Sunday 30 March 2025 04:51 GMT

ProfNet Expert Alerts Available on Reducing Marketing Costs Through Automation, 3 Inspirational Business Tips for Women Who Have It All, 5 Secrets to Vibrant Health, and more

(MENAFN- PR Newswire) NEW YORK, Feb. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network who are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area.

You can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network – it's easy and free. Just fill out the query form to get started:


  • Reducing Marketing Costs Through Automation [correction]
  • 3 Inspirational Business Tips for "Women Who Have It All"
  • 5 Secrets to Vibrant Health
  • 5 Ways Home-Based Execs Can Organize Their Office
  • 3 Tips to Beat Adult Onset Doldrums
  • Fake "Self-Love" Is So Played. Here's What We Really Need.
  • 3 Tips to Clear Away Clutter (and Stress)
  • 4 Ways to Fight Climate Change
  • 3 Mindfulness Tips for a Happier Relationship


  • Deputy Coverage Chief, Corporate – Wall Street Journal (NY)
  • Associate Director, Auto Reviews & Enterprise – Consumer Reports (CT)


  • The Do's and Don'ts of Fashion Week Coverage
  • Blog Profiles: Snowboarding Blogs



[Please note: the following query was previously sent with an incorrect contact email. The correct email is below.]Reducing Marketing Costs Through AutomationGlenn Coward President & CEOCapabilitySource"CMOs who have grown accustomed to generous budgets face new challenges in the new decade. Following a long span of year-over-year increases, designated dollars for marketing initiatives are down. This comes at a time of dire need for more, not fewer, resources, as marketing executives are tasked with advancing digital technology innovation, or MarTech, within their organizations. They know they must lead digital transformation and boost efficiency, but they lack a plan and the talent to make it happen. This frustration of feeling between a rock and a hard place impacts relationships with CEOs and CFOs, creates stress among poorly skilled, overworked and disengaged team members, while leading to reckless technology investments that no one can rally around. To right the ship, savvy CMOs are adopting marketing operations capabilities and prioritizing stakeholder alignment ─ specifically with Finance, Legal and Compliance, and Sales ─ as key components of their 2020."Glenn Coward is an expert in digital transformation within the industries of financial services, technology, insurance, entertainment, retail and health care. Website: Contact: Michele McMurry,

