Planet TV Studios Announces Q1 2025 Air Date For New Frontiers Documentary Featuring Acromegaly Community Inc.
Acromegaly Community
Planet TV Studios
New Frontiers
Hosted by Gina Grad, the episode will showcase a rare disorder support Network on Fox Business.
BOCA RATON, FL, UNITED STATES, January 6, 2025 /EINPresswire / -- Planet TV Studios is pleased to confirm that its highly anticipated New Frontiers episode focused on Acromegaly Community Inc. will now air on Fox Business in the first quarter of 2025. This segment aims to elevate public awareness of Acromegaly and the integral role of support networks in helping patients navigate this rare endocrine disorder.
About the Episode
This latest New Frontiers installment delves into Acromegaly Community Inc.'s ongoing mission to provide education, resources, and an inclusive support system for those living with Acromegaly. Viewers will gain firsthand insight into the everyday realities of people affected by this condition and learn about groundbreaking therapies that may transform patient care.
Hosted by Gina Grad
The forthcoming segment featuring Acromegaly Community will be hosted by the distinguished Gina Grad-an acclaimed author, podcast host, and radio personality hailing from Los Angeles, California. Gina's vibrant on-screen presence and exceptional storytelling ability promise a compelling and enlightening viewing experience. Drawing on her background co-hosting the Guinness World Record–holding podcast, The Adam Carolla Show, Gina brings a wealth of expertise that will captivate audiences. Beyond her broadcasting achievements, Gina also authored My Extra Mom, a children's book designed to help kids and stepparents navigate the nuanced terrain of blended families .
Understanding Acromegaly
Acromegaly often results from a benign tumor on the pituitary gland, which triggers excessive growth hormone production. Common symptoms include enlarged hands and feet, changes in facial features, and joint pain-factors that can profoundly impact quality of life. By featuring medical experts and patient testimonies, New Frontiers showcases how Acromegaly Community Inc. serves as a cornerstone of support, working tirelessly to reduce isolation and ensure all those affected have access to the care and resources they need.
About Acromegaly Community Inc.
Acromegaly Community Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing individuals with Acromegaly and their families the knowledge, practical assistance, and emotional backing required to cope with a rare condition. Through advocacy, awareness, and peer-to-peer interaction, the nonprofit empowers people at every step of their Acromegaly journey.
About Planet TV Studios
Planet TV Studios is a leading television production company known for creating groundbreaking docuseries and innovative narrative programming. Through the New Frontiers series, Planet TV Studios continues to bring attention to critical stories in health, science, technology, and social impact.
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Planet TV Studios
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New Frontiers with Gina Grad: Acromegaly Community Inc. (Airing Q1 2025 on Fox Business)
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