Saturday 22 March 2025 05:20 GMT

Planet TV Studios Announces March 1St Premiere Of New Frontiers, Highlighting Emerging Technologies Featuring LARVOL

(MENAFN- EIN Presswire)

Larvol Oncology Data Intelligence

Planet TV Studios

New Frontiers

Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the "New Frontiers" series. LARVOL in "New Frontiers" Episode March 1st on Bloomberg

SAN FRANCISCO,, CA, UNITED STATES, February 26, 2025 /EINPresswire / -- Airing on Bloomberg at 5:00 PM EST, this special episode explores the evolution of AI-Powered Oncology Data with industry leader LARVOL.

Planet TV Studios is set to debut a compelling new episode of "New Frontiers, Highlighting Emerging Technologies" on March 1, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST on Bloomberg. This installment will take viewers inside the world of oncology data, where LARVOL, a company at the forefront of pharmaceutical analytics and AI solutions, is transforming how industry leaders navigate the complexities of cancer research and drug development.

LARVOL provides pharmaceutical and biotech companies with AI-powered deep, data-driven insights that are critical for strategic decision-making. The company has built a reputation for delivering comprehensive tools designed to enhance clinical trial efficiency and monitor key industry trends. LARVOL's suite of solutions includes:

- CLIN: An AI-powered platform offering over a decade of oncology clinical trial outcomes data, helping researchers track emerging trends in cancer research.
- CONF: An industry-leading conference preparation tool indexing abstracts, posters, and presentations to streamline event participation.
- PULSE: A market intelligence service curating real-time reports on critical developments in the pharmaceutical landscape.

Headquartered in San Francisco with 120 associates, LARVOL has embraced virtual collaboration to foster a globally connected workforce dedicated to advancing oncology research .

Gina Grad Returns to "New Frontiers" as Host

Bringing a familiar and engaging presence to this episode, Planet TV Studios welcomes back Gina Grad as the host. A seasoned radio personality, author, and podcast host, Grad is widely recognized for her work on The Adam Carolla Show and her book My Extra Mom, which explores the experiences of blended families . Her ability to connect with audiences and tell compelling stories makes her an invaluable part of this series, ensuring that the significance of LARVOL's work is brought to life in a way that resonates with viewers.

About Planet TV Studios

Planet TV Studios is a leading producer of informative television programming, delivering in-depth explorations of influential companies, emerging technologies, and industry trends. "New Frontiers" continues to be a trusted platform for uncovering the work of organizations that are shaping the future across multiple sectors.

Tune In

Don't miss this enlightening episode of "New Frontiers, Highlighting Emerging Technologies", premiering March 1, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST on Bloomberg. Additional viewing will be available on streaming platforms including YouTube, Dailymotion, Rumble, Amazon, Google Play, Roku, and more.

For more information about "New Frontiers" or LARVOL, please contact:
Christian Alain
Planet TV Studios
888-210-4292 x100

Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
+1 888-210-4292 ext. 100
email us here
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