3 Inspirational Business Tips for "Women Who Have It All"Adriana Monique AlvarezFounder, AuthorAMA Publishing & Business Consulting "1) Refuse to feel sorry for yourself: Women entrepreneurs naturally tend to hold ourselves to a higher standard of excellence. We're driven and we're motivated — and, the flip side or shadow side to this is that sometimes we can also be very hard on ourselves when things go wrong. Maybe you just lost a contract. Maybe you feel like you've hit a wall. Maybe you have a nightmare client. Maybe you lost money on a project. Whatever it is you're struggling with, remember to refuse to feel sorry for yourself. Instead, affirm to yourself, 'I am figuring this out. I am learning this, minute by minute. I am smart and capable, and the solution is coming to me.' Walk away from whatever it is that's challenging you, take a deep breath, have a nap, go for a walk, play with your kids, take your pet out, get out in nature — completely distract yourself. One of the best things you can do when you're facing a challenge is laugh. When you really hit a wall, watch standup comedians, watch a comedy film, play a silly game — anything that helps lighten the mood and causes you to relax and unwind. The best solutions show up when you aren't trying, when you least expect it. Solutions often come to me in a dream, when I'm playing with my kids, when I'm watching a movie, and so on. The more you can relax, the faster the solutions are going to come to you. 2) Remember to celebrate your successes: Our tendency is often to postpone celebration, to wait until something "really big" or meaningful happens before celebrating. Forget it! I tell my clients to celebrate everything — every little bit of money they earn, every new client, ever win. Most of us spend the vast majority of our time going for a particular goal, but then very little time celebrating once we achieve it. This eventually leads to burnout! If there's not enough of a reward at the end of that journey, we begin to fight ourselves and self-sabotage. Think about where you were in your life and in your business one year ago, five years ago, or even ten years ago. How far have you come? How much have you grown? Take that into account. Take a victory lap. Write down your successes or put them in a video. Share them with friends, family, clients, and colleagues. Give yourself a pat on the back and take the time to celebrate. And, for any goals you're currently working towards, write down exactly how you will celebrate when you achieve it. 3) Name and claim your magic: When you get hired at someone else's company, they assign you responsibilities and a title. When you're an entrepreneur, you have to be willing to do that for yourself. No one else is going to declare your brilliance, identify and praise your gifts, or give a title to what you do… until you do. Once you do, you give the people that work with you and interact with you the opportunity to reflect and repeat back to you what you have claimed for yourself. Give yourself a title that is fit for the divine woman that you are. Then, make sure that you make public declarations about who you are, the work that you do, the gifts you possess, and the capabilities you have. What you say about yourself determines how others will respond and react to you, as well as their willingness to see you as the leader and go-to person for them."Adriana Monique Alvarez is a third-generation entrepreneur and the founder of AMA Publishing & Business Consulting. She is the author of "Success Redefined: Travel, Motherhood, and Being the Boss" and co-author of "She Made It Happen: 15 Inspiring Stories from Female Entrepreneurs Around the World." Having served more than 1,000 clients, Adriana helps successful women who seem to "have it all" create more meaningful, impactful, and financially lucrative businesses.She spent much of her twenties volunteering in orphanages around the world, learning to speak Albanian from her time spent working with the children there. Adriana loves to cook and enjoys living what she teaches: being a rock star businesswoman and the breadwinner for her family while also being a great wife and mother. To learn more, visit . Online Press Kit: Website: Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs,

5 Secrets to Vibrant Health Kristin Grayce McGaryLAc., MAc., CFMP®, CST-T, CLPKristin Grayce McGary"1) Build your blood: Healthy blood is very important for a healthy life. Many things in the blood can be subclinical, going undetected for years as they cause you to feel tired and have other bothersome symptoms. Getting every aspect of your blood back on track can make a huge difference in your energy levels. 2) Detox: You may be surprised to learn that something in your environment may be the cause. Environmental toxins, chemicals, plastic residues, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, radiation, and heavy metals may be causing some of those mysterious symptoms. 3) Identify energy zappers: Stimulants like caffeine and sugar are huge energy zappers and they completely throw off your blood sugar balance. Avoiding stimulants and alcohol and balancing your blood sugar can help you get your energy back. 4) Balance your immune system: Your gut is the seat of your immune system, and healing it will help bring balance to your immune function. 5) Food is medicine: The food you eat may be zapping your energy! Conversely, you may be avoiding or ignoring foods that can give you lasting energy. To a large degree, your diet/nutritional plan dictates your energy level."Health and lifestyle expert Kristin Grayce McGary (LAc., MAc., CFMP®, CST-T, CLP) is an internationally recognized author and speaker. She is an authority on autoimmunity, functional blood chemistry analysis, thyroid and gut health, pain alleviation, family wellness, extreme exhaustion, resolving blocks to healing, and food as medicine. She specializes in integrating mind, body, and spirit in healthcare through a uniquely individualized approach.Offering more than two decades of education, clinical experience, and wisdom to her patients, Kristin Grayce seamlessly weaves together dozens of modalities to compassionately meet people where they are and guide them to vibrant health. Renowned for her health detective work, she helps successful high achievers under stress take the guesswork out of healthcare. She works to resolve patients' root imbalances, helping them to regain lasting energy, live optimal vitality, revitalize, and reconnect to their most brilliant self so they can fulfill their life's mission and share their gifts with the world.Kristin Grayce is the author of "Holistic Keto for Gut Health: A Program for Resetting your Metabolism" (January 2020) and "Know Your Blood, Know Your Health: Prevent Disease and Enjoy vibrant health Through Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis" (April 2020). She is a dancer, athlete, guitar player, singer, gardener, and grandmother, and she is fluent in American Sign Language.Her extensive health and wellness credentials include a degree from the University of Arizona with a focus on rehabilitation and special education and a minor in biology; Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) National Board Certification; master's degree in acupuncture from Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; nationally licensed acupuncturist (NCCAOM); state licensed acupuncturist in Arizona and Colorado; homeopathy training; functional medicine certification from Functional Medicine University; advanced CranioSacral Therapy certification from Upledger Institute; level 3 training in the life-changing Bruno's Brain Technique from Bruno Chikly Institute; neural therapy, perineural injection therapy, and homeopuncture training; Reiki Master certification; LifeLine Technique certification (and former instructor); Sound Healing training; Cacao Ceremony creator and leader; Kambo Ceremony facilitator; movement/embodiment facilitator; level 1 Integral Coach (Ken Wilber's work); and biological medicine studies with famous physicians such as Dr. Thomas Rau.Kristin Grayce is Nationally board certified by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), a member of the Arizona Society of Oriental Medicine & Acupuncture (AZSOMA), the Acupuncture Association of Colorado, the Colorado Safe Acupuncture Association, and the North American Academy of Neural Therapy. Learn more at . Online Press Kit: Website: Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs,

