileage)
•General Variations Between Vehicles
Source: ( fueleconomy.gov/feg/factors.shtml/ )

'Our customers talk about savings of 5, 10, 15, and in some cases even 20 percent,' said GOVVI Scientific Board. GOVVI continues: 'Our revolutionary super-concentrated Gas/Petrol catalyst helps break down large, hard-to-burn particles, allowing for more energy from fuel, maximum savings, and reduced pollutants in the exhaust.'
Here is another satisfied customers' experience the last several months with GOVVI,
“I've been running GOVVI Fuel Boost Tablets in my 2014 Acura MDX since June 1st, 2022. The difference has been amazing, appreciated and far better than I anticipated. My MDX is running cooler, much cleaner, and even longer than ever thanks to this GOVVI pill. Incredibly, my increase in mileage is up to nearly 30% more per tank. I have also noticed increased power plus I am now able to run REGULAR gas/petrol vs PREMIUM gas/petrol - which, in itself, is a major savings.”

A variety of other factors also contribute to one's gas/petrol mileage and these happen to be the same factors that determine how GOVVI will impact one's mileage.

Additional Determining Factors:
•Driving Habits (City vs Highway)
•Type of Driver (Aggressive vs Defensive)
•Vehicle weight

Older vehicles often experience more performance improvement after trying GOVVI due to the fact that the fuel tablets help to reduce hydrocarbon buildup and damaging engine wear from years of use. However, newer cars will also have improvements and savings.

“Do I need to become a GOVVI product distributor?”
No, but many GOVVI fuel tablet users choose the 'monthly subscription' offer in order to save even more money on the product. Customers usually become more involved with the company because of the incredible, documented results they experience. It is hard to be excited and not share the good news about GOVVI. However, one does not need to be a distributor. Those consumers who do not want to become a distributor will still experience cost savings by either purchasing larger product quantities or by opting into the monthly subscription offering.

A GOVVI distributor explained the benefits as follows:
“The results speak for themselves. My family has experienced significant improvement in our vehicles' mileage, power and performance. I've had trouble keeping this big-gas secret, so I've been showing others how to save money and counteract the harmful effects of ethanol in our fuel. Now, I'm earning rewards because other people are buying less fuel!
I highly recommend GOVVI to everyone who owns a car, 4-wheeler, RV, any engine!”
Benefits of joining GOVVI as a distributor include:
•Exclusive Access on Product Deals
•Earn Money-Back by Sharing
•Reward Trips (Poland, Mexico, EU, Florida, and More)
•Save the Planet

“Is the GOVVI fuel catalyst safe?”
Yes. GOVVI is actually one of the only fuel tablet catalysts that is directly registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency (i.e. EPA); this a distinct honor for GOVVI.
Source: ( epa.gov/otaq/fuels1/ffars/web-gas.htm )

This distinguished registration means that the GOVVI product has been demonstrated and proven to not create 'adverse effects' on one's health nor in the environment. The process to achieve this reputable and exclusive EPA registration requires much time and also a large monetary investment. Therefore, GOVVI is here to stay permanently.

GOVVI will continue to do the right things for consumers all while proactively protecting the environment from harm. GOVVI also supports the Better Business Bureau and agrees to adhere to its guidelines and policies. Source: ( BBBprograms.org )

In the U.S., personal vehicle emissions account for nearly one-fifth of all the emissions. Reducing vehicle emissions is an often overlooked benefit of using GOVVI fuel tablets. However, the results from these environmental improvements are vast:
•Improved Air Quality
•Reduces Risk of Health Problems
•Less Greenhouse Gasses

Many individuals wrongly assume that Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GGE) are simply a corporate and/or government problem. However, over the past two decades the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from, for example, transportation in Poland alone has more than doubled. In the year 2000, Polish transportation released around 29 million metric tons of CO2. In 2019 that number had reached over 69 million tons. Source: ( statista.com/statistics/1266965/poland-co2-emissions-from-transport/ )

“I'm still not convinced GOVVI is for me, how can I know for sure?”
Try it. The simple answer is that it only costs 120 złoty or $24.99 USD to find out for oneself. Additionally, any car can have before-and-after dynamometer testing performed to verify the actual GOVVI results. GOVVI is currently performing tests on a variety of cars at multiple international certified locations.
“I am completely satisfied with the results of this tablet,” said a GOVVI customer who tested the product on their personal vehicle.“I have used it for a couple of months now and have seen my tank go from lasting 2 weeks on average to 3 weeks! Also it has helped resolve some issues I was experiencing with my engine. My engine must have been dirty because right after my first GOVVI tablet, it started running like new again.”
There is no risk to try these products. Over their 15+ years of use, so far these tablets have not been reported to cause any performance issues or damage to any engine parts. Using GOVVI fuel tablets also will not 'void' any warranties on one's car. This GOVVI catalyst technology works for any type of fuel and ensures that vehicles run cleaner, therefore saving money on potential repairs.
“I found another fuel catalyst online, is it the same as GOVVI?”
No. There are many 'pretenders' and multiple 'fake products' on the market; be careful. Sadly, counterfeit fuel additives, harmful detergents, and other 'fake products' will be falsely marketed as fuel catalysts. These imitators are not catalysts and do not provide the same benefits as GOVVI. Some products may help to lower emissions, however, they will not affect gas mileage; GOVVI does both.

Products to avoid include:
•Cheap Fuel Additives
•Harmful Detergents
•Fraudulent Fuel Treatments
•“Fuel catalysts” Not Registered with the EPA

In conclusion, GOVVI fuel catalyst is an EPA-certified fuel tablet that has been on the market for 15+ years with no reported adverse engine-performance effects. These gas/petrol tablets not only: (s) Lower carbon emissions and (b) Improve overall engine performance, they also (c) Increase gas mileage, and subsequently (d) Save users money on fuel. GOVVI's revolutionary, super concentrated fuel catalyst helps break down large hard-to-burn fuel particles, capturing more energy from the fuel, resulting in maximum fuel economy with reduced emissions. Try it.

For More Information Contact:
GOVVI Customer Service
+1 833-437-8887

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