(MENAFN- AzerNews)
Fatime Letifova Read more
The ex-candidate for U.S. president, Vivek Ramaswamy, isdistinctive for his pro-Armenian position. In his speeches on everytalk show and TV program, he defends Armenians to gain the favourof the Armenian lobby in the West. He zealously tries to make hisspeech more effective, but he fails to prove his biasedcondemnations against Azerbaijan, the country in the South Caucasusthat he still thinks is situated on the African continent. Thislove of Vivek Ramaswamy for Armenians has made him quite popular,along with his anti-Azerbaijan rhetoric as well.
At the Hudson Institute, Vivek Ramaswamy raised awareness aboutthe so-called“ethnic cleansing” issue in Armenia.
He claimed that in 2023, Azerbaijan ethnically cleansed over120,000 Christians from their homeland of so-called artsakh. Afterthe ethnic cleansing, Azerbaijan began supposedly converting anddestroying churches that 'date back to the 4th century'.
But in reality, it was the Armenian government that committedthe genocide against the Azerbaijani people, not over the last 3decades but over the last two centuries.
Armenia's occupation of Azerbaijani lands was followed by crimesthat resulted in the ethnic cleansing of the local civilianpopulation. This was done in such a consistent and systematic waythat it was plainly planned, directed, and carried out by theArmenian government.
Armenia's armed forces used the same military tactics to occupyAzerbaijan's cities, towns, settlements, and villages: militarilyencircling residential areas where possible; indiscriminatelyfiring on civilians to kill as many as possible; and takinghostages and subjecting them to mass rapes, tortures, and otherdegrading treatment.
Armenian militants, during the occupation of Azerbaijan's landsin the early 1990s, murdered 20,000 people, injured or handicapped50,000 others, and left around 4,000 Azerbaijani civiliansmissing.
All captured areas were ethnically cleansed of more than 700,000Azerbaijanis. Likewise, about 250,000 Azerbaijanis were expelledfrom Armenia at the end of the 1980s. Thus, the Azerbaijanipopulation, once the majority in the territory of present-dayArmenia, was completely removed from their ancestral lands.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe confirmed inits resolution 1416 (2015) that " Armenia'smilitary operations led to large-scaleethnic expulsion and the creation of mono-ethnic areas, whichresemble the terrible concept of ethniccleansing."
Former President of Armenia Serj Sargsyan who used to be incharge of the military operations during the occupation of theterritories of Azerbaijan, 'boldly' confessed in one of theinterviews he gave to a foreign journalist that “ourwar somehow differed from others. We had it so that ethniccleansing took place. Otherwise, it was notpossible.” In the same interview, Serj Sargsyanstated in the context of the massacre in the town of Khojaly that “if civilian population stays there ... then it meansthat it also participates in the militaryactions.”
This is a clear statement that Armenia's armed forces regardedthe civilian population of the occupied territories as militarytargets. By doing so, Armenia grossly violated InternationalHumanitarian Law and disregarded its most important principles,namely the principle of distinction between civilians andcombatants and the principle of military necessity. This statebears responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity andacts of genocide committed in the course of war it unleashedagainst Azerbaijan.
Atrocities against the civilian population and ensuing ethniccleansing committed in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan arenot separate cases. Apart from the Garabagh region, historically,atrocities and ethnic cleansing by Armenian forces have beencommitted in several Azerbaijani-populated areas, including inZangazur. In 1918-1920, Armenian armed gangs committed atrocitiesand ethnically cleansed more than 200 villages in the Zangazurregion. Even the Armenian historian Razmik Panossian refers to theZangazur events as ethnic cleansing that enhanced the demographicbalance in the region in favour of the Armenians.”
Today, even after the glorious Victory of Azerbaijani Army overthe Armenian forces, Vivek Ramaswamy still trying to accuseAzerbaijan for being aggressor country. Having no proper knowledgeof the history of the Caucasus, he has the audacity to raise voiceagainst Azerbaijan of supporting the separatist views of Armenianlobby in U.S.
For some reason, whenever Ramaswamy, of Indian origin, talksabout Armenia, he either loses himself or contradicts historicaland geographical facts. It is clear that Ramaswamy does not giveany thought to what was dictated to him when receiving assignmentsfrom the Armenian lobby, and that is why Vivek, who is claiming tobe the president of the United States, has mistaken the SouthCaucasus for the African continent. This is still the beginning. Inone of his speeches, he did not go unnoticed when he presented themissile strikes by Armenians on Ganja as a crime against Armeniansby Azerbaijan. This gaff of his has torn the mask of him and othercorrupt politicians in his face. Ramaswamy realised that he wouldnot be a successful candidate in the presidential elections andlater withdrew his candidacy. However, his appetite for a highchair is still insatiable, so he cannot stay away from the Armenianlobby.
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