5 Ways Home-Based Execs Can Organize Their Office Darla DeMorrowFounder, certified professional organizer (CPO®)HeartWork Organizing, LLC"1) Close down browser tabs and apps: Keeping apps and tabs open is like leaving an electrical circuit open just in case. It drains brain resources. Every time you glance at that open tab, you briefly think, "I have to get back to that," and there's the possibility of being distracted. When you finish the work on a subject or task, close the tab. This goes 10x for social media like Facebook and Snapchat. 2) Keep a tickler file to organize your desk: This is a simple 12-folder system (usually hanging folders work best) that operates very much like a wall calendar but for physical papers and other small to-do items (like the Girl Scout patches that you mean to sew onto your daughter's sash — but not today). Put items into the appropriate file that alerts you to when you need to see the item again, or when you mean to tackle that work. Weekly, review this month's folder and accomplish what you can. Monthly, move the folder to the back of the drawer like you would flip the pages of a wall calendar. You'll always have stuff to do, you'll never have to dig in piles for it, and you can keep a neat hanging file desk organizer safely on your desk in lieu of messy piles. 3) Use file cabinets the way they were designed to work: Almost everyone owns a file cabinet — but 50 percent of the file cabinets I come across are either empty or stuffed with piles. Neither state works very well. Create a functional file system with hanging file folders and a dark pen. You can get fancier with interior files, a label maker, color on your tabs or folders, and section markers, but these additions aren't necessary to achieve the essential step of simply getting more organized.4) Map out your desktop: Want an easy and fun way to remind yourself what belongs on your desktop and what's just passing through on its way to somewhere else? Buy some contact paper, clear off your desk, then lay the contact paper over the bare desktop. Now, thoughtfully place the essential desktop items exactly where you want them. Next, take a pen and outline the base of these items on the contact paper. Lift each item and write its name inside its outline. Now even if you have a completely crazy day in the office, you can easily reset without thinking about it. 5) Get rid of annoying receipts: If you operate your entire business from a single business-only credit card, then you can have your accounting program (QuickBooks Online, Xero, Wave, etc.) download your statements directly from your bank. Stop paying cash for things. Stop writing checks. Stop trying to scan your receipts. Stop mixing your business expenses with your personal bank accounts. Use a single credit or debit card for business expenses from now on."Darla DeMorrow is a certified professional organizer (CPO®), decorator, speaker, and founder of HeartWork Organizing, LLC, based in Wayne, PA. Her mission is to help people achieve a sense of peace and purpose. She is the author of several inspiring books on getting organized, including "The Pregnant Entrepreneur," "Organizing Your Kitchen with SORT and Succeed," and "Organizing Your Home with SORT and Succeed." Her newest book is "The Upbeat, Organized Home Office" (January 2020).Darla holds a master's degree in business administration from Temple University. She is an active member of NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals) at both the national level and locally within the Greater Philadelphia chapter. Darla is a certified photo organizer with the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO). She is a one-day staging professional and a member of the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA). She is a certified Color With No Regrets consultant, using a client-centered approach to provide beautiful, scientifically-based color selections. Darla is also a Certified Evernote Consultant. She is constantly honing her skills to provide her clients the best in organizing and design.Darla is the host of Organizing Elephants, a local access television show. She is a former member of the volunteer fire department ambulance crew, an avid reader and podcast listener, and the rescuer of a homeless Siamese cat. Darla speaks French and enjoys traveling to France whenever she can.When not redesigning client spaces, you will often find Darla working on her own home — which she shares with her husband and two young daughters. To learn more, visit . Online Press Kit: Website: Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs,

