Sunday 16 March 2025 07:12 GMT

Recent Events In S.Caucasus Indicate Failure Of EU And US Attempts To Intervene In Processes - Commentary

(MENAFN- Trend News Agency) BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 22. The unfoldingevents in the South Caucasus region indicate the failure of EU andUS endeavors to intervene in the current processes, Member of MilliMajlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan Vugar Iskenderov told Trend .

He stated that the reclamation of four villages in the Gazakhregion, formerly under Armenian occupation, was accomplishedwithout a single shot being fired. President Ilham Aliyev initiateddiscussions on the return of Azerbaijan's border villages in 2020,and concerted efforts were consistently made in this regard.

"The return of four Gazakh district villages, previouslyoccupied by Armenia, to Azerbaijani control has been securedwithout a single shot, just as the Aghdam, Kalbajar, and Lachindistricts were liberated from occupation in 2020," the MPnoted.

According to the MP, today we witness the culmination of thisendeavor, which is also another expression of President IlhamAliyev's determination to achieve the set goals, under whoseguidance Azerbaijan has attained another milestone achievement inits history.

"As is well known, President Ilham Aliyev brought up the matterof reclaiming our border villages in 2020, and dedicated effortswere consistently made in this pursuit. Today, we witness thenatural conclusion of this process. Consequently, Armenia, itsforeign supporters, and the global community at large have beenpresented with another clear demonstration of President IlhamAliyev's resolve in accomplishing set objectives," the MPemphasized.

He noted that the initiation of the delimitation process fromthe Gazakh direction is also a reflection of Azerbaijan'spersistence and determination.

"It also signifies the failure of Western entities, includingthe EU and the US, aiming to transform the South Caucasus into anew conflict zone, to meddle in the proceedings. Despite theirattempts at intervention, Azerbaijan's resolute stance prevailed, Azerbaijan and Armenia managed to reach a mutualunderstanding and resolve the matter independently. This reaffirmsthe notion that the more the West stays removed from theAzerbaijani-Armenian process, the quicker peace and prosperity willprevail in the South Caucasus," he added.

Political analyst Elchin Mirzabeyli told Trend that the initialsignificant stride in the delimitation process has been made, withBaku's steadfast stance on resolving all matters between Azerbaijanand Armenia without external interference being acknowledged,accepted, and actualized.

"Both the agreements forged through direct Azerbaijani-Armeniandialogues in late 2023 and the subsequent delimitation process,which commenced with the liberation of four villages in the Gazakhdistrict, unequivocally demonstrate the accuracy and necessity ofour country's stance on establishing lasting peace in the SouthCaucasus. As is known, Azerbaijan insisted that the delimitationprocess commence in the Gazakh region, free from externalinterference, with only plenipotentiary representatives from bothnations involved.

However, the European Union, the United States, and severalother Western nations attempted to stir tension and artificialcommotion around this process, aiming to internationally portrayAzerbaijan as "preparing for war" and Armenia as "in need ofdefense."Their objective was to lay the groundwork for armingArmenia through such provocative actions, fostering revanchisttendencies in that country, perpetuating regional conflicts, andasserting control over this vital geostrategic area," he said.

Mirzabeyli noted that Azerbaijan skillfully managed to preventthis process with its objective, principled position.

"Consequently, Azerbaijan and Armenia managed to establishmutual understanding and achieve outcomes through directengagement. This outcome, above all, reaffirms Azerbaijan's role asthe leading force for peace, despite numerous campaigns against it,fostering lasting stability in the region. In this manner, justicehas been reinstated without a single shot being fired, marking asignificant stride towards creating a trusting atmosphere toexpedite the delimitation process," he said.

He further highlighted that the Russian peacekeepers departedfrom Azerbaijani territory ahead of schedule, marking yet anothertriumph for the Azerbaijani state and President Ilham Aliyev.

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