Saturday 29 March 2025 02:11 GMT

Tehran Fails To Pursue Sound Diplomacy For Rage At Baku

(MENAFN- AzerNews)

Elnur Enveroglu Read more

Against the backdrop of Iran's tensions with the USA and Israel,Iran's provocations against Azerbaijan have been spotlighted in theheadlines. So, according to official Tehran's claims, after thebombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus by Israel, the IranianParliament said it was time to respond to official Tel Aviv.

But how and where?

Yesterday, the radical member of the Iranian parliament, JalalRashidi Kuchi's statement about this was not receivedunambiguously. Regarding the targeting of the Israeli embassy, heindicated Azerbaijan as the location of revenge.

One of the most interesting things is that, although it isclaimed that the shooting of the building next to it, not theconsulate, was carried out by the United States, Iran still blamesIsrael and also intentionally implicates Azerbaijan.

If Iran's problem is only the US or Israel, then why isn't Irantargeting the US embassy in Yerevan? It means that the officialTehran, which every time puts forward groundless excuses, is tryingto say something to Baku, but its incompetence in the field ofdiplomacy does not allow it.

Israeli journalist and political commentator Rachel Avraham toldAZERNEWS that the Tehran regime could not hide itsjealousy of Azerbaijan-Israel relations. According to her, what isinteresting for Iran is not to take revenge for the incident inDamascus but to use it as an excuse and send a 'message' to Israeland Azerbaijan.

“The Iranians want to target not just Israel but alsoAzerbaijan, which they consider to be a strong ally of Israel. Forthis reason, they are interested in going after the Israeli Embassyin Baku. They wouldn't attack Armenia; literally, the embassy inYerevan, even if they are against the USA, it goes without saying,”she said.

As regards the reason why Iran is targeting Israel and not theUnited States, Rachel said that the US is a tough enemy for Tehran;they are after a bit of a soft one.

“I think that they consider the Israeli Embassy a softer targetthan the US Embassy. They would rather go after the US allies thanthe USA directly for that reason,” the journalist added.

Rachel Avraham said that Iran is trying to show its hatred forAzerbaijan, along with Israel and the United States. She added thatIran has always wished death to its opponents, and mostimportantly, it cannot withstand the fact that Azerbaijan is asecular state.

“They always despise a secular country like Azerbaijan, where afemale journalist interviewed the Iranian ambassador withoutwearing a hijab. And despite the fact that most Azerbaijani womenwear hijab in Azerbaijan, it is not by force or under the dictatesof a regime like Iran. Even though some of the women are ShiaMuslims, they still have a modern lifestyle and promote secularism,not religious fundamentalism. This greatly disturbs them, and thatis why they have a special hatred for Azerbaijan. And they hate thefact that Azerbaijan is the closest ally of Israel. This is one ofthe main reasons that disturbs them and forces them to resort toprovocations and terrorism,” she added.

Regarding the response of the Israeli government to Iran, thejournalist said that no official response has been given yet.


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