3 Tips to Beat Adult Onset Doldrums Veronica VargasFounderShaboo Prints"1) Reconnect With Your Happy Place: We've all felt it; our happy place is real. It's that feeling of being in a space and time where we are safe, inspired, joyful, and lit up inside. Think of what gives you the most joy in life, then carve out some time for it. If possible, share your joy with others and revel in your happy places together! If you have trouble thinking of something joyful, watch positive YouTube movies of animals or nature, or listen to your favorite music and feel the uplift! 2) Go from Imagination to Action: Expanding into a more alive way of being begins with using the power of imagination. Use your imagination to envision where, who, and how you want to be, then let your imagination serve as your inspiration to act. Use imagination as paving stones leading from possibility to probability. 3) Play, Play, Play!: One of the best ways to do steps 1 and 2 above is to play! As adults, society has conditioned us to be serious and productive and responsible. Play isn't something that is often expected or encouraged. So, we have to shrug off those norms and create it for ourselves! Color in a coloring book. Play a game with a friend. Buy yourself some fun sunglasses, and if you're bold, get a large clown tie. Do something fun or silly or artistic for its own sake. The more you practice the art of play, the more frequently you'll visit your happy place and the more natural it will feel to use your imagination as inspiration for your life."Veronica Vargas was a creative and whimsical child, but after decades of conformity she found herself struggling with dissatisfaction and a deep longing for fulfillment. In her forties, she returned to her childhood passions – drawing, writing, and playing – and established Shaboo Prints, a boutique lifestyle brand designing positive, feel-good products. Today, Veronica uses "imaginovation" to innovate feel-good products that expand the boundaries of possibility. She considers herself a social expressionist and entrepreneur on a mission to return millions of adults back to a wondrous world full of potential, play, and a knowing that expressing their real self is the whole point — i.e., finding their happy place!An expert on play, imagination, and creativity, Veronica partnered with software company iGreet in 2019 to open windows into imaginative worlds and expand the experience of Shaboo's physical products with augmented reality.Veronica received her bachelor's degree from California State University – Fullerton and her master's degree from Woodbury University. A breast cancer survivor, she loves reading, people-watching, being with family, traveling, connecting with friends, health, cooking and baking, creative writing, and doodling. Leading by example, Veronica is living a fulfilled life and sharing her mission-driven business in hopes of inspiring others to tap into their own happy place where they are free to live big and play hard. She resides in Pasadena, CA. Visit .Online Press Kit: Website: Contact: Michelle Tennant Nicholson,

Fake "Self-Love" Is So Played. Here's What We Really Need.Jessica Baum LMHC, FounderRelationship Institute of Palm Beach "The concept of self-love is totally played out. We're giving our power away and not filling ourselves up in truly meaningful ways. … Next time you think about a need for self-love or self-care, try thinking about the concept of becoming Self-Full™ instead. It's about doing the hard work of showing up for yourself and shifting your ways of interacting with your partner and others in your life so that you are prioritizing your needs, or at least making them equal to those of others. That's how you attract a healthier partnership. That's how you stop the constant drain and resulting resentment of being the only giver in your relationships."Jessica Baum, LMHC is the founder of Relationship Institute of Palm Beach and creator of the Self-Full™ method — a therapeutic path to personal wellness and freedom from codependence. Jessica holds an undergraduate degree from Fordham University and a master's degree in mental health counseling from South University.As a certified addiction specialist, her focuses are chemical abuse, codependency, and anxiety. She is also a certified Imago Therapist, bringing her compassionate and effective relationship counseling experience to families, couples, and family programs within addiction treatment centers. Jessica has extensive training in psychodrama and experiential therapy, and is additionally skilled in cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy. Her training also includes EMDR and Post Induction Therapy, and she has a wealth of experience supporting trauma patients.Jessica's own personal core belief is centered around the importance of connection, both to oneself and the outside world. She believes the crux of most personal struggles can be attributed to a lack of true understanding and personal connection, and that it is this sense of disconnection that ultimately leads to pain. Jessica founded the Relationship Institute of Palm Beach to help heal, foster happiness, and restore hope in the individuals and families she works with. Learn more at and . Online Press Kit: Websites: and Contact: Anita Jakab Kovacs,

3 Tips to Clear Away Clutter (and Stress)Tina NicoleCEO, Creative DirectorNathan Anthony Furniture"1) Clear the Surfaces: First and foremost, tackle your surfaces. Have flyers and mail piling up on the kitchen counter? Shred them. Kids' toys all over the great room? Designate a play-bin in a hallway closet and toss old stuff every six months. All surfaces should be free of stuff. This way you see the room, the shapes, and lighting. Allow the mind to be peaceful and uninterrupted when you step into the room. 2) One in, One out: Colleen Madsen's " One in, One out " philosophy is golden: for every item that comes into your home something else should go out. Many of us buy things we do not need on impulse. By following the one-in, one-out philosophy, you are not only omitting the possibility of impulse buying, but you are also limiting the volume of potential clutter in your home. 3) Keep it Simple: Pared down accent furniture, simple silhouettes, and soothing art makes for a clean and peaceful room. Less is more in a minimalist world, so stick to decorating and owning items that are essential to the decor, not extra to the decor. We are true believers that you can live a meaningful life with less."Tina Nicole is an award-winning LA furniture designer, creative entrepreneur, and author. Her new art book and memoir, "DREAM DESIGN DISRUPT," combines striking art with Tina's personal story of persevering through struggles to achieve international acclaim. A visually stunning memoir, it encourages readers to find inspiration in the beauty around them and forge the life of their dreams.Tina is Creative Director and CEO of Nathan Anthony Furniture, a company she and her husband Khai Mai founded in 2005 Their mission is to create beautiful, unforgettable furnishings that light up the room; delight the hearts of others with new fabrications, sculptured shapes and artful touches; excel at craftsmanship and construction; operate from a space of love and gratitude; and craft responsibly in Southern California.Tina holds a Juris Doctor Degree from Loyola Law School, a Bachelor's Degree in English from UCLA, and an Associate of Arts Degree in Merchandise Marketing Management from Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. She sits on the Board of Directors for the Burbank Youth Vocal Arts Foundation. Memberships include The California Bar Association, Female Founders Collective, Women's Leadership Development Network (WithIt), The International Society of Furniture Designers and The Sustainable Furnishings Council. In her free time she enjoys travel, window shopping, visiting museums and cathedrals, live theater, beach cruising, working out, poetry, writing, dancing, painting, and creating things. Her volunteer work includes the performing arts program at Burbank High School, and delivering or cooking food for Ascenicia: Lifting People out of Homeless, Glendale, CA. She lives with her husband and son in Burbank. Learn more at . Online Press Kit: Website: Contact: Klaudia Simon,

4 Ways to Fight Climate ChangeDr. Anita SanchezAuthor, transformational leadership consultantDr. Anita Sanchez"1) Own It: Own the situation at both the micro and macro levels. The way we treat our world reflects the way we treat ourselves. 2) Acknowledge Finger Pointing: We are quick to blame "evil" multinational corporations, greedy politicians, powerful media interests, and more. These entities could not exist, though, if we were not complicit. They thrive on our fear, division, despair, lethargy, and judgment. 3) Connect From the Heart: Reconnect with each other and with the cycles of the natural world, including the movement of weather conditions and plant and animal behavior. Most of all, though, we must reconnect with our true selves. When we honor the spirit that resides within us, this will be reflected in our external world. It starts and ends with love. 4) Get Into Collective Action: Wisdom keepers and scientists are sharing many ways that we can make an impact through collective action. Our families, churches, communities, and businesses can work in concert with our natural ecological systems as well as with technology and scientific solutions. By cooperating with nature and with each other, we can create a thriving way of life for us, for our children, and for the offspring of all living things on Earth."Anita Sanchez, Ph.D., Aztec and Mexican-American, is a transformational leadership consultant, speaker, coach and author of the international bestselling book, "The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times," available in paperback, hardcover, e-book, and audiobook from Simon & Schuster. She bridges indigenous teachings with the latest science to inspire and equip women and men to enjoy meaningful, empowered lives and careers. With four decades of experience coaching and training executives and their teams in dozens of Fortune 500 companies, governmental groups and non-governmental agencies, Anita is an established leader in global organizational change initiatives. She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council with luminaries such as Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson and John Gray, as well as the Association of Transformational Leaders, the Evolutionary Business Council, and serves on the Boards of the Bioneers organization and the Pachamama Alliance. Anita holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Development from the University of Colorado, Denver. She resides in the mountains outside of Boulder, CO with her husband and youngest son. For more information and to download the free song that is based on the book, visit . For information on Anita's diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias training, see consulting website . Online Press Kit: Website: and Contact: Klaudia Simon,

3 Mindfulness Tips for a Happier Relationship Julie PotikerAuthor, Mindfulness TeacherMindful Methods for Life"1) Practice gratitude in your relationship: Turn your mindful attention towards all you are grateful for about your partner. What about them makes you smile most? 2) Share your gratitude with your partner: This can be a conversation, a card, a letter, a song, a drawing — express your gratitude to them however it feels best to you! Let your partner know that you see what's amazing about them. You can do this to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or holiday, or special event or — even better — just for the heck of it! We all know how wonderful it feels to be acknowledged lovingly just for love's sake. 3) Transform challenges with Loving Kindness: Challenges and frustrations are a normal part of life with a partner, but they don't have to be so overwhelming when they arise. Next time you're faced with one of these moments, try the practice of Loving Kindness. Loving Kindness softens the situation and creates more space for compassion. … Here are some examples of Loving Kindness mantras you can try. You can also create your own. Experiment with switching "you" for "I" and "we" and see how that feels.You are loved. May you be safe. May you be healthy. May you live with ease. May you be loved and appreciated. May you be valued. May you be kind. May all beings be safe and free from suffering."Author and mindfulness expert Julie Potiker is an attorney who began her serious study and investigation of mindfulness after graduating from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program at the University of California, San Diego. She was trained by Kristin Neff, Christopher Germer and UCSD as a Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher. She went on to study with Rick Hanson, becoming a graduate of his Positive Neuroplasticity Training Professional Course. Potiker also completed Brené Brown's Living Brave Semester. Now, she shares these and other mindfulness techniques with the world through her Mindful Methods for Life trainings and her new book: "Life Falls Apart, but You Don't Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm In the Midst of Chaos." She holds a B.G.S. from the University of Michigan and a J.D. from George Washington University. For more information, visit . Online Press Kit: Website: Contact: Jennifer Thomas,

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  • The Do's and Don'ts of Fashion Week Coverage. The Fall-Winter 2020 fashion week shows will kick off in earnest this week with New York Fashion Week. If you are one of the thousands of bloggers, editors, and reporters covering the shows each season, we have a few tips for you on how to provide exceptional and different content in a sea of coverage: .
  • Blog Profiles: snowboarding Blogs. Each week, we feature blogs we love to follow. This week is all about snowboarding gardens: .

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